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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 4 hours ago, corchjay said:

    Personal agenda been that way since CDC left.  Best to ignore his vitriol.

    Like most of the young generation if things don't go the way he wants them then throw a hissy fit.  Get over it buttercup. 

    Remember, he predicted Woody to be the starter by mid-season. Are there some problems right now that need to be taken care of, absolutely. But he takes it WAY too far. He had me absolutely convinced all summer we were headed for 2012, pt. 2.

  2. Will the outcome of this game affect his decision? Given how many P5 home games in a row we've lost (and that it started with A&M), this might be the most important game of the season. The very thought of losing ANOTHER P5 game in JHS makes me nauseous.

    If SW keeps playing like he did last week, with WB as backup the stakes are a bit lower here. But if he's not the answer, I shudder to think of missing out on Stidham, and of how long we could be down for if we don't get him.

    The fact that I'm busy tomorrow night doesn't help my nerves for sure.

  3. I'm glad you posted this. As angry as I am with Gus it's best to talk about what needs to be done to make things better. If the offensive players can build off of second half improvement and Gus actually becomes...you know...sane again, an 8-4 season appears VERY doable.

    Some suggestions to make for offensive improvement:
    -Put the freshmen WRs out there more often. Yes it was just one catch but I was very pleased with Kyle Davis.
    -On short downs, PUT IN KAMRYN PETTWAY! Is there "inside info" about him? (I don't want to know what it is, I'm just curious as to whether HE now can't keep out of trouble too)
    -Move Horton back to tackle. He's almost certainly more talented and it benefits us in the future.-Perhaps the most obvious, let SW play. I'm not going to go over this any more, however, I'm betting the musical QBs was a big part of why our O-line struggled.

    On a side note, just imagine how good our LBs could be in two years if DeShaun and Darrell keep it up (and stay here, and stay healthy).

  4. Last night made me both more optimistic and pessimistic at the same time--optimistic because we were in the position where we SHOULD'VE beaten a team most pundits would blow us out by at least three touchdowns, pessimistic because Gus's horrific play calling might deter KB and JS. I'm also concerned about whether we can get a decent head coach. I don't believe we shouldn't, since there's five other teams that have to share the division with UAT. For the past thirty-five years, we've always rebounded quickly when we hit a slump, so I have to believe that with JS and an experienced group of WRs (remember the sophomore thread), we should rebound again before the decade ends. We don't want the Kick 6 to be like Punt Bama Punt in more ways than just one.

    Also, I have to believe something is going on behind the scenes. Especially with Kamryn Pettway not playing and the general silence by those in the know surrounding it.

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