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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 2 minutes ago, aucom96 said:

    How long are we going to be “ in a state of rebuilding”? 

    We had the players to win this game. Bad plays AND bad coaching late kept that from happening. These coaches don’t deserve a pass.

    We knew that this year we were going to be in a state of rebuilding. We'd be in a state of rebuilding even if we hired Deion, Peace be Upon Him.

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 minute ago, aucom96 said:

     Cause Auburn is special? Cursed? 

    That tends to happen when you're in a state of rebuilding. How are we supposed to rebuild if we're screaming for the coach to be fired in his first year every time the first year is inevitably rough?

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Dan-0 said:

    Is this the most disappointing Iron Bowl we have ever lost? I have to say yes because of the way we lost. Such a fluke play and such a bone-headed coaching decision cost us a game we had in our hands.

    "It's how we lost..." Let's be real, we say that after EVERY loss.

  4. 2 hours ago, TeamZero77 said:

    So you're putting all your eggs into the Hugh Freeze basket here at Auburn? I just don't see it. He's never been good in recruiting which is why he had to cheat. 

    We have lost 4 or more games in 21 of the last 26 seasons under Bowden, Tuberville, Chizik, Malzahn, Harsin and now Freeze. We've lost 5 or games in 16 of the past 26 seasons. We are who we are after 100+ years. We are going to be an 8-5 program that has a run every 10 years on average. However, we've had one 10 win season the last 10 years. With Oklahoma and Texas coming in, that puts us further behind. 

    I don't see a single thing in Hugh Freeze's past that says he will be the 1 coach that gets Auburn over that hump. He's a southern good ol' boy that the southern good ol' boy boosters hired because he's a "good fit" just like our AD is a Southern good ol' boy as well. The only time anything changed was when AD Greene was hired and he hired Harsin. Those good ol' boy's didn't like that one bit and we know why. They'll never take that chance again which means Auburn will NEVER change from the 8 win program we've always been. You've gotta cut the head off the snake. 

    You and many more feel otherwise and that's what a message board like this is for. I'm sure I'll get more PM's from mods for not "staying course" because this board and others hate when the truth is brought to surface. 

    Now make sure you give them some more of your money to get that "insider recruiting news." 

    I agree with part of this post in that we're not going to be what UAT or UGA have been (that does not mean I don't expect a playoff berth every few years, because I do) but it's ridiculous to think that we could so easily get there if only the bew-sters would let us. 

    While I'm not crazy about needing the big $, that's just reality in collegiate athletics. No different from any other program.

  5. 5 minutes ago, GwillMac6 said:

    D Craig has never worked for Norvell. CC will go with the best NIL offer just like the first time. It’s as simple as that. That’s why it’s wide open and a dark horse team can sneak in and “steal” him like tamu did the first time he committed when everyone thought they were running fourth at best.

    If that were the case, he wouldn't even be considering anywhere but A&M lol.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

    If Auburn could somehow play Iowa in a bowl game that would be great.  I think Auburn would actually win by 2 scores.  A win against a 10-2 team in a bowl would be great.

    Oklahoma would smoke Auburn

    Iowa = Citrus

    Oklahoma = Alamo

  7. I will say, while I don't know if Freeze works out, it's ridiculous to say that Liberty's season this year is an indictment of him. Generally speaking having that kind of season with a new coach means that the previous guy left a good situation.

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    Just in the category of QBs Gus was lucky.  Gus would not have OC’d a once in a lifetime talent that was Cam Newton if not for an assistant coach recognizing that talent.  I was at the 2010 A day game and you could almost see the frustration Cam had during that practice.  He was not really untilized correctly for 2 or 3 games and the South Carolina game was when he started to emerge.

    Gus recruited HS QBs during his stint here at Auburn and when he got back as HC in 2013 the first thing he did was go out and find a DB that fancied himself a QB just before fall practice.  There was so much natrual talent and leadership in Nick Marshall even Gus couldn’t screw it up.  Again, it wasn’t until the Texas A&M game Gus finally allowed Nick Marshal to shine.  I think it was a Washington State QB who said if the Auburn QB could throw Auburn would be 5th in the nation.  The Miss State game was won on pure luck that year.  2013 was truly a magical season (base on a lot of luck).

    Gus truly screwed up in 2014.  Exactly one year after Marshall’s coming out party at A&M the team lays an egg playing them the following year.  The Georgia game was just embarrassing that year and ever since (save the 2017 game).

    The next bright spot in Gus’ QB luck came when he plucked Stidham from Baylor to replace the QBs he recruited out of HS (let’s not forget JFIII he recruited just the year before from last chance U).  2019 was a solid year for Gus (except of course the game against Clemson and LSU).  By the end of the reglular season Auburn had improved to a solid team.

    Gus being Gus Auburn could not keep any momentum for the next year.  Alas we would be looking for a new starting QB

    The only reason and let me reiterate The only reason Bo Nix stepped foot on Auburn’s campus was his legacy.  It turns out the QBs that Gus had recruited from HS before Bo were either not developed or not evaluated correctly (and we all know which one is true).

    Bo believed in Gus and gave all he had, but the sad state of the Auburn OL finally showed itself.  Gus evaluated Bo correctly but couldn’t develop a QB to save his job.  We witness what a coach can do to develop a QB by watching Oregon this season and last.

    Yeah, Gus was lucky.

    I think we may need to accept that Gus had us at about our ceiling as anyone could as long as Alabama and Georgia are what they are. And honestly, I just can't see them ever coming back down at this point if Lanning swoops in once Saban leaves.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, TeamZero77 said:

    I wouldn't want Kiffin at Alabama when Saban retires. The bammers think he will come there but I don't know if they would hire him. Texas A&M is another place he would be pretty scary at. Anywhere with tons of money, I don't want him there. 

    We can beat him regularly at Ole Miss when we get a couple good classes here.

    For me, anyone but Lanning. Do your job, Uncle Phil!

    The plus of the result tonight is that we're one step closer to a bowl above B'ham. Just need at least one of FSU or Clemson to win now.

  10. 5 minutes ago, TeamZero77 said:

    It showed a stat a bit ago that said Ole Miss had only won 10 games in a season 3 times EVER when Kiffin took over. If they win tonight or win their bowl game, Kiffin will have 10 win seasons in 2 of the last 3 years. If they win tonight and their bowl game, he will be the first coach to ever win 11 games in a season at Ole Miss.

    His first year in Oxford was 2020 and the Covid year so it was a weird year. Since that first season, he has won alot of games for Ole Miss. And he does it without ever having a top 15 recruiting class. They're usually in the 20's in recruiting. He seems to get alot out of his 3 star players. 

    I think he's a good coach. HOWEVER, we would've hooked ourselves to a buyout even worse than Jimbo's. 

    Also, he did inherit some decent talent when he got to OM (Corral).

  11. 1 hour ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Does anyone know the last time Coleman went to A@M ? He has been to AU a bunch of times here lately. Recruiting gurus always say follow the visits. 






    Yeah that's the encouraging part (wasn't that the big warning sign with Yeldon?). But that's also why his commitment to them was such a shocker.

  12. 37 minutes ago, Viper said:


    I believe he's learned his lesson on scandals. His wife kept him through the first one. I would think he knows she won't again. Then again, some folks just can't help themselves sticking their fingers in the flames again.

    I can't disagree with anything else you said. In fact, the moment his name surfaced, my first thought was he just dropped 3 in a row...at a place he was well established. It wasn't Year 1 or 2 for him. Troubling indeed.

    All that said...he has Rane's $$$$$$$$ to now legally buy recruits. As long he has Yella in his wallet, I'm willing to give him as long as he needs, even through another rough season in 24 due to road schedule. The alternative is someone Yella may not support.

    My tentative goal in 2024 should be one more reg season win. My rationale is that the big two are losses this year anyways, so best to have more games at home that are "swing." That said, it sucks that Missouri suddenly has a breakout season the moment they appear on our schedule. 

  13. I think the moral of the story is that sometimes catastrophic losses happen in even the first years of coaches who turn out to be successful.

    Leipold has to be a top five coach in all of CFB, possibly of this century so far, for what he has done with Kansas.

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