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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. On 11/27/2020 at 12:10 PM, cctiger said:

    Yeah Mikey same boat, except Pruitt's has 5 holes and Malfunctions's has 2(that ought not to be there!) and all Gus does to try to "Patch the holes" is with GT's. And you are probably right about him going nowhere this year because PTB don't want to "pony up" the dough that it would take to "Patch the holes". Malzhan's recruiting is pathetic alone the trenches, and that is where close games are won, in the trenches. Not to mention the undersized LB's and running backs, along with the under-development of QB's, etc...

    People still on the Gus Bus like Mikey are not looking at the big picture. The problem is how poor recruiting is right now. I don't know WHEN, but at some point Gus's recruiting failures will catch up with him and he won't be able to squeak by. Preferably sooner than later so we won't turn into FSU.

    Basically I would gladly take a Ron Zook type if it means we get a stocked cupboard.

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, Tigerbelle said:

    Do you honestly think the pandemic didn't affect all these teams? That's just ridiculous. 

    I work in health care and I can tell you that the pandemic has effected everything. I have seen it first hand. And it has had a HUGE effect on the mental status of everyone whether they know it or not. These coaches and players have been besieged in so many ways. We do not know what their families have faced, and we do not know which teams will overcome the whole weirdness and which ones won't. This season is unique in so many different ways. All the uncertainty and worry. It is not really a season you can compare to any other season. THAT was my point. 

    I'm not a Chad Morris fan and I haven't seen anything to change my mind but I am willing to give him a chance because this season is so screwed up. Arky is out-coaching Auburn and that probably would happen anyway pandemic or not. Briles is just better IMHO. 

    I'm not saying EVERYTHING  going wrong is because of the lost practice time and craziness. I'm saying it HAS had an effect on all of college football and that includes Auburn. Just put 2020 in it's own category.




    Thank you for your service, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult work must have been for you in the last seven months. You are absolutely correct. I'm SICK of Gus doing just enough to squeak by and nothing more.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, AUTigerTime said:

    Only if we replace him with someone who can recruit AND coach. Hand was an utter failure and took all of last year to get our OL back to a collegiate level of blocking.

    Yeah, given that Gus only goes after those he's comfortable with...

  4. 17 minutes ago, GwillMac6 said:

    MAAAAAAAAAAAAN UT had the kind of OT class that we desperately needed to have....... 


    A strong Tennessee helps Auburn guyzzzzz!1

    Seriously, if Gus wants to survive past 2020, he needs to thank Grimes for his years of service and politely escort him to retirement--TONIGHT. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, mcgufcm said:

    Folks saying the NCAA can’t look at UGA without finding Bama or UT. Y’all need to read up on what happened at Ole Miss. A current MSU player admitted he was paid to sign with MSU, but they got zero punishment because he rolled on OM. Those are facts. 

    Well, we know how good Mullen is at magically making his own scandals someone else's.

    • Like 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

    I hate to wish ill on 18 year old kids, but I hope Pickens' grade issues are real and he has to go JUCO.

    And if he ever actually makes it to UGA, I hope the first play he's on the field against us, one of our DBs lights him up just for the hell of it.  I'll accept the 15 yarder.  He's in my "Will Always Hate" Hall of Fame with Yeldon and Foster.  I don't mind kids changing their minds.  I get it.  But you don't have to give us the middle finger and a big "F*** You" while doing it.


    (Somewhat NSFW)

  7. Just now, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

    He did. 

    You know, on one hand I really want a good season this year for the seniors who decided to come back (Tega, Davidson, Brown, etc.). On the other hand, seeing pathetic efforts like this by CGM makes me want him out the door ASAP.

  8. Just now, WarDamnEagleWDE said:

    No info. It's an embarrassing look for AU but that is all. There is now way the kid can qualify. Per people that would know. 

    If that's the case, then that makes this feel a little better, given how it would've sucked if he had signed with us and then failed to qualify.

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