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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 2 hours ago, bigbird said:

    We were already there. Seriously, if you think anything coming up will be as bad as the last 7 years, then you weren't paying attention.


  2. 5 hours ago, keesler said:

    Coming off a magical undefeated/Heisman winner/NC season will dampen the mood for the fans the following year unless you're a bama fan right now, where they know their team will be in NC hunt every year.   

    1. Tre didn't win the Heisman in 2013 and we didn't go undefeated.

    2. We were #3 headed into THAT game--two months into the season. Not like we lost our entire team after 2013 like after 2010.

    3. FSU, tOSU, and Clemson all went into the season after winning the NC ranked in the top 5.


    @Tiger: Hoping we didn't take Gus for granted and won't be missing him in a few years.

  3. 5 minutes ago, autigeremt said:

    2013 might have something to do with it....it's hard to replicate the feeling we had as fans after the last two regular season games. It's not an excuse it's just a possibility. Personally I'm more worried about the deconstruction of college athletics and the creation of a minor league for everyone. 

    The 2010-14 realignment, while fun for those first couple years, ultimately ruined the sport IMO.

  4. On 6/21/2021 at 9:08 PM, jluvah said:

    College football as we know it will not exist in 5 years( probably less). I think it will separate into 2 systems- A “ minor league” for the NFL where “ students “ aren’t really students but play for a school. Those schoools will be the Alabama’s, Clemsons, Ohio States, Oklahoma’s , Georgia’s, etc. where the fan base is all about winning and chest-thumping. The other will be the schools where an education is first and sports second. Probably the Norte Dames,  Georgia Tech’s, Stanford’s,etc . I hope Auburn chooses the latter. I have 4 kids. Two have graduated from Auburn and 2 are currently enrolled there. One was on the dance line and one is in the band now. They love Auburn and want the team to win, but don’t love Auburn less when we don’t. Keeps it in perspective for their dad that it’s just a game






    I am so conflicted about all this.

    Look, I agree that universities are getting vastly too outlandish with the types of frills they build. But the mentality that some of our fans have that we shouldn't be "about winning and chest-thumping" irritates me. If that's the case, let's just board up our entire athletic program right now.

    That being said, the sport has been noticeably less fun since the playoff era began. And that's not just because of wins and losses--even during 2014 pre-11/8 and November 2017, everything's felt so much more corporate. Nationally I just don't see the same organic passion for the game that there once was.

    • Like 1
  5. 19 hours ago, ToomersStreet said:

    Harsin made a comment like "if their within 30 miles of Auburn they are not going somewhere else"  Getting this kid is a start.  However, I read somewhere he is really wanting a Bama offer.  Gus really put us in a hole as far as our image with offensive players.   I do hope we get him.  O-line is the toughest to evaluate.  If you watch the NFL draft most of the top linemen came from no name schools.  They were over looked.

    2013 says hi. #1 pick was an OT from CMU!

    • Like 1
  6. 2023 should be a much better class than 2022. The question is, if our recruiting in 2021 and 22 is weak, do we have any chance of at least nine wins in any of Harsin's first four years? And I wonder how good we have to be on the field this year to win recruits over? If we're competitive in our losses like 1981, would recruits be able to look past a 6-6 season, since that seems to be what most are expecting?

  7. 9 hours ago, toddc said:

    Already 6’5” and 300lbs and should grow a few more inches! He’s got a pretty good offer list starting! These early offers should pay dividends if we can start winning some big games, or at least being competitive in them.

    It might be better to go 6-6 and be competitive in all our losses than 8-4 and get blown out by our rivals (think 2011 or last year, which would’ve effectively been 8-4).

  8. 4 hours ago, Rednilla said:

    Well, at least we'll be likely to have at least 4 straight years with a first rounder. And I wouldn't be terribly surprised if we have more than one next year.

    Three, but yeah it's great to have players drafting high enough to sell crootin' if they do go pro early. We've had eight first round NBA picks in our history and two have come in the last two years. :)

    When players leave early when they know they'll be free agent (almost always for financial reasons, so COMPLETELY justifiable on their part!), it really is the worst of both worlds for the team.

    Are our prospects still pretty good for next year, even without him?

  9. 2 hours ago, CleCoTiger said:

    Maybe it's because down on the bayou at LSU they have a live Tiger for a mascot and gators in the swamps, both of which like fresh meat. And when NCAA investigators come calling at LSU, they get visitor name tags that say..."Fresh Meat." ;) 

    They got the voodoo

    • Haha 1
  10. Good job by CBH salvaging SOMETHING out of this class (from #48 to #30 in a couple weeks on 247). By no means a good class, but a stepping stone nonetheless. (Re: Clay Travis, if the majority of this class stays it's already better than that disastrous 2008 class.)

    Now, build on it! Should be aiming for the pre-teens next year.

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