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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 10 minutes ago, WDE_OxPx_2010 said:

    No. Money moves things along at warp speed. Talking about NEXT football season, 2022

    Historically, the 2s have brought changes to scheduling.

    1982 was the first year the league *required* each team to play six games, no more, no less. (1988 it was bumped to seven.)

    1992 was the year the league expanded to 12 teams split into divisions and the conference championship was born.

    2002 the league went from two permanent cross division opponents to one and two rotating.

    2012 the league expanded to 14 teams.

    So, it would be fitting.

    • Thanks 2
  2. On 7/21/2021 at 4:48 PM, bigbird said:

    I'd rather it be...

    North: UK, Mizzou, Tenn, Vandy 

    EAST: USCe, UGA, UF, AU 

    SOUTH: Bama, OM, MSU, LSU 

    WEST: UTx, TAMU, OU, Arky, 


    IDK how the conference championship would work, but for the most part these are pretty well balanced divisions (north is pretty weak but TN could use it lol).

  3. 12 hours ago, Barnacle said:

    I keep hearing that Harsin is a stickler about by the book recruiting. @WarDamnEagleWDE Talked to someone today whose son is on staff. Said his son is concerned that Harsin is going to put us in a big hole, unless we are willing to start recruiting as our rivals do. Curious what you are hearing re: recruiting. 

    If that were to happen (there's still a strong possibility it won't!) and we had to part ways after a few years, would our ability to find  a quality replacement be completely tanked? (Think the "turned down the TN job" memes--although even they probably could've landed Leach in 2017 if they hadn't fired their AD first.)

  4. On 7/20/2021 at 6:41 PM, au302 said:

    I really want this guy and Judkins. Would be a great haul for us. That being said, I am really curious to see who we would pursue if we whiff on one or both of them somehow (even if that's unlikely). Wonder if they're still talking to that Pettway kid at all

    <Office "no god please no" clip>

    • Haha 1
  5. On 7/13/2021 at 11:25 AM, Zeek said:

    I think he'll get the full 5 years unless he has some losing seasons. This year I'd say 7 wins is the minimum threshold, 8/9 the year after, and then we need to be in contention the next few years.

    Here's my breakdown of expectations for the next five years (assuming 12 game regular seasons, but counting bowls):

    -All seasons 2021-25 must be at least 7 wins

    -All of 2023-25 must be at least 8 wins

    -At least two of 2023-25 must be at least 9 wins

    -At least one of 2023-25 must be at least 10 wins

    I hope that's not asking too much of our staff.

    • Like 3
  6. 13 hours ago, Randman5000 said:

    It's more than that....our offensive genius got figured out after he kept running the same plays for 8 years.. refused to evolve, and became predictable. I don't see that from Harsin even if he has the same record. He'll do what it takes to win and he knows what it takes. Our former  coach repeated lines he wrote at the beginning of every year and was better running offensive plays than running the program. A fair timetable would be 3-4 years. In my opinion. 



    2021 and 22: Average 7.5 wins

    2023 and 24: Average 9 wins

    2025: SECC/CFP run

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, bigbird said:

    Avg 4+ losses a year for 8 years

    Well yeah, but given who we play, Harsin could easily do the same thing. That's not to say Gus didn't have some completely inexcusable losses, mind you. IDK, I'm just trying to figure out what a fair timetable of expectations is for the next five years.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Zeek said:

    247 and other recruiting sites have to start factoring transfers into the class calculations as well. We could easily finish outside of the top 20 this year just because of the sheer number of guys who don't contribute to the class ranking. TJ Finley value wise is huge but doesn't boost the class (as are Fair, Knighten, Miller, and a few others who will get starting reps).

    Wasn't that guy we got from WV counted?

    But, if KN says we finish in top 20, that makes me feel a bit better.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Zeek said:

    2023 should be top 15 expectations minimum. After that we need to be in the top 10-11. We don't have any 2023 commits yet (no surprise) but the visits and reviews so far by legitimate 5* players are really solid.


    2023 I would take top 11-15 territory IF the class were carried by some elite OTs.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, Zeek said:

    I haven't sniffed the Rant in a long time. They're wildly negative in general. 247 is right in the middle but trending towards optimism.

    Keith Niehbur seems incredibly confident we finish top 20 at the very least which is a win in my book.

    OL recruiting is disappointing if I'm being blunt but trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

    Yes. 2022 I'll happily take a top 20 class however we can get it. 2023 class we need some HAWGS. The expectations will and should be much higher between a full cycle without restrictions (god willing) and the facility opening.

  11. 6 hours ago, Zeek said:

    Understanding the 2022 class starts by looking at the 2021 class and how it panned out. The Auburn faithful know full well the amount if drama surrounding the end of an all-SEC schedule where we moved on from a coach that left a rather unimpressive recruiting class behind. Sitting in the 40s with current commits not certain to stick there was a lot of pressure to get a staff together and finish strong in recruiting. Harsin prioritized putting a staff together in his own timeframe and still managed to finish 19th in recruiting nationally and 7th in the SEC. A decent finish considering seven of our signees didn't contribute to the class ranking (transfers and one roll-over from the previous year).

    This becomes all the more impressive when considering how the different 25 scholarship spots were used:

    1. 4* Lee Hunter, DT
    2. 4* Ahmari Harvey, S
    3. 4* Dematrius Davis, QB
    4. 4* Dylan Brooks, Edge
    5. 4* Marquis Robinson, DL
    6. 3* Hal Presley, WR, has since transferred to Baylor due to being "home sick and missing his girlfriend"
    7. 3* Landen King, TE
    8. 3* Garner Langlo, OT
    9. 3* Kamal Hadden, CB, JuCo product that has since transferred to Tennessee
    10. 3* Tar'varish Dawson, ATH, signed as WR could play DB
    11. 3* Tobechi Okoli, DL
    12. 3* Colby Smith, OT
    13. 3* Juwon Gaston
    14. 3* Ian Matthews, DL
    15. 3* Jarquez Hunter, RB
    16. 3* Joko Willis, LB, JuCo product with 4 years still to play
    17. 3* Armani Diamond, CB
    18. 3* Cayden Bridges, S
    19. Oscar Chapman, P, Australian product who joined in 2020 but counts towards 2021
    20. 3* Grant Calcaterra, TE, Technically signed with Auburn before landing elsewhere but still counts against this class
    21. 3* Andrew Eku Leota, Edge, transferred from Northwestern 3 years to play
    22. 4* Dreshun Miller, CB, transferred from West Virginia 2 years to play
    23. 3* Tony Fair, NT, transferred from UAB 1 year to play
    24. NR Bydarrius Knighten, S, transferred from Southeast Missouri State 1 year to play
    25. 3* Donovan Kaufman, S, transferred from Vanderbilt 4 years to play

    Additionally the staff has brought in the following recruits that will count towards the 2022 recruiting class (remember the total number of new additions is 25):

    1. 3* Marcus Harris, DE, transferred from Kansas, 4 years to play
    2. 3* TJ Finley, QB, transferred from LSU, 4 years to play
    3. 3* Jordon Ingram, RB, transferred from CMU, 4 years to play
    4. 5* Demetris Robertson, WR, transferred from UGA, 1 year to play

    That leaves us with 21 spots to fill in the 2022 class before taking into account high school commits which we now have:

    1. 4* Holden Geriner, QB
    2. 3* Micah Riley-Ducker, TE
    3. 3* Jarell Stinson, CB
    4. 3* Powell Gordon, LB
    5. 3* Caleb Wooden, S, some believe he may fill out into a LB
    6. 3* Alex McPherson, K

    Currently we're ranked 70th nationally (with McPherson's rating not adding to the total until ESPN and Rivals rank him) and 14th in the SEC. However, our average rating of .8803 (brought down by McPherson's lack of a rating) puts us at 21st nationally. Also, for reference, .9 is the threshold for a 4* player.

    Here are the players I'm going out a limb to say will round out our remaining 15 spots:

    1. 4* Darrius Clemons, WR
    2. 4* Caden Story, DE
    3. 4* Tre Donaldson, S
    4. 4* Damari Alston, RB
    5. 3* Laquan Robinson, DB
    6. 3* Eston Harris Jr. , OT
    7. 3* Maxie Baudoin IV, DL
    8. 3* Jay Fair, WR
    9. 3* Micah Pollard, LB
    10. 3* Quinshon Judkins, RB
    11. 3* Drew Bobo, OG
    12. Transfer or JuCo OT TBD
    13. Transfer or JuCo IOL TBD
    14. Unknown High School LB
    15. Unknown High School OL

    Obviously there's a lot of ambiguity still left with the last few spots probably not being filled until maybe even after signing day. However, with the above named players our class would currently be 10th place nationally (granted other teams will add players too).

    What would our "average" ranking be? Because that's likely closer to how we would finish since as you say, other tams will add players. I would say right now we're probably in line to finish in at least the top 30 based on "average" rankings (we're currently 28th in that category).

    The mood here seems much better than the mood on Rant. Tryyyyyying not to agree with them...

  12. Just finishing with a better class than UCF would count for something. I don't want bad fortune to follow Gus wherever he goes, so I don't want to be mean to the guy, but I'd like for some firm evidence that we made the right decision. Like if he wins 8-10 games a year at UCF then fine.

  13. 1 hour ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    It does being us down every year. Most years, we hear the same ole, Auburn has such a tough schedule. Big differences this year is Texas AM is up more than they have been, Ole Miss isn’t going to be pathetic anymore and Miss St will probably be pesky as well. 

    We are in a tough spot having to play a high Georgia every year. Add in Penn St/Oregon/Washington’s of the world and we are destined to always have to overcome one of the toughest schedules. 

    The only way to make our schedule lighter is for us to become a powerhouse that can take down the teams like Ole Miss and Miss St with ease. God, I hope our recruiting picks up. 

    Well yeah. If The Misses can be quality teams, we'd better be too. See my previous statements on our recruiting. We'd better have a big season in one of the next five years--so I'm trying to figure out which one might set up best to be that season. On schedule alone, it's 2023, period.

  14. 11 minutes ago, cbo said:

    Did you type all that so we would know Auburn has a difficult schedule every year?

    Can you think of anything that IS unique to this year?

    Yes. Yes I did.

    My point being if that brings us down this year, why wouldn't it next year and the year after that and the year after that?

  15. Is there really anything profound about our schedule? I mean, is it really unique to this year? I ask because if we're in a state of just hoping to achieve bowl eligibility this year, then well we'd better improve our record by one game in 2022 and again in 2023. 

    Here are our opponents the next five years. I better not hear  "oh, I just hope we can get to a bowl/be competitive!" every year for the next five years.


    Home--Alabama, Georgia, The Misses

    Away--Arkansas, LSU, PSU, USCe, A&M


    Home--Arkansas, LSU, Missouri, PSU, A&M

    Away--Alabama, Georgia, The Misses


    Home--Alabama, Georgia, The Misses

    Away--Arkansas, UC-Berkeley, LSU, A&M, Vanderbilt


    Home--Arkansas, UC-Berkeley, Florida, LSU, A&M

    Away--Alabama, Georgia, The Misses


    Home--Alabama, Georgia, The Misses

    Away--Arkansas, Baylor, LSU, Tennessee, A&M

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