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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 31 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    For sure.  They play UT every year as a permanent cross pod rival but don't have to be in the same exact pod, so they aren't getting OU too.  Allows them to play more traditional SEC members instead of old SWC members, which is what I think their fans want.

    Plz no permanent cross pod rivals! I didn't see anything about that in the system SECN floated, which is good because I'm tired of having a tougher schedule than everyone else year after year in the name of "tradition." The league's clearly shown it has little care of tradition anyways, and getting to alternate between the Leg Humpers and Lizards while getting to play the Vawls every year would be just fine and dandy.

  2. 6 hours ago, Beaker said:

    Are you saying you liked things before the 4 team playoff?

    The 2004 Auburn Tigers are calling your phone as we speak I am pretty sure.    The playoffs had to evolve and  the  playoff committee allows favoritism (al la bama not winning their division but get placed into the playoffs).  I am ok with expanded playoffs, but I think superconferences are bad for CFB.  

    Can we stop using 2004 as an argument for OOC games? The SEC is NEVER going to be that weak again.

    • Facepalm 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, DAG said:

    well we are at risk of it not consistently happening so you may get your wish. I, for one, think that would be a huge mistake. What people need to get is talent and winning happens in waves. The moment we lose the annual game and UGA becomes inconsistent then people will be all up in arms because we ended the longest southern rivalry.

    I get that, but it wouldn't be like right now where we only play UF twice every fourteen years. It'd be closer to '02-11 when we played them twice every five--a little better, actually. But if we somehow keep playing them every year, we NEED to get it back in JHS on even years (not getting either of our biggest rivals at home on even has messed up tradition enough). And in that case, two divisions would be better. We're not really that close with anyone in the would-be west anymore like we were with LSU in the aughts (and I miss those games very badly), so only seeing them and the Misses twice in eight years would be more forgivable.

  4. 5 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Well I know you wouldn’t for a couple of reasons. But I enjoy the traditional of the rivalry and I think most do. 

    Could we just wave the white flag and agree to travel to Athens this year so we can get the series moved back how it should be?

  5. 46 minutes ago, DAG said:

    No way we would lose UGA or Bama. I know I would hate to lose the annual UGA game and I imagine they feel the same 

    I wouldn't. Playing them half the time and the jorts the other half would be juuuuuuuust fine.

    I'd be accepting of us and UAT in the east, mind you--because at least then we wouldn't have such a uniquely tough schedule each year (unless, god forbid, UAT pouts about keeping the LSU rivalry and they end up assigning us the Land Thieves).

  6. 48 minutes ago, cbo said:

    It would definitely be odd not to play Georgia every year, but I could like with every other year. The competitive disadvantage of the current schedule is real.

    The Iron Bowl is the only thing to me that absolutely cannot change and there's no way it will. 

    The series was already ruined by 1) our lack of competitiveness in it and 2) the rotation pattern being flipped.

    Alternating between "the Cocktail Twins" would be nice.

  7. Alright, so:

    North: Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio State, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    East: Clemson, Florida, Florida State, Georgia, South Carolina

    South: Alabama, Auburn, Louisiana State, Mississippi, Mississippi State

    West: Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M

    • Like 4
  8. If the 20 team thing comes to pass, the conference champion should just get an automatic bid to the NC to play whatever hapless team from outside the conference is highest ranked. Hell, why even have an outside of conference playoff? At that point anyone outside those 20 might as well be G5 teams. Would suck to see teams like ND, Wisconsin, Penn State, Va Tech, and USCw left out but it is what it is.

    On the bright side, @bigbird, your north pod may not be so weak anymore.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Gus and Chiz didn’t have results. Chizik was a 5-19 head coach who came in and killed it recruiting in his first year. It isn’t very fair, but CBH needs to at least put together a class that’s in the upper half of the conference. The more recruits see us at the bottom, the more we become the trash team that doesn’t bring in the best athletes. 

    Completely agree.

  10. 5 minutes ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Yea I know it’s not the end all be all. But us being so low allows a narrative to be created by people recruiting against us. And young kids are extremely impressionable. You can become known as Auburn, the bottom tier recruiting school really quick. 

    Yep. And to those saying "we need results to get recruits," aren't our expectations pretty low for this year? 

  11. 1 minute ago, Beaker said:

    Ok; thanks man.


    I literally don't use (pay) for TV service until late Aug and then turn it off after the bowls.  I don't find much good on TV anymore and my hobbies are more important to me. 



    Makes perfect sense. I saw it online though.

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, DAG said:

    It is really crazy how much these schools hate each other. Consensus seems the Aggies don't want to be in a pod with tu. TU thinks the Aggies are wimps if they don't face them in the pod, but wouldn't care either way. Texas really wants to renew their rivalry with Arkansas, even though Arkansas hates them. I don't think the SEC will put them in the same pods. I saw one aggy fan say we will be like Auburn now lol. 

    Much conflict as a casual Texas fan.

    Bigbird's proposal was pretty nice in that regard (different pod from UAT). But I still can't with how weak the north would be.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Beaker said:

    "Then you fill in the blanks with the remaining programs.  "

    I think SEC Network did the job for us.

    1: Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, South Carolina

    2: Alabama, Auburn, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    3: LSU, Mississippi, MSU, Texas A&M

    4: Arkansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas

  14. 2 minutes ago, Beaker said:


    Ok, for real:

    Pod 1:  bama,  Fla 

    Pod 2:  LSU, Texas 

    Pod 3: UGA, TAMU

    Pod 4:  Oklahoma, Auburn

    This is pretty balanced and creates some new excitement.

    Then you fill in the blanks with the remaining programs.  


    That gives you 3 perma opponents I guess (yeah I am eating my hat) and then rotate or lottery draw the remaining schedule.  

    We would still play 'our old rivalries' in some sort of rotation. 



    Wait, that's two teams per pod and not four.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Beaker said:

    No way, no how....Auburn always get screwed in a perma type scenario "because of tradition".


    Time to put Auburn's program first and get a balanced shot at winning a title.   Tired of having one of the toughest schedules in the country every dag gum year.  This year I think we are #2.  Happens so often, Auburn fans don't even realize it anymore.  Why should getting to Atlanta be harder for Auburn?  Oh, because we want to hear Keith Jackson say something like, "the South's oldest rivalry" during the pregame?  Or discuss how Saban and Ala-bama are like tide of old when we played them in BHM?    Going to Atlanta gets me way more jazzed.  


    Get with the times and get to Atlanta.  That's the name of the game now. 

    Ok, so how would you propose a realistic, non-joke format?

    The permanent opponents proposal from back in 2016 was UAT, UGA and Clanga. I feel like if you were to put LSU or Florida in there then yes it would be unfair. But if Clanga is our third perma opponent then I feel it's good.

    On the other hand, if us and UAT were to move to the east, then you could probably kiss perma cross division rivalries goodbye...then again UAT might really want their rivalry with LSU and I'm sure they'd pair us with the Land Thieves.

  16. Just now, bigbird said:

    Weekend 1: North champion plays South champion and East champion plays West champion

    Weekend 2: winners play


    And really, most likely 3 (sorry north) or at least 2 pod champions will make it into the playoffs.


    I still like the two rotating groups idea (three perma, two sets of six that swap every two years).

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