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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 6 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    We really need to be approaching a top 10 class in '23.  We should be caught up, it's his "3rd-ish" class, will have a full season of results, and an entire offseason before the '23 class.

    Yeah really we should be shooting for the tweens in '23.

  2. 6 minutes ago, CleCoTiger said:

    Harsin has a tough row to hoe in his first season. I think it takes a year to get things rolling. So...

    Penn State, LSU, aTm, UGA and Alabama are all losses. Our Tigers split with the Mississippi schools, losing to either Ole Miss or MSU but not both. 6-6

    So what do you expect next year?

    I'm technically predicting those five as losses as well, but the others as wins. I think we could just as easily go 6-6 as 8-4. I don't think OM and Arky are anywhere near automatic wins but I don't think PSU and LSU are anywhere near automatic losses.

  3. With the whole "be competitive with our rivals" thing, I just want to point out that under Gustav we were perfectly competitive against UAT and UGA in JHS. Beat both in 2013 and 17, beat UAT in 19, played UGA within a TD in 15 and 19 (in both we were driving to tie towards the end) and were behind by just six entering the fourth with UAT in 15. So the real question is can we be competitive in Barad Dur and Orthanc (both on even, which is why I'm all for the Horns and Sooners providing any chance to change the schedule).

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  4. Just now, Tigerpro2a said:

    I don't see it that way. I don't think we lose to PSU for one. I just think they are overrated. If we can go into Happy Valley and pulled out a W in what should be a top 20 matchup, that will give this team and staff a whole lot of confidence.

    I believe we can beat LSU ( I know its in DV, but it is winnable).

    Then if we were 5-0 going into UGA game which UGA should be at worst 1 loss, that would likely be a top 10 matchup. We don't have to win that one, but if we can be competitive and look like a well coached, top 15 team, then I believe the confidence will only boost more. 

    I think Tamu is going to take a step back this year as well. They will be a tough one, but winnable. We normally play well in College Station. 

    I like our chances of winning 8+. I think 8 is the floor. I believe the Defense is going to carry the team through the first part of the season along with Tank and it will be enough to get us through until we really gel on Offense. 


    History has shown that when not much is expected out of AU is when we usually surprise. 

    I also

    5 is the floor, 9 is the ceiling IMO.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, CodeRocket said:

    Complete truth.

    A surgically rebuilt O-line, a brand new offense with very inexperienced receivers, a critical loss on the D-line, a murderous schedule, playing in the toughest conference division in college football. A lot of things have to go right and/or lucky to get to (8+) wins. We are a team with a lot of quality depth at some positions and very little at the "bigs". The defense might be pretty good initially, but if a struggling offense leaves them on the field for too many plays they will get worn down and beat up playing thru our schedule.

    For those with the "I just hope we're competitive" mindset, how many years into the Harsin era do you think we should have high expectations? 

    Because if TX and OK don't join until 2025, the uniquely difficult schedule relative to the SEC will be a problem until then. Now once they do join, if it goes how I think it will then yes the schedule will be quite tough still but at least everyone in the SEC east will be playing it. God forbid of course OK be put in the east with Mizzou and perma cross div rivalries stay...

    I can just see this being a thing where every year it's "guuuuuyyyyyyyyyyzzz we need to temper our expectations this year I just want us to be competitive..." Over the next five years we need at least two nine win seasons and at least one ten win season.

    Anyway, food for thought (see bottom):


  6. 29 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    This feels like Dye's first season.  Laying the groundwork for what's to come.  We'll be a lot more competitive against the big boys though.

    7-5.....BUT, we win at LSU

    If he can have a second and third year like Dye, I'll take it! But again, my sig displays my general baseline expectations for Harsin.

    I would happily take 7-5 if it meant breaking the Curse of the Stick.

    • Like 2
  7. 28 minutes ago, W.E.D said:

    ACL I think. So he'll be ready for us next year

    I really hope 2022 isn't tougher than '21. But that may be too much to ask. We'll see how it shakes out with the Red River twins...

  8. 5 hours ago, au302 said:

    Please let us get through the first couple days of camp without having the announcement of some big contributor leaving the program. Hold my breath every year on that. Gus announcing Jovon Robinson was off the team on the first day of 2016 camp still has me traumatized. 

    All because of a lie, too. 😡

  9. Anything but this format:

    East--Clemson, Florida, FSU, Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, USCe, Tennessee, Vanderbilt

    West--Alabama, Arkansas, Auburn, LSU, Mississippi, MSU, Oklahoma, Texas, Texas A&M

    (Permanent cross div rivalries kept)

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