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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 10 hours ago, CleCoTiger said:

    Just took a look at ESPN's preseason FPI. I dunno how folks in general feel about the ESPN football power index but I find it interesting enough to follow. Anyway...

    The preseason FPI has our AU Tigers at 17th and projects a record of 7-5. In the preseason I've been figuring 6-6 on the low side with a possibility of 9-3 if everything goes just right.  If you look at the FPI for just the SEC, the preseason poll has our Tigers sixth overall in the conference and fourth in the SEC West.

    Seems about right to me.

  2. 19 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    how did the QBs do that transferred out from here then 

    Bo wasn't accurate BEFORE he played for Gus man

    So you're saying that every QB we had under Gus just HAPPENED to flop? (Don't forget about Malik Willis who's done great at Liberty.) In that case, fine, we should just assume Geriner will flop too. We'll never get a good QB again. 🙄

    Trying to find something to be optimistic about tonight.

  3. 4 minutes ago, muxi87 said:

    I’ll chime in…the only reason I haven’t donated to this site is the rampant liberalism.  It’s sickening.  Why can’t people on this board skip the politics and talk football?  It’s the only board I frequent that is so liberally slanted that it’s just sick and annoying.  This is the USA.  People are free to do as they want.  At least they should be.  Get over it…

    This is definitely the most moderate SEC FB forum I know of.

    That said, wanting to mandate that people follow a basic public health protocol that actually *does* weaken Covid into "just the flu" is not some Marxist fantasy any more than laws against driving drunk.

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  4. 24 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

    To be fair, sounds like Coach Corn is the one who has developed the relationship. That said, I have full confidence that recruiting will pick up once we field a product to sell. Right now the only thing we have to go on is "Trust me, bro".

    We're not really sure how good that product is going to be, though?

    A month ago I thought for sure CBH would be a short timer and we'd be missing Gus. Over the last few weeks I've started to warm to CBH. Then tonight definitely set me back in that regard.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    Here are some notes from a poster on another site. TWIW.

    I thought we started sloppy. Coaches and players out with covid I guess. Only players I noticed were Demetrius Davis and bro Hamm.
    Starting o line was troxell-manning-Brahms-jones- Coffey. They would block well one play and the next would be a all out rush.
    Lots of mixing and matching of ones and twos
    tank fumbled twice and recovered both.One was a bad pitch.
    I will say offense is different from anything we have seen since before chizik. Even during the early practice struggles that was assuring. Some receivers made plays and some made drops.
    Some notable plays: - in red zone 3rd and short, jailbreak rush and offense lost the drive.
    -Grant Loy to jackson McFadden for a touchdown
    -Jackson broke a big run for a first down vs the 1s. Line parted the sea for him.
    - tried a trick play. Pitch then throw back to nix and he hit deal in the numbers. Dropped.
    -5 wide in the red zone. Jailbreak rush sacked Bo. He threw a strike to tank after dodging the rush. Think he may have gotten away from it live and scored.
    - Next play ro Torrance pick six. Not sure who was at fault as it was at the other end.
    -Joko Willis picked off loy
    - aiden Marshall hit two bombs. Other punter did well too.

    This is where it got good. Clutch period: First team offense had 1:15 to drive 75 yards. Bo drove us down the field throwing darts. Robertson, Robertson, shed jackson, capers all made nice catches in that order. It was heroic. Made the hair on my neck stand up. Personnel let him down as he faced a heavy rush as we got closer to end zone + base offense.
    He drove us down on another clutch period series and stepped up into the pocket nicely. Never seen him step up like that. O Line has a lot of work still. But thought Bo looked good against 1s and 2s. Gave me hope.
    Then the 1s ate TJ Finley and the second team alive.

    Well, this makes me feel a little better.

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  6. 29 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

    He made it clear that he would be doing neither awhile back.

    Can you show me where he indicated he wouldn't actually get vaxxed? He's still in the wrong by not setting the example, as you said.



    Basically, get vaxxed and it really WILL be "just the flu."

  7. 3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

    when he shot us that bird in the cam back iron bowl i screamed at him to choke on it. he thought it was poor sportsmanship for cam to act hurt and then jump up laughing. but no one talks about the take the money song and play money thrown at auburn that day. it took me a long time to forgive him he did apologize abd said it was in bad taste and his emotions caught up with him. funny i dislike bill curry but he was a great commentator and easy to understand.

    T'Sharvan Bell set him straight. ;)

    Ok, but can someone give me a TL;DW?

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  8. 5 minutes ago, augolf1716 said:

    He knew what he was getting into Nebraska has not been the same since Prop 48 was changed. Osborne loved him some Prop 48

    Forgive my ignorance, what is Prop 48? Guessing it was changed in the late '90s. The trip to Boulder in 2001 was the turning point for them.

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