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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 18 hours ago, Caldavis said:

    We get this a lot, it’s fine, if you think this is how all PSU fans operate that’s your take. It sucks what happened but hearing this punch line constantly gets old. 

    I beg to bet tOSU would beat Auburn in the same manner as well. The year we beat them last we beat them with a bunch on 3 star athletes and Meyer found a way to choke. 

    I would suggest that if you go to the game you don’t dwell or vocalize this too much, we’re cool owning up to it, we just don’t enjoy it being shoved in our faces all the time. Remember there’s another side to this story as well. 


    Yeah that type of thing can happen anywhere, sadly.

  2. 12 minutes ago, bigbird said:


    On one hand, this is incredibly frustrating. On the other hand, it shows that we're capable of big hires. Once again, I hope Harsin can make sure we're not crying over MC in five years time. B)

  3. 1 minute ago, bigbird said:

    Remember during the coaching search when some here kept trying to dull MC's shine.  Great coach and a great win

    Would we have gotten him if Oregon hadn't been bumped into the P12 Championship?

    Regardless, I hope you're equally right about Harsin.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Tigerpro2a said:

    I still think Bo has played fairly well. Had some misses. Had some drops. He still looks improved from last season. D Rob going off. Defense going off. Tank going off. Hunter going off. We starting to get rolling. Can't wait until next week. 

    Oregon was beating OSU last time I checked. Go Ducks!

    I would be rooting hard for the Ducks too but Clemons being in the balance makes it trickier. 

    I do wish they had beaten tOSU in 2014, just because of that sweet old guy in the intro to the 2010 BCS game ("please let the Ducks win!").

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    He is a silent 

    You know this?

    11 minutes ago, Auhud08 said:

    All the pessimism here... chill. We gotta stop this “if coach doesnt land this guy” or “coach needs to land this guy”. Im not saying be a sunshine pumper but you gotta find the positives. 

    not to opine- my dad always told me- youve got two choices- sit in the corner and cry about it or get up and do something about it. 

    ftr- i think we get him. And if we dont i think we find another wr. Aint worried ab it. 

    We need to start beating other strong programs for players, especially when the other two programs he's considering are already in the top 10 recruiting rankings. Everything looked great for us as of Monday, and possibly it still is. But I echo Beaker's concerns about Oregon's NIL abilities (can we please get Tim Cook on line?) and PSU's atmosphere, I hate the idea of having to beat them to get DC.

  6. 39 minutes ago, TigerHorn said:

    I was on the Premium board for another service then, the situation with our kicker was discussed extensively by insiders, including one who I believe may have been a team manager. I recall that there were some video clips of it actually happening. I guess I'm confusing coolergate with what happened on our next trip down, I just remember more crap occurring. 

    But you do know that it was 2005?

    The amount of similarities between 2005 and 2017 are scary.

  7. On 9/9/2021 at 2:49 PM, TigerHorn said:

    Many people don't remember that in 2005 the LSU security people kept harassing our kicker about kicking outside the box painted on the sideline. They effectively stopped him from warming up. We made a fuss over it after the game, so I think it was the next time, they decided they didn't have enough power to safely run our portable coolers on the sidelines for a day game. They generously turned off their portacools too, but of course they were in the shade.....

    Sorry to double post but I had never heard about that in 2005. What’s your source for that? If true, takes away any guilt I may have felt for the generous calls we got the next year (which they still cry about to this day).

    “Coolergate” was ten years later.

    And I don’t think it really matters whether it’s a night game. We got skulldragged in the afternoon in 2011 and 15, 17 was the blown 20 point lead, we hung tough with them in 19 (no shame in that one TBH).

  8. Yes Oregon has a lot of recruiting power but we need to start winning these sorts of battles pronto if the Harsin era is going to be a success (I of course am still skeptical). Especially against a team that’s pretty much stacked already at WR in this class. Clearly things have been going really well with DC lately, so it would be a shock if things have suddenly changed in just four days. Hopefully Oregon’s narrow win over Fresno is a preview of how they’ll do but then again the P12 North is pillow soft this year.

  9. 29 minutes ago, McLoofus said:

    Under 2 hrs for him to drive to the state's flagship school, which there's probably a ton of local pressure for him to do. It would only make sense for him to go get loved on a little in Eugene and catch a game before committing elsewhere. 


    With campus bans last year has he even been to an Oregon or PSU game? Could whiteout win him over? As of Monday everything looked great for us with him, so hope it still does.

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