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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 6 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    Because Nebraska has been a cluster for a long time.

    Yeah, they've been a cluster because they fired Solich and then Pelini, thinking that they could demand Osborne-like results. Some programs can get away with expecting more than others, I don't like it but it's just the way it is.

  2. 10 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    Georgia was at our level prior to Smart…

    Yes, but factors beyond our control or theirs gave them much more bargaining power in demanding an elite coach. Why couldn't Nebraska find an elite coach when they fired Solich and then Pelini?

  3. 24 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    Devil’s advocate. Only 1 of those three programs has made it with different coaches. Georgia has only made it with Kirby. Bama has only made it with Saban. One explanation is that those programs have advantages that have made them successful. Another is that they just finally found a good coach that could elevate them to that level.  I thought UGA was nuts for firing Mark Richt when he had them relevant every year but just wasn’t reaching “elite” consistently. But look at what’s happened with Kirby. UGA and Bama chose not to accept above average, and made changes until they found their guy. Auburn is a good enough program to do that as well. Heck, during the Richt years, they had a slightly better record against us. But we were pretty much on even ground with them in terms of records and recruiting. 

    Those three programs absolutely have institutional/built-in advantages over us that give them far more leeway when it comes to demanding "elite." We'll see what UAT does whenever Saban decides to hang it up (whether that be this year, mid 2030s, or between), but Georgia I just can't see ever coming down from their current high. We are not going to be what those three have been, no matter how much unconditional support our boosters give.

  4. 46 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    In the playoff period, Auburn has consistently underperformed. Auburn funding and resource wise is top 15 in the country if not higher. Finishing in the top 12 should be a regular occurrence. Ole miss I don’t even think is top 25 in those things. We should be consistently beating ole miss and should finish higher than them in sec standings almost every year. To put this in perspective, the Auburn ole miss record is 35-12 Auburn. 1/4 of their wins against us have been in the last decade. And we historically have beat them 75% of the time. They are not on our level, and shouldn’t be doing better than us.


    You’re showing what the numbers have looked like in the playoff era, not what they should look like. 

    Oh I agree, by that metric we have underperformed--clearly, we should have at least one more playoff equivalent season in that mix. But I'm just showing why I think what OM has done is a realistic goal--because outside of those three, no one's really done any better. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, ScotsAU said:

    No it isn’t. Auburn has more resources and better prestige than OM. Saying that’s the expectation is complacency.

    Being consistently in the expanded playoffs isn't complacency. Nick and Kirby have completely broke people's brains when it comes to expectations.


    Here is how many times each team would've made it in under a 12-team playoff, since the start of the 4-team era.

    Alabama: 9x (2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

    Georgia: 7x (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023)

    Oklahoma: 6x (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)

    Florida: 3x (2018, 2019, 2020)

    Mississippi: 3x (2014, 2021, 2023)

    LSU: 2x (2018, 2019)

    Auburn: 1x (2017)

    MSU: 1x (2014)

    Missouri: 1x (2023)

    Tennessee: 1x (2022)

    Texas: 1x (2023)

    TAMU: 1x (2020)

    Arkansas, Kentucky, USCe, Vanderbilt: nada


    • Like 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

    It’s officially Flipmas season!  

    Let's hope! Yesterday was painful, but the next two months will decide how painful. Will this be more like 1981, 1999 and 2009, where we built on it, or 2021, where we...didn't?

  7. 1 minute ago, bishoptf said:

    Meh, I just think we really screwed up when we didnt get kirby, more auburn being auburn and CHF has never won any championships. Maybe he will but I do not think even with better players we win championships, I guess we will see because its all the players as he has told us over and over...we will see...

    In retrospect yeah Kirby would've been the right move. There was plenty of reason to doubt even him at the time, though. Shows how hard predicting a coach's success will be.

  8. Just now, JDUBB4AU said:

    I never said Deon was elite.  Maybe you are misunderstanding me. AU has been a laughing stock nationally for years when it comes to boosters, hires, fires, and politics. Those things have kept this program from being an attractive destination for elite coaches. 

    Our boosters are no different from any other SEC programs' boosters. Sick to death of this narrative.

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  9. 1 minute ago, bishoptf said:

    Eh not sure about that, we would have had a much better QB. Hard to say, but CHF hasn't done enough to say, whoa he is the right person to take us to where we need to be. Broken record, wait till next year, and see how we do, but honestly at this point all I see is excuses and I assume that will continue.

    Coaches' first years, even successful ones, tend to be like that. Norvell, Sarkisian, etc.

  10. 11 minutes ago, JDUBB4AU said:

    Shocks I am currently on my work phone. My other phone met its bitter end. AU is responsible for that. As I stated in another thread AU has ruined the majority of my Saturdays in September, October, and November for the last 10 years. AU has let me down more than anything. The complete lack of reality within the school to hire and create a winning culture has brought us to this point. AU does not deserve another thought from me nor anymore emotions. AU doesn’t deserve my money or resources. I can honestly say ive  wasted years on a school that doesn’t give a s*** about its fans. I am over it. 

    It's ridiculous to think Deion does any better in his first year. C'mon.

  11. Just now, tbone4jc said:

    All these negative Nancy's need to see it for what it is. Welcome to Year one of a complete rebuild. IDGAD about where this team is ranked talent wise we don't have talent in the main positions. OL, WR, DL or LB. Our QB is not the best either. We have no depth on the DL, LB. Why do you think we had to hit the transfer portal so hard on all of those positions? No muffed punt and we probably win this game. When we get the players we need we will get the results we desire. Some people are completely illiterate as to how bad this team is and how much they played above their talent. They deserve better fans.... 



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