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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 9 hours ago, Hank2020 said:

    Chicken little!!

    Indeed I am. But seriously, we're the only team who has to play six teams currently ranked, four in the top ten. And do you really think there's going to be a year going forward where that's not the case? We’re set to return just two starters on O next year. 23 might be it but I just know UCB will miraculously become a playoff contender in two years.

    Keeping our attention on just this year, to try to embrace that smidgen of posibarner in me, I think 8-4 and then a bowl win, followed by a top 15 recruiting class is definitely conceivable. Not ready to predict that, but I could see it happening, and assuming competitive losses I think we would all be extremely happy with that scenario.

  2. Ugh, the SEC west is killer. We have started very well but I am still concerned about our standing given that for possibly the next four years we have to play all of those plus Georgia, PLUS getting bafflingly bad luck out of conference (both regular season and postseason—if the bowl projections I’ve seen end up being accurate, we might get matched up AGAIN with a team with a better record than ours). And yeah, we still have work to do recruiting wise despite our progress.

  3. 6 hours ago, Caldavis said:

     Alabama > OSU 

    PSU > ATM

    you would fall to about Purdue 

    The team we beat 63-14?

    Make no mistake, that was a very good win at Wisconsin and I’ll be ecstatic to pull off a win in similar fashion Sat night.

  4. 12 hours ago, metafour said:

    Norvell did a good job instilling hype on the recruiting trail and selling FSU as being "back". Unfortunately for them, that is only sustainable if the product on the field actually follows suit. For that reason, the early "criticism" of Harsin's slow recruiting was extremely short-sighted. An actual football coach will always be more successful in the long term than a flash in the pan "recruiter".

    There’s some truth in this but when you’re trying to rebuild a program, you can’t exactly count on setting the world on fire from the get go. On the field Harsin has absolutely done what he’s needed to thus far, but it was still Akron and Alabama State.

  5. 2 hours ago, jAUSon said:

    Bo has wins agains the Turds and Oregon and Washington. More quality wins than any single Nittany Lion wearing a uniform this season. All of them.

    Washington was with Jarrett. But PSU has shown that they're a good team for sure and they deserve to be confident.

  6. 1 hour ago, weagl1 said:

    I’ll take another 3 - 2 game next week as long as we got the 3.  

    When you know the defenses are both strong, those types of games are actually fun.

    When it’s an unranked team that got beat by La Tech (redundant) and you have conference title aspirations, get the Prozac.

  7. 3 hours ago, TuscaloosaTiger said:

    I now live up in Maryland and listened to the last quarter of the PSU vs BSU game and postgame program on the PSU radio network.  Their broadcast team is excited about the AU game, specifically mentioning Bo Nix and Tank as players to contend with.  They are heavily banking on their White Out crowd to be a 12th man against AU.  Franklin did not address AU specifically in his postgame comments on the field, but did say PSU would need the White Out crowd to be revved up for the game.  AU apparently is considered the top home game for PSU based on AU's selection over Ohio St and UMich for this year's White Out game.  The White Out pictures look to me like a stadium of ripe cotton, which should not intimidate AU, especially in our white stormtrooper uniforms that will blend in with the crowd. Should be an intriguing game.

    They get tOSU at home on even years and Michigan at home on odd.

  8. 1 hour ago, Beaker said:

    nah - that timeline will get shortened.   And I do not want to be in the East with bama and georgia and florida, playing some static schedule while OU only has to play LSU and TAMU each year.     I would rather play a larger variety of teams each year in balanced rotation..   

    I'm with you--having the TN schools as permanent opponents would be awesome!--but just being realistic for what I think is going to happen. Every team in the east would have the same brutal schedule we would have. Unless, of course, UAT throws a fit about wanting to keep the LSU series and they decide to have more than nine conference games to have perma cross div rivalries. 

    1 hour ago, Zeek said:

    This is why preseason polls matter. There is absolutely no reason that Iowa is #5 other than they beat a wildly overrated Iowa State. Similarly, why the heck is Texas A&M still in the top 10? They absolutely should have lost to Colorado and didn't look great against Kent State either and now they're down a starting quarterback.


    The CFP poll is the only one that matters, and it doesn't take effect until late in the season.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Beaker said:

    whew...no kidding.


    When is that pod schedule thing  going to kick in?  Shouldn't  we start that before Zero U and Blowhorns join us?    You know to work out the kinks and such?   


    I highly doubt they go with the pod schedule. But even being sent to the east along with UAT could help--at least we'd no longer be unique in having to play such a gauntlet. But in any case, I'm thinking they finish out their contracts with the Big 12.

  10. 2 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

    As they do. They always seem to time their OOC matchups on the opponents' down swings: USCw and Florida State come to mind...

    USCw came on hot after the first month that year. But yeah Louisville comes to mind.

    Miami's been crap for like fifteen years now.

  11. 1 hour ago, AUpreacherman22 said:

    Current SECW update:

    It is, as usual, bama and then way further down is everyone else.  🤮

    Right now, it appears Ole Miss is the 2nd best team in the West.  
    Texas A&M is not good!  But they showed the resilience to find a way to win.  
    LSU is a mess!!!

    Im going to wait and see what Arky does tonight.  They might cause some ruckus in this division.   
    MSU might possibly be the worst team in the division, however they have a lot of potential to look much better than they did last week.   
    AU has shown that we can look straight up awful, and we can also look pretty good.  We’ll find out a whole lot more next week.  We go from playing 2 cupcakes without a pulse to play @ a top 10 team in prime time!!!😬

    Piggies might be a pain in the arse too unfortunately.

    • Like 2
  12. 34 minutes ago, bootskii said:

    Iowa St. looks bad on offense. I think them and Indiana were pumped up a little too much after that COVID year.

    Campbell is still an amazing coach for doing as much as he's done at freaking Iowa State.

    Iowa might legit be a good team, though (really, Iowa is Auburn of the Big Ten for how unpredictable they are).

  13. 2 minutes ago, dmbseeker00 said:

    Probably will stand as called on field, but who knows if it is an SEC replay crew

    Isn't the protocol for these types of games generally that the referees are from the away team's conference and the replay booth from the home team's? I remember that being the case when we played Clemson in 2010.

  14. 11 minutes ago, homersapien said:

    As much as I enjoying this, a TAM win is in our interest.

    In terms of posing a challenge to the Axis of Evil, I agree. But in terms of our SoS, I think we're good as is--it's not 2004 anymore.

    • Like 1
  15. 53 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

    We do have to go to College Station this year, but I'm not scared in the least bit by A&M

    Honestly I'm really starting to sip the 10-2 Kool-Aid

    Well, we're undefeated there.

    I really hoped AU-A&M would turn into something after how unforgettable those first three games were but ultimately no one really cares.

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