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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. Just now, USATiger said:

    It was a decent job, 14 points on-the-road against a top-tier opponent is pretty good.  I'm more disappointed with simple blown assignments with TE coverage.  That isn't play calling, and those guys aren't freshmen.

    Got to halftime down 4, should've been up by at least 3, without showing a whole lot but base defense.  There is a lot in the bag, risky against Clifford, but we can't let them get a bigger lead.  Mason will bring the house 2nd half  

    Yeah who knows. A lot is possible. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, AuburnTiger4Life said:

    Yeah don’t know why people are overreacting. Only down 4 at the half on the road vs a top ten team and the offense has shown promise. Just gotta fix the little mistakes 

    I'm tempted to agree, though right now in my knee-jerk state, I think 5-7 is very possible. But 8-4 is possible too even with a loss tonight.

    • Facepalm 2
  3. On 9/17/2021 at 10:06 AM, aubiefifty said:

    our poor boys had to ride all the way up there in a tractor trailer rig? and no windows? that dastardly AD greene.   grins

    When I was nine and first following football I seriously thought the players were all transported in uniform standing together in a semi truck. 😆

    • Haha 1
  4. 19 hours ago, Viper said:

    Auburn lost THIRTY-SEVEN players off the 2010 team...not just the best offensive player in the entire nation...not just the best defensive player in the entire nation...but THIRTY-FIVE other players. Not even Nick Saban could withstand that number of attrition and win his conference the following season. That kind of attrition is unheard of.  It was HALF the team.

    Auburn was DAMN fortunate to win 8 games in 2011. Miracle onside kick to beat Utah St. Held off Miss St with 1st & G at the 1-yard line with 18 seconds left. Somehow, scored 16 against Marcus Lattimore, Jadaveon Clowney, Melvin Ingram and South Carolina on the road and won. Next to 2013, it was Gus Malzahn's most impressive rebuild of an offense. Literally, we had TWO returning offensive starters in 2011. RB Mike Dyer, a Sophomore and Brandon Mosley, a Senior RT. On defense, we had ONE returning starter, Neiko Thorpe, who was by far our weakest link in 2010, getting burned consistently every game.

    2011 bammer was a very good team, but they didn't destroy a good 2011 Auburn team. That was a patchwork team held together by gum and paper clips...as evidenced getting throttled by LSU by 35...and LSU stopped trying to score midway through the 3rd Q.

    beat "Florida by 28." 2011 Auburn beat Florida by 11 and it wasn't that close. So no, don't act like 2011 Penn St. was a huge home field advantage against 2011 bammer. That game was a laugher going in. And it was a laugher like most every team they played, save for LSU regular season.

    I lol whenever LSU fans say that their situation is different from ours in 2011-12 because we "were all Cam and Nick." Was absolutely dreading 2011. Thought if we could just make a bowl our future was extremely bright (I guess it kinda was, we just needed to wait a year lol). But oh man we were so so so lucky.

    On the other hand, Dyer being a thug was one of the worst breaks CGC could've gotten. We needed him so badly, and I'm guessing not disciplining him after the armed four incident (supplied gun) helped spawn the outbreak of other discipline problems we had. It was a no-win situation, and I don't think Tre would've been quite ready yet.

    But, this post alludes to my concerns about our depth chart which I got reamed for. I believe we're currently slated to return 8 starters next year, not counting our punter?

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