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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 37 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

    Vandy is pure garbage but UGA is a scary team.  I like to think Auburn will hold it’s own at home in a couple weeks but I don’t know right now.

    I know coordinating and coaching are different animals but should Vandy being this bad worry us about Mason?

  2. Looking at JBoy's top ten, and of course we have to play half of it. I could stomach it more if we knew that easier schedules would await us in the days ahead, but next years schedule may be tougher? I've been putting a lot of hope into '23 because of who we draw out of conference and from the east, but we draw USCe this year sooooo. And '24 we draw FL. I have the constant nagging feeling that the SEC will try to screw us as hard as they can when it's time to add TX and OK.

    Basically Ole Miss is becoming a major player in the west while we could be permanently handicapped in a way they're not because of our schedule.

  3. 1 hour ago, steeleagle said:

    Ok, lets take your 6 games you think we should win as an improvement from last year.

    1. Penn St (away)- you expected us in our first road game, in a very large stadium, with an improved AND veteran Penn St team as a win? And just bc we had a new staff coming in? 

    2. LSU(away)- we NEVER do well in Death Valley, and you think it's a strong case to win there this year? Yes, LSU is not the same team from 2 years, but they are ALSO not the same team from last year. I can see toss-up, but man we have to extract those demons of all those losses we had down there before.

    3. TaM-( away)- Yes, they have a new QB, and they could be a win, but again I see a toss-up,only bc of that. 

    4. OM/MSU/Ark- I can see us winning those games, but OM is going to be tough bc of their High powered offense.

    5. SC(away)- I can see a win there, JUST bc Gus is not coaching our offense anymore. 

    So you are banking on this team to beat  2 of these 3 team right? (Penn St, LSU, and TaM) ON THE ROAD, bc you think we should be that much better? 

    That does not compute. I still see us with 7 wins, maybe 8, with an upset. That still is progress.

    Anything less than 9-3 is not a disappointment with THIS schedule.

    We are NOT the only teams that improved from last year. 

    LSU got dominated by a UCLA team that lost to Fresno State (scored a garbage TD late). Thus far they are showing zero indication of being any different from last year.

    But yes, this year and next year let’s just reach a bowl (aka six wins, I know 5-7 bowl teams happen but that should not count) and win one between them. 2023 is go time—nine wins, no excuses.

    • Like 2
  4. 45 minutes ago, cbo said:

    I'm not either. Honestly, A&M, Arkansas, Ole Miss, and Auburn are all still question marks to me at this point. Hard to say how that group will be ranked in the end. Should make for a fun season. 

    Throw LSU and MSU in that mix, honestly. While UAT deserves to be considered the best team for the time being even they have shown signs of vulnerability.

  5. 1 hour ago, au302 said:

    Makes zero sense. 6-5 with a loss to SCAR and you're arguing if we go 8-4 it's a step backwards? I know you're a huge fan, and we should all have high standards, but seems to me like that's setting up Harsin for failure right out the gates. Especially considering that we are severely lacking at several positions, most notably receiver and pass rushers. O-line too but they were fine the other night. I say let's hold Harsin accountable while giving him a fair shake. Like he said, we can have it right or we can have it now. We have had several coaches start off hot only to crash and burn miserably. Maybe building a strong foundation won't be such an awful thing

    I am not as optimistic as him but last year would've been an 8-5 season with the cupcake games we missed (assuming the loss to USCe gets replaced with a loss to UNC).


  6. 4 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    He had offers from A&M, LSU, Georgia, and Notre Dame among a boatload of other P5 schools.

    His biggest hold-back is that he's under 6 feet tall.

    I had no idea he was a 4*. I hope he gets reps this week. I want you to be right, it just seems like we’re cursed at the QB position sometimes.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    Can't take anything this dude says seriously when he doesn't get basic facts correct.

    "The last time they won an SEC Championship, and National Championship, was 2010"

    Hopefully. I dream of going into a season with high expectations in the near future (hasn’t been a recipe for success but you get what I mean). Our schedule just looks to be stacked for a very long time to come, hence my TN fears.

  8. 6 minutes ago, Mikey said:

    I'm expecting this year's team to be better than last year. Last season, with all games being SEC games, we were 6-4. This season has three gimme games and nine big games. Any improvement at all puts us at 9-3. Worse than 9-3 is a step backwards. Let's hope we don't go backwards.....That pass defense though......

    At 9-3 I’ll be ecstatic.

    • Like 1
  9. 21 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Good information, thanks. There are a lot of flips on that list. While flips happen, it's not normally a high percentage deal. I think we're all pinning our recruiting hopes on this team winning some big games. If that doesn't happen we could be in trouble.

    Exactly. Putting a “tough, competitive” product on the field needs to be enough. Right now I’m thinking we go 5-7 this year and next so we can’t be depending on wins before 2023. I would love to be proven wrong! But that’s the thing—I need proof.

    • Haha 1
    • Facepalm 1
  10. 7 hours ago, woodford said:

    First two weeks are trash. Opening up with an FCS opponent is absolute garbage. Save that for before the Iron Bowl. Why can’t we open up with another medium tier OOC game like Virginia, Texas Tech, or Houston?

    Because our schedule is too tough as is.

  11. 2 hours ago, CleCoTiger said:

    Two darned interesting games in the SEC West this weekend. I don't know if Arky is for real but they sure seem to be better than I expected. Can they handle aTm? The Aggies are favored but their offense hasn't done much. I have never really bought into Jimbo Fisher as a great coach. Not a betting man as you all know, but I have a feeling Arky pulls this one out. Hogs 27, aTm 24

    LSU played "follow the leader" on defense with MSU receivers last year and lost. I expect more zone, but the game is in Starkville with the cowbells. Orgeron seems to have lost something...namely Joe Burrow, Joe Brady and Dave Aranda. MSU two years in a row? Yup. Second upset special. MSU 42, LSU 31.

    What say you?

    I would take these results.

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