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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 1 minute ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    I think this evening would be an appropriate time for the President to fire Allen Greene. I think we can all say that the Sports department  at Auburn is in serious decline. Today would be a good time to turn the corner and I think that begins with Allen Greene being gone. 

    Offer Scott Etheridge whatever he wants.

  2. 3 minutes ago, abw0004 said:

    McClain will be back this half so let’s see if he can anchor our defense down.

    Still have a second half to go.

    I'm sorry but woop de freaking do. Even if we pull this off do you honestly think we can beat anyone in the SEC much less three teams? And we LOSE McClain next year. Pappoe likely declares too.

  3. What is it with our inability to get a good HS QB? Jason Campbell was the last SEC caliber QB we didn't have to get out of JUCO. It makes no sense!

    (I guess you could say we had success under Brandon but that may have been more the defense.)

  4. 2 minutes ago, JBiGGiE said:

    Moo State and the Corn dogs looking like 💩

    #54 for MSU is going to be running stadium steps this week. Second dumbest error I've seen this season after Boise's QB threw it past the first down marker.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

      I don’t think Mason recruited very well at Vandy

    Which is part of my concern. So far I've been impressed with Caddy and Corn (assuming we can hang on to Clemons).

    So. What a stupid, stupid penalty by Mississippi State.

  6. 1 minute ago, e808 said:

    Very valid question but Vandy wasn’t this bad when he was there. They way they are playing could they beat Thompson High School. I hope we see tweaks to that 3 man front . MSU is running it and LSU has burned them on two big chunks plays. QB had all day

    Yeah he was able to get them to a bowl twice at least.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Win4AU said:

    Vandy is pure garbage but UGA is a scary team.  I like to think Auburn will hold it’s own at home in a couple weeks but I don’t know right now.

    I know coordinating and coaching are different animals but should Vandy being this bad worry us about Mason?

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