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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 1 hour ago, AUght2win said:

    Four wildly different games have given us a decent amount of info on Harsin and this team. Let me share my opinion on where we are and what we have to do going forward.

    Truths after 4 Games:

    1. This team's most important player isn't Tank Bigsby. It's Zakoby McClain.

    The Auburn run defense was absolutely stellar in its first 3 games. Ricochet is out for a half and the absolute WHEELS fall off. When he comes back, we skunk them in the 2nd half. Pappoe is also an absolutely key piece. But we have no shot against anybody without Zakoby. This 3-4 scheme is dependent on those two, and the rest of our guys aren't SEC caliber. Oh, and Wooten played awful-awful-awful-AWFUL today. Don't want to hear about him anymore.

    2. Mike Bobo will sink this team if Harsin doesn't intervene.

    After the intense scrutiny of the 4th and 2 last week, Tank was not on the field for the final 4 plays today. And, believe it or not, Shedrick said post-game his route on the game-winner was originally... A FADE. 🤬🤬🤬 Absolute lunacy. Bobo called a horrendous game. If Harsin doesn't take the wheel we won't go bowling. And I am hoping Bobo is just a starter pack of an OC for CBH to get acclimated to the SEC.

    3. Bo Nix is a bust. Officially. 

    He has all the tools of an elite QB, except the most valuable one - the mind. Just doesn't have the composure, decision making ability, and frankly, desire to get better. We have to cut our losses and sell all the stock. Not being able to score a touchdown against Georgia State in year 3 is the absolute last last last straw. No more chances. Wish the young man the best, but his days as an Auburn starter (barring an injury) are done.

    4. The defense is solid.

    I know that sounds bizarre after today, but see point #1. I truly am not worried about the defense, aside from the pass rush. With our linebackers healthy, our talent on the back 2 levels will be enough for a solid unit. If we can generate a pass rush (how? No idea) then we actually have a very good defense. 

    5. Harsin's mental toughness is evident. 

    I know. I know. But winning today was still a feat requiring a lot of guts. And the gritty battle at Penn State is a testament to this as well. I don't think this same team, under Gus, would have come within 20 points against PSU. CBH is setting a good cultural foundation. 

    6. Receivers are the team's weakest link.

    Some might point to the defensive line, but at least the DL is solid against the run. Our receivers aren't solid in any phase of the game. They can't catch. They can't get open. They don't have speed. The cupboard is as bare in terms of receiver since 2008. Nothing we can really do about it but recruit. Hudson will be good. Capers and Cannion may have moments. But Gus' pass-ignorant system caught up to us just as he got the boot.

    7. We may steal a few games with special teams play. 

    Not exactly Beamer ball but we're blocking punts, getting good returns, and covering well. Could be a Harsin staple, as special teams excellence usually comes down to discipline and attention to detail.

    8. CBH was a good hire. 

    Avoiding catastrophe today helped me write #8. But even if we had lost, I still think what he stands for and preaches, and what his hire represents, could put Auburn back where we need to be and beyond. He is a tough, blue collar, no BS, "1-0, Show up. Give a sh*t. Repeat." Kind of guy. There will be growing pains. But the team has clearly bought into this dude. And pulling the royal prince of Auburn football in the 4th took stones. The guy wants to win against the best, and I believe he will.


    And is there any reason for us to be better next year when Zakoby and likely Owen leave?

  2. Just now, cbo said:

    My guess is we get blown out in one game and the rest are pretty close. 

    Recruiting class will be borderline top 20. You know I share your concerns about recruiting. This game didn’t help. 

    You and I are probably thinking the same game is the most likely. But yes top 20 and we're good for this year. 😎

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, cbo said:

    I'm still willing to bet you get your 3 SEC wins this year. Would that really make you happy?

    Close in most losses (after 2011 have to use that qualifier) and a top 20 recruiting class, oh yes!

  4. 41 minutes ago, DAG said:

    People can say what they want about Sam Pittman but he went 3-7 and was competitive in a good amount in an all-sec conference schedule last year. Guess how many conference games Arkansas won the two previous  years? Zero. Yes that is right folks, under chad Morris, they went 0-16 in conference games over a two year span and won two games each of those previous years against cupcakes. I highly doubt they would've been 3-7 in a regular year. Let's have some perspective. They will probably be a top ten team next week. ARKANSAS. I am very interested to see how they do against UGA.


  5. 7 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    I know Ole Miss gave Lebby an extension last year when people were clamoring for him, so who knows what their budget is? I have to think Auburn would weary of really opening the pocket books after firing an OC after 1 season, paying the previous OC (and the previous staff who aren't employed), and maybe losing the AD too. 

    Jeff Grimes has Baylor as a top 3 Offense (YPG) in CFB this season and just outlasted arguably the best RB in CFB and Iowa State to win. Outgained significantly, but Baylor was left in some pretty odd straits after Rhule left. That's an ex-Auburn guy that seems bound to come back one of these days 

    Jeff Grimes recruited one of the best O-lines in AU history. He *was* fired by Gus so IDK if he'd come back. But gawd I'd love to offer him back.

    @GwillMac6: Exactly. If they can do it, why can't we...

    • Like 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    gonna have to beat Miami off with a stick if he isn't there by now. But I'm hoping this Harsin fella works out man. Just...really need him to hire a real offensive coordinator....and if this OL continues regressing....maybe don't let that OC hire a OL guy who produced one of the worst lines in the country with a squad of 5 stars at Tennessee 

    A freaking men. But who would be good realistic candidates? Libby?

  7. 1 minute ago, GwillMac6 said:

    I know Bobo was not a popular hire. I was not thrilled with it either tbh. I wanted Jeff Lebby from Ole Miss... but the dude is trying to be balanced but the ABSYMAL QB and WR play will not let us. Bobo is a good OC when he has talent. I do not see the talent on offense right now outside of our 2 RB's. QB, WR and OL are bad bad baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    And I'm down on us because of that and of the slowness of our recruiting. When I set my recruiting goal for us, I'm assuming we're a team that can get to a bowl on our current talent for a couple of years. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 1 minute ago, GwillMac6 said:

    SMH. Same people in here who never liked the Harsin hire from the start pounding their chest taking a victory lap in here for the second straight week.  @AU-24 I expect this from. But come on @AUwent you are better than this bruh.  You take subtle digs at Harsin and staff any recruiting thread you get your fingertips on. Why must we always do this after every coaching hire? Auburn instantly becomes divided. We are never on the same page pulling in the same direction. I at least gave Gus 3 seasons before I got off the Bus. This is game 4......... 

    If we can end the streak next Saturday night, I'll loosen up on CBH. Like, a LOT. He will deserve to be praised for it.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  9. 16 minutes ago, metafour said:

    LMAO what a predictably pathetic post from you know who!

    Sam Pittman went 3-7 last season in his first year on the job at Arkansas. 3-7. Imagine that, in his 2nd season the team has shown growth.

    But we're 3-1 in Harsin's first season and it's time to pull the plug. You're a clown.

    How many times do I have to say that those were all SEC games? I would be hunky dory with 3 SEC wins this year and next. As you can tell by my sig, that's what I think our goal should be.

    10 minutes ago, Dual-Threat Rigby said:

    Arkansas took a risk on Pittman. Probably the most respected coach at his former position, but just that, a position coach 

    Why we didn’t end up with Cristobal last coaching search, that whole runaround still confuses me. Past Mario and the supposed Urban rumor, everyone else was about in the same boat. 

    Supposedly we had him and then Oregon got bumped into the Pac-12 championship because of a Covid outbreak at Washington. If that is true, it bodes well IF CBH doesn't work out.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, milehighfan said:

    I remember the days of Pat Dye at the helm and this game is over by the second quarter. After this performance today Auburn may not win a conference game this year. I certainly hope I am wrong.

    Everyone was sure Harsin was going to be the next Pat Dye...I'm just hoping now that the next guy can be that. It's painful knowing we might have to endure a whole three years of this before we can take another shot at a coaching search. And knowing us I'm not confident we can get anyone good despite two programs who have been below us getting very good ones.

    • Facepalm 2
  11. 2 minutes ago, Sojourner said:

    It wouldn't matter if Nix was qb because he can't find the open man...he's a train wreck with no poise. He's not an SEC level qb, maybe not an FCS level qb...

    That applies for literally every QB we've recruited out of HS since Brandon Cox, or maybe even Jason Campbell.

  12. 7 minutes ago, AUx said:

    Aside from the fact their current coaches have at least one more year with their teams, which were not as hot last year. Can’t undo history, but it is AU, not Harsin to blame for making any change at all at the worst possible time. It takes more than a spring and 4 games to calibrate and fix the broken parts. IMHO. 

    Pittman won 3 SEC games and Kiffin won 4 SEC games their first years. I would take Harsin winning that many both this year and next at this point.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 minute ago, Brad_ATX said:

    Oh he definitely wouldn't.  And we was mediocre with Bama being down.

    I would still take that SEC record in a heartbeat today, but yes the SEC was sadly much softer. Again, Arky and Ole Miss are having success. No excuse for us not to.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    I'm not excusing this.  We played like dog **** today.  Just saying, it ain't the first time.  I vividly remember a homecoming game in the Tubs years vs La Tech that went to OT.

    We had just beaten #2 Florida the week prior. So Tubs deserved a little leeway there.

    @Tigerbelle: Me as well.

  15. 7 minutes ago, autiger88 said:

    Ok so in the next couple of years I don't want you back on the CBH train if it takes off. You get to just sit a cheer for another team. I'll gladly eat crow if he doesn't work out. 

    Look you gotta give the man time he atleast gets till year 3 before you can say you cant defend him anymore jeez 🤣 some of y'all Auburn fans are nuts. But you do you player you do you. 

    One of the things about fanhood is that you can't really control it. I sure can't.

    If Harsin turns out to be a success I will be so so so happy to say I was wrong.

  16. Just now, AU-24 said:

    Our now lame duck AD, hired him. Greene is a nice guy, so is Harson. Both are good, conservative family man. Neither one is ready for big-time SEC sports. I don’t know why that is so hard for some to understand.

    You think Etheridge would come?

  17. Just now, AU-24 said:

    Just a whole different level of play. That’s why I was disappointed we didn’t get someone from a lower tier SEC school, ACC, Big Ten etc. Entirely different part of the country here, entirely different level of play, he’s obviously not ready!

    Freaking this.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  18. 1 minute ago, Carnell said:

    Come on you are really having to ask that question.  Arkansas goes to Georgia Sec power 5, ole miss nfl and Sec and we go to the Mountain West.  I really can't believe you had to ask that question.

    FAU is not the NFL. But are we even capable of getting coaches as good as Kiffin or Pittman?

  19. 1 minute ago, BizTiger said:

    They lost to Tennessee, dude. Tennessee hasn't been an SEC caliber team in years. 

    Listen, I'm not saying the staff is blameless today. I'm just saying that these types of games are GOING to happen until the talent level improves and the team mentality changes. 

    If you want to become the next FSU or Tennessee, go ahead and fire Harsin. You'll be replacing this staff with one much worse.

    They beat Tennessee.

  20. 3 minutes ago, auburndkel said:

    No, it would more than suck. It would be a major indictment on AU Football. Saban created a culture and quickly built on it. With Harsin & co. Last in recruiting (in the SEC), we will have nothing to build on. This 2021 team may have the best personnel Harsin/Bobo/Mason ever coach. 



  21. 6 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Well Ole Miss went after someone controversial. We chose not to E.G. Hugh Freeze. Sam Pittman is a perfect culture fit. Maybe the coaching staff show something in the second half but I am Missouri with them. I don't see how we beat any SEC team at this point tbh.

    He would be a fine cultural fit here. I cannot state enough how impressed I am with the guy. Yes, they might lose to A&M today but they have shown themselves to be tough as nails. Everything that Harsin was supposed to be.

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