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Posts posted by AUwent

  1. 5 minutes ago, steeleagle said:

    I really think the score really isn't going to be the main factor with all these recruits, at least this recruiting group.

    Yes, its goes without saying you always feel more positive about our chances if we play well and definitely if we pull the upset. It's an adrenaline thing even for fans but that always doesn't translate to the recruits. 

    But I think if we just hang with them most of the game, or have a strong comeback, even if we get far behind, then the atmosphere alone at JHS and everything surrounding this type of game, will help in recruiting.

    And if you know history, these massive recruiting events, never give you exactly what you want. 

    What I was saying. If this is like, say, the 2015 Iron Bowl, I think that'll be enough for the recruits.

  2. 19 minutes ago, MustardSeed said:

    There’s currently (43) confirmed 4/5 stars coming. That doesn’t count unconfirmed ones and ones with less than 4 stars. 
    Im thinking recruiting THIS YEAR will turn out better than expected. 

    A lot of them are for 2023, but I see your point. However, the fact is that they’re coming for a game where there is a very good possibility we get blown out. If we can hang with the Mutts for three quarters, I think it will probably impress them.

  3. I wish they had tried to preserve more of "Old Auburn." Opelika has done a far superior job at balancing the need to stay modern with nostalgic reverence.

    (Yes, I know it helps that they don't have to provide living space for 25K+ students.)

    • Like 2
  4. 51 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

    So if you think it is definitely possible why do you continue to poor mouth about how it is now?

    Well, we are ranked 40th. And while our goal this year should just be to finish in the top 20, we are going to need a grand slam of an OL class starting next. If you have strong lines, the rest will take care of itself most of the time.

  5. 36 minutes ago, SumterAubie said:

    Do you believe the current staff will not improve in recruiting over the next few years?

    I think it’s definitely possible! But we are definitely going to need it. I hope we can be competitive enough tomorrow to impress recruits.

  6. 9 hours ago, SLAG-91 said:

    If we're going to NFL-ize college football, then none of these half measures with pods and s***...

    Two divisions, 8 teams each.

    14 game schedule. One nonconference game, 13 conference. Everyone plays 7 home, 7 away.

    Set up the nonconference game to be a home game when you have the 6 home, 7 away split, and a road game when you have the 7 home, 6 away split.

    Play 6 of the 8 in the other division, and 4 of those are permanent...establish a rotation for the others.

    East: AU, FL, GA, SC, TN, KY, VU, AL

    West: TAMU, UT, ARK, LSU, MO, MSU, OM, OU

    I guess since this is Arkansas' 30th season in the SEC, you can call them a "long-term" member now, and the West would have 4 "old hands." 

    In this hypothetical, I'd be good with keeping LSU and Arkansas, and adding TAMU and Missouri on an annual basis. Add in a rotation of MSU and Texas, Ole Miss and Oklahoma and let 'er rip.

    * As an aside, I think the way the original Big XII (1996-2010) handled football scheduling was a mistake. There were no cross-division permanent opponents, and that was the beginning of the end of OU-Nebraska. There should have been at least one permanent cross-division opponent to establish at least a little continuity with the four SWC schools that were blended in.

    HELL NO to cross permanent opponents, please. 

  7. 56 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    You come up with some strange theories & I'll leave it at that.

    One thing I've been trained to assume from many years of being a fan of things (not just Auburn but in general) is that the most profitable option for the PTB is the exact opposite of what I want. 😂

    (UAT and UGA are also the SEC's big cash cows and I figured they'd just give them whatever they wanted.)

  8. 6 hours ago, j0hnnyRingo said:

    Came across this article; https://theclemsoninsider.com/2021/10/03/former-acc-sec-coach-on-uiagalelei-you-just-shake-your-head/?fbclid=IwAR2L8YmCorLMKHLEeeGYeB-9b4y7A_DKQmMgpFj4hcVttmoRhSmqUQFMe10


    Reminds me exactly of JJ in 2014 to 2015.  Started in place of Nick Marshall vs Arkansas and went 12-16, 243 yards, 2 TD's in the first half.  Then, when he took over as the starter the next year he had completely lost it, total meltdown.


    Wonder whats going on with DJ?  He was a preseason Heisman darling.

    Unlike JJ, he at least has a cupcake buffet of a league to cushion him.

    I’m not ready to declare Clemson’s dynasty dead yet unfortunately. But I’m getting a kick out of their struggles so far this year.

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, ellitor said:

    You don’t have to shut the hell up because we have freedom of speech in our country. ESPN will benefit from whatever decision the SEC makes but I’m not sure they are the driver here. As others have said  balancing  out the schedule to where we play everybody at least every other year is much healthier for the conference in the long run.

    See, ESPN calling the shots is why I assumed that I would automatically hate what format they went with. I was really fearing that they would actually put OU in the east and keep everything else as is. We would actually benefit from pods and rotating everyone outside our pod!

    And thinking about UF as a rival, the two wins over Urban are in my top five all time favorite games.

  10. 6 hours ago, woodford said:

    Yeah that was pathetic. They could’ve scored 50+ if they wanted to.

    I mentioned earlier, this Auburn team won’t roll over die like they have in the past few match ups. Georgia better be ready. 

    We didn't in 2019 technically.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, augolf1716 said:

    Murray will be on the CBS call Sat that's going to be fun:banghead:

    The Georgia at Auburn game will be televised at 3:30 p.m. on CBS. Bulldog fans are happy to get a bS etter kickoff time this week. The rivalry game will be commentated by Aaron Murray, Noah Eagle, Jenny Dell, and Rick Neuheisel. The game will be the 125th meeting between the Georgia Bulldogs and Auburn Tigers

    CBS doing back to back doubleheaders? I'm sure they'll stick us with his butt next week too. Him or Beth Mowins, who would I rather listen to?

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