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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. I called my son during the game to tell him I could hear our crowd and band on TV over PSU's for large portions of the game.
  2. What I saw. slight improvement across the board except at WR. I am frustrated when I see other teams' WRs make diving one handed circus catches while our WRs drop balls that hit them in the numbers. DL: was manhandled most of the game. Ran some numbers through my head during the game (so it is not real accurate), and the PSU QB had about 5+ seconds on average before having to get rid of the ball. That is not good! OL: could not stay on blocks. Nix had an average of around 2.3 seconds to get rid of the ball or run. (compare to 5+ seconds for PSU) Nix: Looked a lot better to me. Still has some throwing issues that are exponentially compounded by our WR's problems catching easy throws, and inability to make that "circus catch" when needed to make up for rushed or poor throws. They also don't seem to fight very hard for contested balls. RBs: AUsome! I wish we would have seen our bruiser, Sean Jackson, early in the game to soften up PSU's aggressive LBs. Hunter is going to push Tank. We could have used Shivers speed. Coaching: all things considered , I am happy with coaching. There were a few bonehead offensive calls, but anyone who has ever coach anything knows that in the heat of battle you don't always make the right decisions. Sometimes an idea pops in your head that seems right at the time but turns out to be , well, not so good. Overall, I didn't see any more bonehead calls than any other coach. Far Far less than a Gus directed plan! Defense needs some work but are close to being elite. LB's need to work on pass coverage. If's and buts: any ONE of a multitude of things would have given us a win. If this game was a home or neutral site game. If our WR made ONE circus catch, etc.. I am proud of the way we fought. The cards were stacked against us with adversity. New coach/system that is still being implemented vs coach that has a fully implemented system and has all "his type" players. A talent gap at some key positions. Traveling FAR to a top 10 teams house with a loud and intimidating fan base. the White out. College gameday adding to the PSU hype and energy. Negative things that happened during the game. Mccreary, Papoe. etc. And yet, we walked into a top 10 team's house and showed we belong. We didn't win the game, but we had PSU's ball sacks shriveled up for most of the game. I am confident we will continue to get better. WDE
  3. any post about the virus should be zapped on gameday. We need to stand united for this game. Virus talk divides us.
  4. HAHAHA! We all that a a crop dusting. You know, when you walk by someone and crop dust them.
  5. I brewed for about 10 years starting in grad school at AU. Had my son 20 years ago, and stopped brewing beer and meads until this year. My son will be 21 in a few months, so I started teaching him to brew when he came home from school this spring. I had forgotten how much of a pain brewing beer is. If you never tried brewing mead, It is extremely easy. No boiling or dealing with wort. Just mix it up and wait, and wait and wait and wait. Like beer, complete and obsessive sanitation is the key. If everything is sanitized it is hard to screw it up.
  6. Thanks for the inv. Posted a bunch of crap like this already. (L to R) Wild mountain honey and raspberry mead. Quart of traditional, Gallon Of sour Green apple mead. Traditional Mead : Just honey water and yeast.
  7. how do I not now about this secret beer thread? Is there a secret knock or something?
  8. Home Brew here. Old Time Pale Ale. "Saloon Door". 6 months of aging tomorrow. MMMmmmmm.
  9. WOW! That was a great read. It reminds me of early Bo Jackson hype and rumors about the things he did in high school. (jumping the VW bug etc). It sounds like Jarquez has already started doing unbelievable things in college. Continuing to add to the list of unnatural ability in college, Similar to Mr. Jackson.
  10. Been a fan and alum for over 36 years. I feel like a looser fan for not knowing.
  11. I gotta' ask, where did Lathe Kisser came from?
  12. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/32127148/clemson-defensive-end-justin-foster-my-struggle-long-haul-covid
  13. Where, and how, does everyone get these good clear video clips to make these vids?
  14. MMW my audacious pick: no one's offense will score more than 29 points on our D. my wimpy pick: A walk on will take advantage of his meager playing time and push a starter before mid season.
  15. They are doing silly poses, but they have that "spark" their eyes. You can tell they are sincerely happy and having fun...even in the "serious" poses. They look like the are glad they chose Auburn and to play for Harsin. They look confident and excited to play. Is it just me or does Brahms look like Franco Harris?
  16. This changes the parameters. Are we comparing greatness to athletic ability or football ability. that list would look a lot different when compared to RB or football greatness. Maybe something like 1 Bo 2 3 4 Herschel walker 5 Jim brown 6 Jim Thorpe etc. ....
  17. It is a stretch , although I see some glimpses of greatness similar to greats like Bo and others. Definitely not saying he will be a "Bo", but the way the hype is starting to build expectations are pointing to that level of player. The super-hype was not there for Bo until he started showing his exceptional talents on the field. He also was exceptional at 2 sports adding to his eventual super- hype. One of the things that made Bo special was his athletic ability in just about any sport. Just a reminder, we are 2 generations from Bo Jackson now.
  18. I was using extremes to show my point. Expectations are growing nation wide. Slowly growing but never dipping. I live a good way outside of Alabama, and when I mention I am an AU fan and alumnus more and more people respond with "don't you have a new coach", and then "I bet he is glad he has that Tank Bigsby guy."
  19. I agree with you, I am just noticing the hype getting stronger every few weeks. There is a lot of "special " about Tank. Sooooo much talent and potential. Mentally I think he has that drive that makes special players special. But like you said HE HAS TO PRODUCE. I think he will. Watching him reminds me of watching Bo Jackson, or Cam Newton. I just think expectations are getting out of hand. More and more "superman" articles are coming out. He is just a 20 year old kid. He will have to deal with life issues outside of football that will effect his game. (girlfriends dumping him, girlfriend getting pregnant, his car getting hit in a parking lot with no note left, love one's getting ill, being robbed etc.) Life is hard, and at 20 years old things happen that seem like the end of the world. Expectation are deservingly high, but expectations are slowly getting unobtainably high. The hype will be huge by mid July.
  20. 7. TANK BIGSBY, AUBURN Directed at the hype, not you toddc, or that specific article Just the general media hype. There is a lot of hype around this young man. I am worried there is getting to be too much. Expectations are slowly becoming unrealistically high. I have concerns when he has a "pretty good" game, it will not be enough. fans will feel let down. If he has an average running back type game fans will jump off the bandwagon. He is still just a human. He will have a bad game eventually. Yes, I have seen him play. Yes, I think he will deserve being motioned for the Heisman Trophy, but... He is not going to take to the house every possession. He will have some tackles for losses. Likely to fumble the ball once or twice. Will not rush for 200+ yards in every game. May not set many records. With expectations getting so high this will seem like a major letdown and he could still be one of the greatest RB to go through Auburn. Thinking he is going to be great is one thing, but the expectations are edging closer to a superhuman RB that no one could live up to.
  21. It is not what you say. It is how you say it. when you say tings like... "What I’m not going to do is assume that just because Auburn’s head coach hired him, he must be great at coaching and recruiting." ...it comes across as if you think everyone else assumes that "just because Auburn’s head coach hired him, he must be great at coaching and recruiting". You are putting words in other poster's mouths. No one thinks because Auburn’s head coach hired him, he must be great at coaching and recruiting. Everyone is hoping that or giving the benefit of the doubt for now. I understand, you are Jaded from being burned. Try to enjoy the ride. Life is short. WDE
  22. Please point out where anyone said, "just because Auburn’s head coach hired him, he must be great at coaching and recruiting. " You are literally arguing against a non existent view.
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