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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. So now you are comparing Auburns WR coach to bama and Ol' Miss' head coaches as big names. What about Holmon Wiggins or Derick Nix? Harsin obviously thinks Cornelius Williams can keep up with them.
  2. Do you hear yourself? Borderline fantastical. Most of the level headed posters here are in wait-and-see mode, and will give Harsin the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. No one has said or even alluded to “how dare you not fully accept every Bryan Harsin decision trend is interesting to say the least”. No one has said or even alluded to "And now, all of a sudden we either need to treat him like he’s Nick Saban or kick rocks. " Those are extremes and slightly paranoid. The same as: "You think Harsin should choose the coaches you want or Harsin should kick rocks." It is an extreme based on falsehoods. Can you see how offensive that is?
  3. BS. Malzahn had very little experience as a head coach. 9 days short of 1 year at Arkansas State!
  4. What makes you think you now more about football coaches and their ability than Harsin? It seems like you put too much stock into believing internet rumors, and when they turn out false you let emotion take over. Relax. Let it play out. Harsin has more experience and knows more about football than 99% of this board. He has been coaching for over a decade. He has the experience to know what it takes to run a successful program. He knows what works and what doesn't work. He understands which coaches can help and which can not. Harsin's reputation as a coach is on the line. He is not going to go out and hire sum bum as a coach. It would only hurt Harsin in the long run. There are hundreds of great coaches in college football. Most are not household names yet. The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.
  5. I don't know much about him, but my impression from His Bio, his announcement, and what Harsin said about him... In general, he fits the pattern Harsin has been hiring. Charismatic with a strong work ethic. As a recruiter he seems like a down to earth charismatic guy As a coach, "I'm hungry to get to work and continue to grow and develop under his leadership." Seems like he is humble enough to know he is still growing as a coach. Willing to learn and a strong work ethic. I'll take that every day and twice on Sunday. Strong work ethic, willing to learn, and easy to get along with. Everything else can be learned or adjusted. No wonder he is an "up and comer".
  6. No nono no NO!!!!! I am superstitious, and need to read the "things I think" posts/threads Friday night before the next game for us to win. The season depends on this. . I missed the "Things at MSU" thread before the Florida game, and look what happened. Now I know why I can't find the "Things at Arkansas" thread. Suddenly, I am panicking about the LSU game.
  7. Do you think it would be better to go through another year or two of this crap before we start the rebuild? It will be 2020 before we may be competitive again. The rebuild should have started after last year. We could have had a competitive team by 2018. (earlier with the right coach.) I do not ask the team to win every game. I just want us to look competitive in every game. Even in our losses we should look like a well oiled machine. What we have under Gus is a is a team that looks unstable, even in the games we win.
  8. I don't mean to pick on you DividionN, but I am baffled at how so many people on this board didn't see this coming. Nothing has changed. The crappy play calling and lack of reasonable strategy has been going on under Gus since high school. Gus can not develop a QB. His gimmick plays result in loss of yards. Busted plays, illegal formation/procedure/substitutions are common. He can not evaluate talent. He can not coach up recruits. His O can not maintain consistent drives. He stops doing whatever is working in a game, as if he is thinking "they wont be expecting this illogical play. That'll fool 'em". There have been very few games with Gus as HC that we actually looked like a real football team. Even in our wins, most of the game the team looked lost more often than they looked like we knew what they were doing. A boat load of crappy plays followed by the rare genius play. Without an exceptionally athletic QB to turn a loss of 3 yards into a gain of 30, Gus is dead in the water. He is not an offensive guru.. He never was. I suspect this is why Chizik "meddled" in the offense. He could see that Gus was a fraud, and that his offense was going nowhere without an exceptional athlete on O. Unfortunately the public had the wool pulled over our eyes by ESPN and everyone just KNEW Gus was an offensive genius.
  9. It is the same as it always was with Gus... Crappy play, illegal procedure, time out, crappy play...3rd and LONG rush or pass for 5 yards, punt. Busted crappy play, pass for a loss of 3 yards, genius play. Crappy play, illegal formation, turn over. Crappy play. Rush for loss of 4, busted play, delay of game, punt. The only difference in our 2 good years was a QB athletic enough to turn busted crappy plays plays into big yards.
  10. AU60, Sorry to butt in on this conversation, but I am curious as to how the MSU investigation going on this week compares to The Don Fuell situation in 55. Was it as big of a deal back then?
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