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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. Last year Arkansas only won 3 games, MSU , Ole miss, and UT. But their fans had patience. Pittman inherited talent that match his system. It was already there when Pittman get there. He is not 2 years behind in recruiting to his system and style of play. and it still took more than a year to get it straightened out.
  2. Probably a lot. Their basic philosophy has not changed much. Pittman inherited a lot of the same type players he likes to use. Big ,aggressive players. esp OL.
  3. The first two games raised expectations too high. We all are hoping for it, but did you really think we would get to to 9 wins this year? you don't think other teams have talent also? How about established systems with their coach's type players loaded up? Are other programs are not striving to win like we are? Why do you feels so entitled that Auburn should be able to bring in a new coach and win 9 games or more in his first year? It doesn't happen very often. I understand you are upset we wont live up to your 1st year expectations, but your expectations are just too damn high.
  4. That is what we are trying to figure out. We have a new coach New football philosophy, new culture and we Do not have the type of talent yet that our new coach needs to run his system properly. It is the price you pay for a new coach but if you give it some time it will be worth it. Look at Arkansas. They looked way worse than we do early last year. Their change of type play was not as drastic as ours' is. They are doing fine right now. This stuff takes time.
  5. If our OL and DL would develop some sort of mean streak I think we will be fine. Changing a decade of culture takes time. We need to start playing with an attitude. It will take 2 years to get this train back on the tracks. expecting anything else is delusional. As of yesterday, the players look like they are still thinking out there as opposed to reacting. Give it some time people.
  6. Was there an "edge " to his voice or something? Not sure that qualifies as a "rant". He not singing cumbia by any means, but sounds more like a stern account of facts about how he runs the program.
  7. I like that too. I am not a big fan of all the fancy s*** some teams are doing. It would suit me fine if we show up in jorts and dirty Tee-shirts with the numbers painted in blood.
  8. I believe in the Law of Averages. When someone goes through a tough time and are doing something below their average (for what ever reason), they tend to bust out of it with a vengeance. This maintains their "typical average play" (for that player). Shivers Is much better than he has been able to show so far this season (because he didn't have a choice having to sit out 2 games). Now that he is back, he will put up numbers in some games that will average out by the end of the season as if he never missed the last 2 games. When that happens, it will be electric!!!
  9. Saw some of the strangest things riding the slush bus home.
  10. This this this. We need to work on passing (and pass blocking) as much as possible and find a go to WR.
  11. Color of Facemask would not make much difference, but every bit counts. Same with eye black on cheek bones. It may only make a difference in one play all year, but that could happen during an important play. It can ONLY help. It will not hurt at all. You don't notice facemask color effects viewing unless you have something to compare it to in real time. The viewing widow of a windshield is pretty large also. You don't notice the difference in your car windshield by dash light power, either unless you test it. Tonight while driving turn your dash lights down all the way for a while, then crank the dash lights to max. which can you see out of more clearly? you always want the outside to have more light than the inside when looking through something. The bigger the difference in light, the better you can see out. nothing reflective or white on the onside.. Look at your reflection in a glass window. Wear a white shirt, then wear a black shirt. Which shirt allows you to see through your reflection better. It is just a thought from my experiences. It is the only disadvantage of a light colored facemask I can think of, and it's not that big of a difference. I just like to make sure every detail is covered.
  12. If this happens will someone that knows someone in the athletic department PLAESE tell them to paint the inside of the masks FLAT BLACK. It is so much easier to see through. Tell them to hold up and aluminum window screen and a black nylon window screen and see how much easier it is to see through a black screen and how much more detail you can see. I know it sounds nit picky, but in hunting blinds It makes a HUGE difference in the ability to see out and see details. Similar to how it is easier to see out your windshield with the dash light dimmed compared to fully bright dash lights. The way light reflects off the screen/windshield (or mask) back towards to eyes is bright and draws attention (changes eye dilation) to the mask. I know facemasks are not as dense as a widow screen, or the intensity of light reflecting back towards the eyes would not be as strong, but every little bit counts. It could mean the difference in at least one dropped (important) pass during the season.
  13. I wanna see the OL staying on pass blacks for 4-5 seconds. I wanna see more turn overs created.
  14. 1. So again only at midfield at home with less than 70K fans? "Backed up to the 30" LOL it's not like we were on the 8 yard line. 2 agreed. 3 may be. Depends on how the opponent is lining up. It is not like the Dye days when you knew we we going to run it, and we still ran it down your throat. we don't have the horses on the OL for that style. play. Talent discrepancy? some, but not as much as you elude to. The reality is that PSU is a solid team. We, at the moment, are a work in progress and likely will be for another year.
  15. yes, 2023 we will be young. So, what do you do to take advantage of odd years that you don't already do? Try more than 100%? Make up your mind. Is it: harder to win in even number years because we have to play tough top 10 away games? or is it: NOT harder to win a tough top 10 away game this year? If traveling (long distance) and fighting PSU was supposed to be so easy, why are you so worried about UGA and Bama away games in even years?
  16. Because I am sick of delusional posters that whine and complain like entitled bitches. They are Blamers. They can except reality and must point blame. There is criticism , and then there is just being a jaded fool. There are a few posters who do nothing but talk about how bad Auburn is under Harsin. Look at some of these poster's history. All they do is bitch and moan and second guess every little thing like they have an agenda against Harsin or Auburn. Blaming Bo ,blaming Bobo , blaming Harsin, blaming Mason, blaming a play call. They claim to have ridiculously high expectations and lose there cool when they are not met. we have a coach in his 3rd game. It is rare that a new coach walks into an established top 10 team's house in their 3rd game and walks away with a win. It happens, but expecting it or demanding it is delusional.
  17. I suspect we played zone because of personnel. We were down McClain, (and Pappoe). It is hard to replace a good covering senior's man-on-man skills.
  18. Why do you hate Harsin so much? Almost invariably your posts are about how bad Auburn sucks under Harsin. If Harsin and Auburn can't live up to your delusional standards, go pull for another team.
  19. That is kind of my point. Gus was so bad that it is easy for us to think, "here we go again" . I would say the few bonehead mistakes yesterday are no more common with Harsin the any other coach. You live, you learn. It is really just something that all coaches have to try to overcome. No one makes the right call every time. In the heat of battle , while full of adrenalin, a stupid thought often seem like a good idea. During the chaos, other coaches and players are eager to believe and easy to sell. Everyone is for it , until the play fails. I coached baseball. a lot of games. Over 10 years worth. I coached teams with winning records and losing records. One team's only win was by forfeit. ( 1-21, ouch) One team only lost one game all year (28-1). And teams with records everywhere in between. The one thing they ALL had in common was that I made my share of stupid bonehead calls in the heat of battle. Made some genius calls that broke down and bit me. Some pre-planned calls that just failed miserably. Some calls really pissed off some parents. Good calls turned to s*** by random chance. and some correct calls that players didn't execute. I can not think of one game that was called absolutely perfect. NOT ONE. BUT none of that really mattered. The other coaches were dealing with the same s***. It goes along with coaching. I made no more or less bonehead calls with my championship team as I did with my ....."opposite of champion" team. no more or less bonehead calls than any other coach I faced.
  20. So trick plays are only to be used between the 30 and 20 yard lines? LMAO! Get real. Seriously, have you ever coached anything in your life?
  21. The problem is that we have been trained over the last few years to look for bonehead play calls. There were a few in this game, but not more than any other coach makes. And definitely WAY less than Gus. Even the great Saban's teams make bonehead calls every now and then. Right now we do not have the horses to make up for the random bad play call. The trick play was not a bonehead call. It was just not executed well, and the random fumble was not cause because of a bad play call.
  22. I called my son during the game to tell him I could hear our crowd and band on TV over PSU's for large portions of the game.
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