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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. may be. I rode with a bunch of older students.
  2. That had to have been it. I remember bringing our own beer. We drank on the open patio area (I think it was open because the roof was rotted away. LOL)
  3. kind of on the same topic, Does anyone remember where the bar called "The Alamo" used to be. It was the first bar I ever went into as a freshman at auburn. The only bar I knew of that they didn't card underaged drinkers at the time. I think I remember it being on the north side of 280, west of the bottle about15-20 minutes. Mid 1980's it was already seriously dilapidated. Torn down maybe 1989ish. May be out toward Waverly.
  4. Call and tell them you are going with another service, because Th other service can get you set up new in the next few days, not 3.5 weeks. I bet they will send you what you need or send someone out sooner that 3.5 weeks.
  5. Just run a ton of "pulling /trap" type plays design to blindside him. Over and over. We need to pick on him all game long. This is where Pegues coming from TE would have been very helpful.
  6. tip off at Toomers will be on SEC network+ here... 7:00 https://www.espn.com/watch/player/_/id/1789e34b-5ecc-4e2f-92f5-68533da26759
  7. Didn't Harsin say they were working on a package for Finley around the end of 2-a-days? With TJ's skill set, we likely have a completely different style of plays that can be plugged in once he gets it going. I suspect we will see him for more than one series whether we are wining or losing. At least, this is what I am hoping. random example. It's a big difference in styles you can attempt between the skilsets of Nix with Hunter, Tank or Shivers (speed) and the skill sets of TJ with Sean Jackson (size) in the backfield.
  8. haha. ALL OF THEM, but sniff makes it sound like he was smelling fans on purpose.
  9. Technically he could HAVE controlled pretty much anything. I think coach means it is not in his control at this time. Grade, drugs, compliance, whatever, could be controlled beforehand. Not saying it was school related, but if he wasn't taking enough classes or failing (could have controlled in the past), at this point it would be out of his control. An injury is about the only uncontrollable reason that would keep a player out.
  10. I would assume that falls under disciplinary reasons. We have been told that is not the case.
  11. I don't think anyone would know if it was grades or not other than the coach and him. If it is not grades and not an injury or health issue, and it is not disciplinary , the only other possibility would be that he quit, and was not kicked off the team.
  12. That is the one I was thinking of. While looking for that clip, I saw another clip of him making another QB saving block. The kid is the complete package. Runs, Blocks, and catches great!
  13. grades seem to be the only reason that fits the bill, BUT I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS IS THE REASON.
  14. I thought I saw 7 total, but I am not sure. I wasn't counting during the game. Some may have been reversed for a penalty or something. I'm pretty sure I remember 2 drops from a player on that list and list has him at 1. Not sure at all but I think another had 3 but the list has him at 2. Not going to put names to it cause I am not even close to 100% sure.
  15. I am not sure. We have SOME elite cover guys, some other pretty good ones. I am just tying to think of logical reasons why we do not press often and hard. "weak" is not a word I would use. But our strategy seems to be minimize big plays. If you are going to hard press, you can't screw up. Ever. Maybe they are still learning technique or style or general responsibility in this system while playing press.
  16. I hope we do not find out until 50 minutes before kick off again.
  17. It may not be a matter of what anyone wants. It may be a player issue. You have to really trust your cover guys to go one on one and more so to have them press hard. We just may not be good enough (technique, strength, speed?) for that yet. It may be why we are playing a lot of zone, and/or leaving the giant cushions. I suspected that was our WR issues earlier in the year. They would struggle getting off hand checks to the point it caused timing issues in their routes.
  18. @aucanucktiger nailed it in another thread... The Nix Six for the scrambling TD pass.
  19. well said. I saw Worm make one hellova block. He stood up a big DL at full speed rushing at Nix. Oh no, he didn't just chip they guy, Worm stoned the guy in his tracks. Looked like the lineman ran into a brick wall. That block gave Nix an extra 2 seconds in the pocket.
  20. Mom thinking... "where's my pen. I want an autograph."
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