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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. Call put in. Would be really funny if we could get 75,000 of them. Pretty much everyone carry one in in their pocket. Blow it up at halftime and chunk them on the field. We could turn the stadium into the worlds largest ball pit.
  2. That's hilarious. real beach balls size would be better. Someone that is going to the game, need's to buy all 322 of them. Pass a couple dozen out to tailgaters pregame, and pass 200+ to the students as they enter. The rest go to random sections in the stadium. Or, just sell them for $3 at Toomer's. They will make their way into the stadium. LOL. 322 beach balls in the flashing lights (that is like..? 2-3 per section in JHS.) It would even matter that they are not yellow.
  3. you aren't from around here are ya'? You really think bama football doesn't have support? They have a psychotic amount of support from most of their fan base. Every player that goes to bama is the greatest player to ever play football til they get processed. bama also doesn't have the media regurgitating the BS they read about Bama like they do towards Auburn. Marketing and publicity is an uphill battle for Auburn. We don't need to make it ANY more difficult.
  4. Sarcasm noted. But you are still in the dark. They aren't going to say it, but all else equal, they will decide against a school where the fans do not support the team or players. We unfortunately have to deal with bama fans, both outright, and posing as Auburn fans. Add to that the large amount of our own entitled, knee jerk fans, and we leave a very negative impression of Auburn. Every school has their psycho entitled fans, but we seem to have an exorbitant amount of them. Top it off with the anti Auburn media in the state, who use these ridiculous negative posts to push their agenda. It is ALL marketing. In today's digital world, every single recruit looks up the school and forums like this one as soon as they get an offer. When they scan the board and see repeatedly "coach X" isn't any good or is in over his head. We should have hired LK. Player X is more talented and will never see the field with this coach. Or player Y needs to be benched (even tho he is trying to learn a new system, culture and football philosophy), how can a recruit not picture themselves in that position. we have had people really piss of players parents on this board and others. Do you think they are going to suggest talented little brother/cousin/family friend go to Auburn? Not as likely, and every little bit counts.
  5. Not so true. What is said on message boards effect recruits. They see a bunch of "fans" complaining, pushing a negative narrative, saying the coaches are not good, a player is not talented and bailing on the team when adversity hits, they are going to look elsewhere, for a team with less of that. It just takes missing out on one 5 star OL for it to effect the team. So yeah, what is said by a random poster doesn't carry much weight, but when you have a plethora of posters repeating a negative narrative, like we do, it can have a major effect on a team by hampering recruiting.
  6. "However, anything less than 3-2 would be a major disappointment." May be a disappointment, but not major. I was hoping for 7 wins and a bowl game last summer. We are still in the SEC west with a NEW head coach. All I have ever asked of this team is to play hard and be competitive. I want ALL the wins, but if we keep showing improvement, and play hard every game I will not be majorly disappointed with less than 3 more wins. Being on top is a lot of fun, but watching the program grow is the exciting part. We are starting to grow up fast. We just need to keep up fan support. Show the recruits we do not punk out on our team when adversity hits.
  7. Harsin's first top 20 win. first top20 win on the road in a long time. I am seeing this team get better every week. They are understanding what they are supposed to do, and reacting by instinct more and more. They are gaining confidence in themselves, their teammates and their coaches. This team has really grown up in the last 3 weeks. As fans, all we can do to help them is support them.
  8. The AU tradition began in the early 1960s when groups of kids would walk up the street to greet the team and get autographs. It grew quickly.
  9. I around 2005. The picture I posted may be the second time it happened at LSU. The original pictures were of where is was parked on their campus . I was too lazy to search further. Seeing it pisses me off. EDIT: https://www.aufamily.com/forums/topic/20432-yall-seen-this/
  10. How about when they refused to let us have Tiger Walk. But now, they have copied another Auburn tradition, and do a pregame walk.
  11. Bunch of hillbilly vandals. Remember when they did this in Fayetteville ?
  12. Until we get the culture and attitude of practicing hard across the whole team, I have no problem with it. We have to get rid of the attitude, " I'm so good that I don't need to work at practice., and I will still play. " If we play those type payers, we will have immediate results, tho they will be minor. BUT, It will hurt the team in the long run. enabling the attitude you can play even if you do not work as hard as you should. We are trying to change the culture back to blue collar and hard work.
  13. https://auburntigers.com/watch/?Live=1689&type=Live
  14. I suspect Bo gets too hyped up and full of adrenaline during games. The guy lives for football. He eats and drinks football. When the lights are on , he is ecstatic!! The "too fast Bo" probably doesn't show up in practice, but when it is time to play, he gets that rush of adrenaline as long as the game is on. I suspected that with is overthrows earlier in the year. I could be the rush causes him to throw the ball about 3 feet further than he does all week at practice.
  15. The difference is that we are not playing up to our potential .... yet.
  16. I understand the hack hyped the title. But that play is not the reason we lost. Bringing it up after a loss makes Auburn look petty and entitled. I live in Arkansas, and as you know, no one has ever beaten the hogs fair and square. They always lose to the refs. They sound so ridiculously petty and entitled I am embarrassed for them. (fun video down below) I like Bo. I think he is an excellent representative for Auburn. He didn't go overboard, and he handled it "okay", but those kinds of calls will be made by refs forever. The refs are human, they make mistakes. "It is a shame, but that happens in football. " would have been a better response IMHO.
  17. I see your point, but Where does it end? everyone complaining about the refs all the time. Reverse the call and reverse the team complaining. Then what, preemptive complaining to refs about a team to influence game calls? There would always be someone complaining. It is undignified. Both sides being judged equally is all we can ask. Besides, we have so many more important issues to worry about.
  18. I have defended our WR with "there will always be a few drops" up until this game, but It is just way out of hand. It is not just WR's either. We have had balls hit players in the facemask, back, chest, hands etc. in the uga game alone. Some of them uncontested. Those type drops should rarely happen at this level. Bad passes, good defensive play, uncalled PI, in my opinion are acceptable drops along with very, few random "easy catch" drops. 3-4 easy catch drops per game will not work. the problem is compounded by errant throws, and our inability to get open quickly/hold blocks on OL.
  19. Although I agree with him 100% it is not a good look to complain about officiating for anyone... esp players. Bad calls happen. almost invariably one team thinks the call was correct. In the long run 50% of the bad calls go your way.
  20. I am seeing more drops than uncatchable passes. (By a HUGE margin if you do not count throw aways.) The good news is... we have a plethora of players that can play DB.
  21. WTF? Did you play NFL? why are you such a dick? Curious.
  22. I was always coached : "If you can touch it, you can catch it."
  23. that sounds like it. I remember it having a walled in pavilion (or garage) on the side. About the size of Harry's on Opelika rd. About the same sanitary level. You bet, it only lasted a couple weekends. Most of us were just 18 years old and all fluckered-up. I don't know if anyone was officially running the place. I am not even sure there was anyone there serving us. Small, dark and dilapidated. If it was run by anyone, it must have been an old rum runner that just did not give a crap about anything. It was a blast. LOL
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