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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. For a while there I thought he was playing on no legs. Didn't he have 2 trashed knees?
  2. your jokes are negative your serious posts are negative. can't tell them apart anymore. It must be a rough life to be so negative all the time. You sound like a softball mom.
  3. Same with fans. There are more important things to do than attend a fundraiser. esp. if our program is doing as poorly you think. Same goes for Harsin. It's not like he can just pop over at a moment's notice. NO, It is not. people are saying coaches are upset Harsin didn't get to know them. It was actually posted by AU9377 as ammo against Harsin. OF COURSE there are going to be a lot of coaches Harsin didn't get to know in 1 year. Relationships take time. A lot of time. Again, especially if our program is as bad as you portray, Some of you are making it look like a person vendetta against Harsin.
  4. Maybe. I am sure Bo loves Auburn, not sure which he loves more. Auburn, or Malzahn. May be, his pride from backing malzahn. I have not seen hide nor hair of him since malzahn was fired. I can not recall seeing him at any games last year. When was the last time you saw him in Auburn? I am a big Bo fan. I doubt Harsin not attending hurt Bo's charity. I do not see Harsin attending actually helping the charity in any meaningful way. I doubt Bo even noticed.
  5. Confirmation bias much? Who gives a crap. Thee are more important things to do for a head coach than go to Bo Jackson's charity event. When was the last time you saw Bo supporting the Auburn/football team? When his pick, Pus Malzahn was fired, he seemed to disappear. Does he love Auburn or Malzahn? In one year as a head coach there is only so much time to get to know every high school coach in Georgia, Alabama , Florida, Louisiana, Texas, TN, MS, etc.
  6. bama fans trying to take down Auburn, bama and Auburn fans trying to take down Harsin, ignorant ,gullible posters on social media, people that just cant let gus go. some butt hurt old guard power, bama media, Auburn fan's with an agendas that love to cause chaos and drama., negative stories sell (true or not) ....
  7. You say ignorant s*** you get forehead slapped. What kind of petty punk goes back and face slaps a post from a month ago for "vengeance"? LMAO. Such a bammer thing to do. Time to call a bammer poser a bammer poser.
  8. I have to disagree. Auburn fans are no worst than any other fan base, BUT NO OTHER SCHOOL has the plethora of bama posters also thrashing Auburn posing as Auburn fans... and a lot not posing but post as plain bama fans. NO THER SCHOOL has as much negative coverage in the state and national media media which is dominated by their big rival. Add to that the naïve posters and fans that take this negative media and run with it trying to pass it off as football knowledge. We have to put up with more negativity than any other school BY FAR! specific fan comments may not make it to the recruit, but the atmosphere created by the negative comments by fans/press /posers eventually does.
  9. I don't know , man. If she is ,she is getting pretty old. She was in her mid 70's when I was trying to date her my sophomore year.
  10. That girl I tried to date in the early 1980's. She was 36inches.... EACH!
  11. This team... Tony Fair. He had a few positive notes, but when I saw him I thought " WTH? there is no way this guy is in shape to play SEC football, and will probably be 2 years before he could get into good enough shape to be effective in SEC ball." BOY WAS I WRONG! Caught me off guard and was more than pleasantly surprised
  12. HAHAH! It is not just on a message boards. We have more entitled fans than an other school. There are posters on this board that do nothing but post any negative angle they can about Auburn. Some do more damage to Auburn than bama fans. Some are actual bama fans posing as Auburn fans. The bama media runs with the narrative. Some of more Naïve Auburn fans get sucked into the narrative. Some are so butt hurt over Pus Malzhan that they will stop at nothing until they get Harsin fired. As long as we continue to have the large and vocal lunatic fringe , that demands inflated expectations and wanting to fire a coach as soon as something goes wrong, Auburn football will continue to tank.
  13. Figure it out. If you cant see the problem maybe you are part of it!
  14. This is why Auburn needs to get rid of the plethora vocal entitled fans with outrageous expectations.
  15. https://auburntigers.com/watch/?Live=1692&type=Live
  16. I saw it during the game. we really need a second or two more in that gif. Besides the RB, The whole OL got laid on their back. What happened? what is the difference in the that play that enables the DL to just demolish the OL compared to 99% of other plays in the game? Why don't we dominate like that more often? It was like Arkansas' whole OL wasn't ready.
  17. We have players and former players on a dozen teams in dozens of pro sports. An Atlanta win has nothing more to do with Auburn than any other teams with Auburn players on it.
  18. If people start rolling toomers for every ex Auburn player in every sport toomers would never be "unrolled". I know bama fans that go to Auburn. How will you feel if they start rolling toomers when bama wins. The Braves are my MLB bama JMO but I feel strongly about this. I am all for rolling toomers for any Auburn sport, academic recognition, a Greek accomplishment from AU campus, even a huge donation, etc. but unless it is an Auburn success, it is just littering.
  19. I do not like this. Auburn doesn't represent the Braves. This is an AUBURN tradition. Anything unrelated to Auburn should be considered littering.
  20. No one has ever beaten the hogs fair and square. They complain about the refs more than any other 2 schools combined. I love it. I hope we get a controversial play go our way every time we play them for the rest of time! The week before we played them, hog fans were complaining that one of their players was lifted off his feet and slammed to the ground. (it is why they lost to ole miss.) They were all on the other side of this argument then. They bitched so much, I am sure the refs listened and took their advice in our game. They have to realize, at this point ,that all their complaining about the refs since joining the SEC has become a self fulfilling prophecy. The refs are sick of them crying "Referee" every game they lose and so the refs hold it against them in every game. LOL
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