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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. If we pick Caddy, our fanbase will have to understand it will not be a quick fix. Experience means a lot. Caddy will have to make a few years worth of mistakes and successes to learn from. \\ I would take Caddy as HC any day, but I realize it may be a few decent and a few bad years before he learns from coaching mistakes/successes and we become consistent. In the mean time, you know as well as I that we eat our own here at Auburn ... especially when it comes to fired ex coaches. If things go south, a large portion of our fan base would turn on Caddy. I do not want to see that happen. He is too valuable to our program. I would rather have him learn at a smaller school for 4-8years, and come back when he is ready.
  2. Two years at most in this landscape of Auburn. We have too many entitled bitches that would rather be right than see Auburn succeed. Some were dissing on Cohen before he even was officially hired. There will be a few that will get so emotionally involved with their negative stance that they will make sure they fail by spreading as much negative news about the new coach as they can. Casting doubt on the new coach and Auburn for the kids we are recruiting. Getting someone fired is a self fulfilling prophecy. Just get the ball rolling.
  3. as well, he should be. He needs to learn how to catch theball, and hold onto to the ball. I dont think I have ever watched a RB fumble so many times and keep his job.
  4. You need to lookup the definition of obsession. I don't drone on and on about gus being gone. I could not care less about him. He is no longer the coach at Auburn and never will be again how does your trying to tear down Harsin help Auburn in ANY way? I am not the obsessed one. Take a step back and look at your post history talk about an obsession. In all seriousness, get some help.
  5. This has nothing to do with my attitude toward gus and all to do with your fixation with Gus being fired. You really need some professional psychological help with your obsession. You haven't stopped trashing Auburn and Coach Harsin since Harsin was hired. Gus isn't here anymore, go follow him with your preoccupation if he is so much more important to you than Auburn. Why do you consistently go out of your way o show everyone how terrible you think Auburn is for hiring Coach Harsin. Quit having such a defeatist attitude Get over yourself and your obsession with gus or go pull for gus at UCF Who needs Bama fans when we have "fans" like AU24.
  6. why do you hate Harsin so much? Did he sleep with your wife?
  7. Thanks!! I couldn't find it on Google Maps before, because I could remember where it was. Its been 35 years since I saw it.
  8. Anyone know if the old outdoor amphitheater on campus is still around? Cant find much info online.
  9. Time to eliminate scholarships altogether. No limit on players. You either can get into a school or you can't If you are so good you need a scholly, work hard for an NIL.
  10. I think it was just across the Opelika border. May have also been a club, tho I do not remember signing up for membership. (but that means squat considering the shape I was in after closing down other bars. )
  11. So, Any students know which bar is the happenin' late night dive bar now days?
  12. My favorite Graffiti from Harry's was the original.... "I slept with your mother" below that in different writing, "go home Dad , you're DRUNK!"
  13. I don't remember. It's been 30 years . I cant seem to find it on google maps.
  14. and the "preacher man". Thumb thumping the Bible ... literally. " THUMP!! YOU are going to hell for wearing that dress. THUMP! THUMP! and YOU are going to hell you fornicator" Tho most of the time he was by the eagle's cage.
  15. LMAO, that is the first thing I thought of when my son texted me. I told him HAS to see PCU now.
  16. NP. I have some video, but this is a family sight, and the pictures are WAY too disturbing.
  17. why wouldn't it? (other than not football related) no one needs to take sides. the humor is in that they are arguing with each other. the pitcture represents the normal student just trying to relax between classes and being accosted with drama. Maybe I should add a warning like they did. LOL
  18. It started yesterday, hence the "Monday. " There are anti abortion activists all over putting up very graphic pictures of mutilated babies. There is also a LGBT group out there I guess protesting " don't say gay" movement, but they are now protesting the gory pictures hung all over the concourse by the anti abortion activists. LMAO. The scene has calmed down now. I think we should call the "Preacher Man" guy in to tell them all they are going to hell for wearing shorts.
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