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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. lots of exceptions to this cole. For me ... Kiffin was one of about 4 coaches I would be very happy with. There are only a handful of coaches I would adamantly be against, but would do all I can to support them. There is nothing we can do about who we hire/fire, so no matter who it is, I will back them as long as I can. I want what is best for the players and program. As long as I see improvement week to week and year to year, I am happy. Once they prove they can not handle the job I move on.
  2. You must have reading comprehension issues. I never said your opinions are pointless (edit pettiness). The droning on and on is quite pointless (edit: Petty ) tho. I have stated where I stand on Kiffen and other coaches one or two times this week. No droning about how good or bad this hire is for Auburn. How exactly do you think your posts are helping the Tigers you so love? Help start the momentum. Don't fight it. Good day
  3. re read. I think it is petty that you keep droning on and on about your opinion. we get it already. No one cares. good day sir.
  4. To be fair, they would field soft teams.
  5. You agenda is showing. It doesn't matter whether you think he is a good coach or not. your droning on and on about your opinion comes across as petty. We all know you don't like Kiffen. I am sure you are waiting on the day when you can say how right you are. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Have you ever liked an Auburn coach? Harsin, Gus, Chizik, Tuberville, Dye?
  6. yes, I am part of the mob that is trying to anything we can to help Auburn. We are called Auburn fans. You seem more interested in posting anything negative you can find about Lane. Not because you think he is not a good coach, but because your feeling are hurt that the coach you wanted was not hired. You are so dug in that you will likely never give Kiffin a chance. You have already started trying to tear him down. Wake up. Come join the mob. it is much more fun over here.
  7. no one cares about your opinion. you are sowing discord for no reason. SMH
  8. It is not so easy just going out and getting the perfect coach. We are not the only team striving for championships. We are not the only school with money. We are not the only school with history and school spirit. Kiffen has turned bad teams around. At Auburn he has everything he needs to turn us around and build a championship team. He has the coaching intelligence. If you can not see the improvements he made at all his other stops I am not sure I can help you. BTW, How does complaining about him before he even is announced help Auburn in any way?
  9. let him coach a few years at Auburn before trying to tear him down. See if there is consistant noticeable improvement in our play. see if he does something that is actually against your moral code. Quit being so emotional. These players don't need guidance any more than non athletes students with no coaches who seem to do fine. The players need a head coach. Family, friends, associates, and Position coaches like Caddy can give them the guidance they need. It sucks, but College football is 100% a business now. It would be nice to have a father figure as a coach, but It is no longer about building young men. It is all about the money. see NIL and transfer portal.
  10. I have personally witness Lane turning offenses around from really bad to really good. (W/L record or not.) I watched him at UT take a team that could not pass, rush, catch, block, and make huge noticeable improvements immediately. There is a reason UT and Ole miss are angry about him leaving. Same at FAU, same at ole miss. even at USC he kept the offense afloat under very harsh sanctions. He revolutionized bama's offense at the time, and I expect the same from him here at Auburn. Don't start tearing down the whole program before he even starts because he is not your choice in coaches. You are better than that.
  11. If he gets us up and running well enough for bama to come calling, what can bama offer that Auburn can not match. PLUS, he wouldn't have to live in Tuscaloosa.
  12. Are you going to spend the next two years trying to burn the house down again because we didn't hire the coach you wanted?
  13. Why, it is a win win. Keep Caddy... helps the team. Let Caddy go get some OC and HC coaching experience so he is ready for HC at an SEC school (here)... Helps Our future and his.
  14. What does everyone think about giving Caddy the honor of making the announcement. My first reaction was it may be insulting to him, but the more I thought about it, the more I think It would be very honorable for Caddy. He is gracious enough, and Auburn enough to show honor, and class, and show support for whoever is our next HC. It would go a long way for Auburn himself, the new coach, recruits, his future, everyone.
  15. I think you would really enjoy the movie "The Hater" (netflix polish film). Neither party may be involved. it could just be a hater from MS ST or bama. Or a still mad at Kiffin UT fan. It could be anyone. you would be shocked at how many people attempt to be like the hater in this movie. we have a couple on this board. most do not take it to such an extreme of course (murder) , but If you want a better understanding of the net and misinformation this is a must watch.
  16. In college football, the best team doesn't ALWAYS win.
  17. experience matters. He needs to learn from his successes and failures. He needs the knowledge of what happens when he makes head coaching choices, and if he should make that choice again or not. He has not had many "hard to make decisions" that burned him. There will be many situations that he has never been in before. He will make good and bad decisions and learn, but Auburn is not the place for that. we eat our own at any sign of weakness. The rah rah stuff is awesome. I love it and really helps a team a lot, but it will only take you so far (Houston Nutt). Other teams have their own rah rah stuff going on. Caddy is living off getting the players motivated, which is more than half the battle. When he has 4+ years experience as a head coach, he will be ready, and bad ass. Do what we can to help him get the best job he can and don't be afraid to let him go. He will be back when he is ready. It will be worth the wait.
  18. Honestly, I am happy I see improvement game to game and year to year. That is all that matters to me. I am willing to be patient. game to game evidence of blocking getting better, QB progressing, better tackling, etc. etc. etc. 6-6, 7-5 , 8-4 , 9-3 , 9-3, 10-2 , then 9 to 11 wins consistently. I think Kiffin will make the most immediate impact with his portal acumen. Some of the other coaches may be better high school recruiters, which may take a 2-3 years to get us back to the depth we need, but the end result will be the same. We are looking at a few years before we are seriously competitive again. The good news is, we have positions open across the board. if you want to play right away, Auburn is the way.
  19. THIS^^^ It is not that he coached at bama or any rival of ours, but that he has gone out of his way to vocalize his obsessive hatred for Auburn. I am sure he would do a fine job if hired here. I would support him like any other AU coach, I just do not trust him. There are 4 or 5 other coaches i have seen mentioned I would want before him.
  20. The difference between Dye and Dabo is massive. Dye was not a mouthy, vindictive, petty jerk with an unhealthy amount of personal hate towards Auburn.
  21. Here is my take on Dabo. There is a good chance he has reached out to us, but for nefarious reasons. Very Tiny chance: He sincerely wants to coach at Auburn. He is petty enough and vindictive enough to.... Small chance: he would take the job and leave as soon as saban retires. ( there were rumors earlier that saban may retire this year. If true, he could be hired at Auburn and leave before he ever coaches a game. screwing Auburn ) Medium chance: He hates Auburn so much that he is just showing interest to throw a monkey wrench into out coach search, wasting time and money. (screwing Auburn) Large chance: he has not reached out to anyone.
  22. Yeah, Tennessee was pissed Kiffin left them.
  23. If we win the turn over battle we win this one easily.
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