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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. the big issue will be whatever Texas decides to do with all their money. they are the only "SEC" school that have that kind of cash, and they take football way more seriously and with much lower admission standards than Harvard and the ivy's.
  2. There are plenty of top athletes across the country with good enough grades and test scores. As of now they are all spread out on different teams. Most of which would go to Harvard to play IF Harvard started taking football seriously as we do in the SEC. 50% of the admissions process is from the interviews to get in. They want leaders and outside the box thinkers. Players would get a Harvard education and Harvard contacts. Football history and 3 times the money to play. New billion dollar facilities etc. Harvard would just have to get the ball rolling for a very small fraction of their endowment.
  3. Not really, My son had a choice. Auburn or Harvard. It was a tough choice because Harvard was so much less expensive than Auburn. ( granted I had to pay out of state for 2 years at Auburn, but would have at Harvard also) Harvard gives out so many scholarships and grants. Tuition is based on income. I think it was 10% of your income. They make it a point to make sure none of the students graduate with any school debt. It was 3 times more expensive to send my son to Auburn than Harvard. The only reason my son chose Auburn over Harvard was Harvard did not offer a degree in what my son wanted to major in. So glad he chose Auburn. He is happy and thriving and just 1 semester away from graduating.
  4. they will not see it as Student Athletes being exploited when they each make $100,000+ a year at Harvard. In 49 years they will start to run out of money with NO more donations, but still have more than Auburn in the bank. If 75% of their donors just stopped they would still make more per year than Auburn has in our total endowment. It is just a matter of time before they realize they can also have top sports teams and can keep up with the big dogs in sports with a very very small percentage of their endowment. That day will eventually come. FSU was once a girls college. Suwannee and vandy used to be SUPER powerhouses. When the rules change power changes. We have have some drastic changes in the last few years. Who knows what could happen in the next decade or 2
  5. That is their Total endowment I believe. Not for 1 year. But your point is still correct. to compare, Auburn's total endowment is right around 1,000,000,000.
  6. THIS^^^ I suspect this happen in the near future with NIL. The ivy league will be top dog. Harvard has over $50,000,000,000 endowment. that is not a typo. If Harvard wanted to, they could theoretically spend $1,000,000,000 on a coach and players PER YEAR for 50 years without bringing in another donation. A Billion per year. No SEC school could keep up.
  7. My imaginary source said that Kiffin is going to sign the AUBURN contract on the jumbotron just before kick off tonight.
  8. possibly, but you don't think they would know that he has not signed his new contract with them? No one cares about Caddy's big day but us Auburn fans. When a decision is made, someone will talk.
  9. ``We won't, but ole miss will. Drive a stake in the heart of our search saying we missed out on our #1 before the iron bowl saying Kiffin signed with them. OR That Kiffin signed with us and announce they are starting their search. Why would UM care about Cadillac's big day?
  10. I was talking about Kiffin news. If it is not Kiffin, it is possible we may not get info until after bowl season.
  11. among the documented infidelity, assaults and scams... I remember something about him at Free Shoes U missing classes. Like, not 1 or two classes, but he spent 0 time in any class one full semester, and somehow passed. combine that with his lack of experience, he should be way down our list of coaches. Pretty much the only thing he brings to the table that other coaches are not head and shoulders above, is his fame and name.
  12. you got it. Ole miss or Auburn, I do not expect to hear anything concrete 'til After the egg bowl. As early as pregame warm ups, as late as Friday evening. We may try to "not over ride" Caddy's big day, but ole miss will not. My gut says Kiffin will make a decision tonight, and sign someone's contract by Friday morning. News will break one way or the other by Friday afternoon.
  13. TIFWIW " Inside the Rebels" reporting Kiffin to stay at Ole Miss PAYWALL... Inside the Rebels reporting Kiffin to stay at Ole Miss
  14. I know where you stand. I enjoy your posts. your opinion carries more weight with me than most of the posters on the board. You very rarely seem as though you have an agenda. I didn't intend for the post to sound like I was calling you out in any way "I ain't good with them words like other people". BTW, I know I come across as offensive often. I tell people all the time, "look, I'm am a**hole, so if you don't want your feelings hurt, don't talk to me." LOL The post was not directed so much at you. I just wanted to point the stat thing out without getting dragged into the pissing match above. (battery dying on keyboard after that wall of text sorry for any typos.)
  15. keep in mind, Stats can be cherry picked and twisted to make a coach look good and bad. The thing I know about Kiffin is that I have witnessed him turn multiple offenses around from a Chinese fire drill, like ours has been for7+ years, to a team that organized, looks like it has a plan and knows how to implement it. There are too many variables to rely only on stats. when you beat a team that is borderline .500 they fall below the .500 mark and vice versa. Was the .500 stat talked about in the tweet from before they played or at the end of the year? 0-5... other than 3 losses to bama, who were the other 2 they played that were above .500 and would ole miss typically have beaten them anyway?
  16. Experimental thread. This is to streamline info so we can see what is really going on with the coach search without having to parse long but more interesting threads. Please use this thread to post FACTS on the coach search ONLY. Please keep the memes and jokes to the other threads. Just the FACTS, Jack! Mods please move memes, jokes and rumors to other threads. Facts can be pushed A LITTLE. i.e. Journalist "So-and-So" reported "XXXXX". but please earmark "XXXXX" as "not fact" unless you KNOW it to be true. There are not many facts made public yet, but in the next few days facts will start coming out. This will likely be a short thread that falls off the first page often but... Just FACTS, no rumors memes or opinions. ??? Can anyone prove as fact we have even offered Kiffin? It seems obvious that we have, with all the smoke and opinionated reports, but I can not confirm it as fact. Fact: We fired Harsin, and are currently doing a search for a coach. Fact: Kiffin has not signed his extension with Ole Miss as of 6:00 am Wed Nov 23. That's all I got. anyone else have any facts? Post them as they come out.
  17. no idea if any of the coaches have changed., I f you dig into any coach you will find skeletons in their closet. At least with Lane we know what we are getting. It is all out in the open.
  18. but according to his own book, Deon has assaulted multiple people, Tried to scam the government, cheated on his wife, started a football factory fake high school, how is he less deviant than the others?
  19. he has serious financial and business baggage. He basically started a fake high school, tried to get his house classified as a church to avoid taxes, and has multiple assault charges (wife/coworkers). at 45 yo, cheated on his wife for years with a 19 yo , not to mention his lack of experience at a major school. I feel he is a giant scam waiting to implode. That said I might still take him.
  20. I don't disagree. I am not a win at all cost guy, but I am willing to look over some of the minor things for a winning coach. There is a large enough support system at Auburn that it doesn't have to revolve around the head coach. FCA, former players, assistant coaches , good people like you volunteering their time to be big brother to very young recruits, and a life coach to current players. Assuming you care that much. Everyone wants the "father figure" /dynasty building coach. But how many father figure/ dominating coaches are out there? How many willing to leave the players they are a father figure and come to Auburn? They all have some baggage, or they do not have any experience. Some more than others. You learn from your choices. good and bad. There is no perfect coach.
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