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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. Sounds weird when you put it like that, but I want in on the hype. I do not know enough about him other than... He is a great recruiter, and he has done well at a small mid level school. It is not that I want him, I want to see what is behind the hype. I feel like the odd man out. My opinion on Deon can be swayed.
  2. But if JSU is such a lowly school and in such a lowly conference shouldn't we take competition into account when looking at his W/L record also? Much stronger competition in the SEC. I really want to want Deon. He just seems like mostly hype to me. Better than average, but not great. The risk seems higher than the reward. Someone talk me into Deon.
  3. Someone sell me on Deon. What has he done that is so impressive in recruiting at JSU other than bringing in a single #1 recruit? 2022: (including the number one recruit ) overall rank: 75 composite rank: 122 2021: overall rank: 62 composite rank: 58 If people are going to compare W/L records without taking into account the differences in JSU and an SEC school , we need to do the same with recruiting. Looks like an "OK" recruiter to me, nothing super special.
  4. I cant believe you think this post from "Brandy" is real. How would Brandy possibly know this? The AD has not even released who the candidates are yet, but they told Brandy that they chose Freeze and backed off because of the vocal lunatic fringe. Does not make sense. We know NOTHING about the coaching search. We do not even know if Freeze was ever on the radar, and people are trying to put together a mob. Anyone claiming to have facts at this point is full of s***. People need to try to control their anxiety until we get credible news. Panicking pitchfork mobs over rumors of hiring's during this search are ridiculous.
  5. Colorado is no uga. It gets pretty cold pretty early up there. Honestly, without my ties and emotional connection to Auburn, I probably wouldn't leave uga for Auburn. Without the emotion involved, it is a lateral move.
  6. That is perfect. Lets see how he does at Colorado over the next 4 years. If they start competing for conference titles we can go get him. Let Colorado be the guinea pig.
  7. This is such a ridiculous notion. We do not even know who the candidates are but someone leaked that the decision makers said they are listening to the crowd. No on Deon. Brings nothing but his name that our biggest rivals don't already do and better.
  8. Did you miss your meds today or something? You are coming apart at the seams because of the rumor that Freeze will be our next coach. NCAA did not put Freeze as Auburn's next coach on paper. They also never put predator or pimp on paper.
  9. he is not rational, he is in the middle of a paranoid rage because of a rumor about Freeze being our next coach.
  10. There is a big difference between a predator and a guy that picks up hookers. Some may be both, but I would not call Freeze a predator. The hookers knew what they were doing. they are professionals by definition. I'm done with this conversation before we get booted from the board. Good Day Sir.
  11. I admit it. I'm an a**hole. if you don't want your feelings hurt, don't talk to me. you on the other hand are an emotional psychopath.
  12. Get control of your emotions. I feel sorry for your kids.
  13. **** yourself. I taught my kids right from wrong. I was never freaked out or worried about my kids becoming hookers. Now, Rape, assault, mugging, etc. are a whole different ballgame.
  14. If you raised your kids with even average parenting skills, you wont have to worry about your worse case paranoid scenario.
  15. so we are going to let the inmates run the asylum? we will never settle on a coach if that is the case. I'm not a big Freeze fan, but come on. CADDY IS NOT READY!
  16. IF Freeze is actually hired, his baggage will be all over the news for about a week after he signs. The attention span of the world today is short. The public has lost interest in covid, election fraud, Russia/Ukraine, whatever the news is or how important, people lose interest and move on. News is the least of my worries.
  17. not that are hookers. Do you?
  18. The SEC is not a place for on the job training.
  19. Some of these people are cracking under the pressure of waiting. The ONLY thing that is different now from 4 weeks ago is time. We still do not even know who the candidates are. I want to know who the next coach is going to be as and much as anyone. I was hoping we would know by now, and i feel a bit let down that we have NO real news yet, but of some of these posters coming apart at the seams over rumors is just bizarre.
  20. no. strategy. after years of experience you know what gives you the best chance of success. Do you run plays really fast. Play a lot of trick plays. Go for broke on 4th down a lot? Play dirty. just straight up smash mouth, whatever. After years of experience you know what works best and what is a waste of time for whatever talent level you have. Your strategies become stronger. Don't discount experience. you may not win them all, and you will still make mistakes, but the longer you are at a job, the fewer mistakes you make. obviously, I don't know you , but if you have been in your career more than 5 or so years, think of the stupid mistakes you made when you started. Do you still do those things? Did you try other ways that were better? If you didn't make mistakes, think of the things you could have done a lot better with the knowledge you have now. or , if you did things great all the time, do you still do those things you learned to do at the beginning. experience matters.
  21. you rely on you extensive past experience as head coach to make the right choices.
  22. Tank seems to choose the wrong hole way too often. He is fast , strong, and can juke well, but good vision on the field is not his strongest point.
  23. not all the time. in lower level football maybe, but the kids have to be coached up. strategies have to be strong, It is no longer Jimmy and Joes vs X's and O's. You have to have both and many other attributes. Be the complete package if you want to compete with he SEC elite. Lack of big time football coaching experience will burn him. If he does really well at Colorado, we can go get him. Let Colorado be the Guinea pig.
  24. so do all the elite coaches in the SEC. Can he bring in more better staff and coaches than the current top 3 or 4 Head Coaches in the sec already have?
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