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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. I read that somewhere , I can not find the post about it tho. I needed it earlier this morning.
  2. The courtroom stuff is over. She "texted" (tagged him) him first about something that happened before he got there. He was responding to her tag. It is not like it was out of the blue. It seems as though the no discussing issue goes both ways. Not smart of him to respond, but not smart of her to tag him while publicly talking about the issue. How is that not tampering? .... unless the trail is over.
  3. I was thinking more of a situation like.... I'm definitely going to tell MOM if you even look like you may be flirting around. I don't know about you , but I am more afraid of my wife than anything my boss can do to me. Hell, It could be demanded by her mom that CHF has his daughter work in his office area. LOL
  4. With his daughter around all the time, it will really put a damper on any temptations. She can handle the job, but I think she is there to keep an eye on him.
  5. I think she is there to keep an eye on CHF.
  6. I wondered if I started hacking some of these moralists' PCs if I'd find any porn from the last 8 years. Imagine the embarrassment if I posted my findings publicly here.
  7. Well for one of my escort services It takes about.............I don't know. I never did that. I'd imagine less than 30 seconds.
  8. 2 minutes? maybe it was just phone sex and he is fast.
  9. OMG! wait till y'all see the tweets this girl was sending out attacking players. I'd post a link, but it is from a private website. It will be made public soon.
  10. Pearl, Cadillac, Malzahn, are all backing him. I wonder if they will be blackballed by the fringe for their support.
  11. I think the legal matter was over at that point. Still shouldn't have DMed her, but it is not like he was trying to influence a trial.
  12. Nothing there worth NOT hiring a coach over. Mountain out of a molehill. He should not have done it, but come on people. Some people are starting with a faulty assumption and searching for and twisting evidence to corroborate it.
  13. LOL. Doing "The Wave" and the "AUBURN........ TIGERS" cheer will be a little boring, but other than that......
  14. I don't push my beliefs on anyone. Politics is also part of human interaction, but it is not allowed here because it is a person and volatile subject. So is religion. He shouldn't have been insulted anymore than some when Christianity is brought into the conversation. There should be a NO religious posts rule here like the NO political posts rule. Neither have anything to do with football. Jesus doesn't care who we hire as a football coach.
  15. how would you feel if the posts were all about posts about Allah, Shiva, Buddha, or Atheism. This board is for talking football.
  16. No one wants to hear about your imaginary friend in the sky. Does that offend you?
  17. how many times are you going to tell us you are leaving for good?
  18. we need the details. I read it as an average of 6.5 mill for 6 years. ()semantics I know) First year or two may only be 5 mil. If he stays out of trouble likely 7 mil for year 5 and 6.
  19. BS. you will be back. probably under a different username, but you will be back.
  20. I think this is a reply to me ^^^ I understand where you are coming from. I like the coaches that I know about or have personally witnessed good coaching from them. I am not really "hoping" for anyone. I liked Kiffin because I have seen improvements in his teams personally. BUT, I am good with Kiffin coming or staying at UM. I am sincerely trying to be more open minded about some of other rumored candidates that I know little about.
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