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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. Yeah, it kind of becomes an energy suck. BUT.... I have a really good feeling about Hank Brown. I am a math guy, so I usually don't base things on "gut feelings" , but there is something about Hank that make me think he will be number 2 behind Ashford, and see A LOT of PT early. Even as a true Freshman. Maybe , even starting by midseason. I can not put my finger on it as to why. His stats are good, his highlight vids look good (as do everyone's). But there is just something about him I like. There have been a (very) few true freshmen QB's that have been successful in the SEC. If he has the acumen, and can learn the playbook, I think he could lead us by mid season and help us early in the season. Again, this is mostly based of "just a feeling" and Highlight vids.
  2. I agree, but high school recruits seem to be more long term relationship oriented. It may take a year before we get more than just our foot in the door. I suspect we will do pretty good this year anyway. The portal recruiting will be hard to match with just a few months of relations with the high school recruits.
  3. I know Nick Jackson, but cant remember the other 2. Can ya help me out?
  4. I hope the visitors get to go the basketball game tonight. Anyone that goes, keep an eye out let us know who you recognize.
  5. Time to get rid of athletic scholarships. They can still get academic scholarships under the same parameters as all other students. Put the scholly money toward new athletic buildings, equipment and the school in general. These kids are not underprivileged athletes anymore. They can afford school bills more than anyone else.
  6. https://www.on3.com/teams/auburn-tigers/news/virginia-transfer-linebacker-nick-jackson-visiting-auburn/
  7. t Hugh seems to be preparing for 2024 and beyond. Only 7ish portal players so far only have 1 year eligibility left, and they already have back ups that will be starters in 2024. Don't get me wrong, he has filled some major needs for 2023, and we will hopefully see the fruit of this recruiting season quickly. BUT... It may take a while to build team chemistry with all the new players. It may take a while for some of the players to learn the system/playbook. I know Hugh sees this, and It looks to me like CHF is setting the team up for a 2024 and beyond juggernaut.
  8. I suspect it has to do with his injury. He may still be rehabbing. It would be a high risk to bring in a portal QB that can not go through or compete at 100% for spring practice . May as well wait on a better QB and work with what we have.
  9. You are asking too philosophical and psychological of a topic to delve into here . I suspect it has a lot to do with Americans loving and craving an underdog story. And, if we are honest with ourselves, we love a good schadenfreude. Those two things combine likely have a lot to do with how fans perceive, cheer or jeer players at any given time..
  10. It sounds a bit like a Chinese fire drill. We need a dedicated portal watcher(s) if we do not already have them. At least while the portal is open. NIL is so new, and with Freeze only being here a few weeks, I wonder how streamlined the process is between when a player enters the portal and the coach hearing about it.
  11. Got it, but I see rumors of "so and so " is expected to the enter the portal and most of them do. I assume the coaches are made aware of this. If you know, Who is searching the portal for us? I can't imagine Freeze (or any of our coaches) having the time to sit around hitting refresh all day. Do all the coaches keep an eye out for their own players, or is there a group that vets (talent and or other issues) the players before sending the info to the coaches? Is this portal searcher an actual position(s)? How do the coaches find out about the players once they enter the portal?
  12. Rumor as of 5 minute ago https://www.gatorcountry.com/feature/baylor-offensive-line-transfer-micah-mazzccua-commits-to-florida/
  13. I am the outlier. If I am the head coach of a college football program you pretty much know we are going to suck. Probably worse than Harsin.
  14. Anyone know how soon after someone enters the portal our recruiting coaches learn they are available? Do they know before hand? Do they learn about it between other obligations. Are specific players corralled toward specific coaches at first? I mean... they have to have a crew constantly scanning the portal. right? Could they use simpleton volunteers to help keep watch? Does it matter if it takes them a day to get around to it VS contacting within an hour or two? Who vets the players? basically, what are the inner workings/timeline of portal searches and recruiting?
  15. 370!!!!! WTH? I'd bring him in as a nutritionist for Brown and Battie.
  16. People cut up on Hank Brown's size when he signed. But Lyddy is only 5 pounds heavier and 2+ inches shorter than 18 year old Hank.
  17. Sanders has a throwing arm (peck) injury. Injured players can be a risk.
  18. at 6' 3", 332 lbs he can take up some space.
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