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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Well, Pat knows as well as anyone the nature of the coaching business so I highly doubt a change would be a nail in the coffin. What would matter I suppose is who takes over and what kind of O would be implemented.
  2. Totally and completely pathetic. Our coach is literally only our coach because of his offense. It is amazing (in a bad way) to see such a terrible product that's being put out by a guy whose claim to fame was his innovative and productive offense. The fall from grace can be quite fast.
  3. I guess I just don't see what the fuss is all about. Did you guys expect us to throw the kitchen sink at a team we clearly didn't have to? Why would any rational person do that??We ran the easy, obvious stuff because, well,- that's all it took to mash this team. We'll see the real deal next week for good or for bad. I may be with the waded up panties crowd after but until then, chillax.
  4. Asa just confirmed he's graduating in December and will he here for spring practice. Lots of praise for Tim Horton and Kerryon.
  5. ***Please Do Not Summarize Premium or VIP Articles. It's against AUFamily Rules to do so.***
  6. Yes, he does plan on graduating in December and being an ee.
  7. Not a ton of missed tackles when you are #1 in the State at it.
  8. I'm super stoked about this. Kid is exactly what you'd want in every way. I've seen him play several times and he's a frickin tackling machine. Also for those asking about comparisons to Thomas Johnston, there aren't really any except both have a nose for the ball. This kid is an athlete to say the least.
  9. Do they assign the star rating based on actual game performance, predicted future performance, summer camp stats, or possibly a mixture of all perhaps? Thx.
  10. Ha, the backup QB is always better...when he's the backup.
  11. The sports talk radio folks sure seem to think he's gonna take the money and go pro. I would tend to agree as well.
  12. And that's the only stat that really matters to most kids. Who gives a crap about individual stats when the main goal is to get to the league and be drafted in a high enough round to bank some jack.
  13. Ha, I did watch it on closed circuit at Bryant Denny. An odd experience to say the least and one I'll never forget.
  14. It would be worse than just a sting imo. Much worse.
  15. Yeah, that read could be taken several ways for sure. It's an odd situation down there, not sure I've seen the likes of this before. And you are absolutely correct that JG needs to be the guy at QB this year, he needs to raise his experience level a lot or it could really hinder him in the future.
  16. So what's the difference in pass efficiency and completion percentage?
  17. Just from reading his interviews, JG seems like a really level headed and thoughtful guy. He's got a really bright future and he'll be a big get for us.
  18. I realize he's tight with Lashlee and all but I think as he gets to know Chip and how he will be used at QB, it will all pan out. Gotta keep this kid.
  19. Heck of a pickup imo. He's got beast potential for sure.
  20. Pat is 6'3, Bo is 6'1" as a 10th grader. I personally didn't even hit my big growth spurt until the end of my 10th grade year and continued to grow a bit after I graduated. I fully expect Bo to be about his Dads height or a tad North of it.
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