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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Well I had to google what ama means, so I better stay out of this. 😎
  2. Seems like an odd time to transfer, I mean if wanted to do that it probably should have been done earlier. I dunno, maybe it doesn’t matter, just logistically it seems weird.
  3. Gotta be Jackson and Shelling for me. There have been some good combos but when I saw the thread title they are the first ones that came to mind.
  4. Well I’ll be that guy…..what he do? ’
  5. Pays to have a good attorney, that is proven time and again. This whole thing has been a incredibly tragic event. It’s still hard to accept and probably always will be.
  6. With this team that Bruce is putting together and the home crowds that will finally be back, Auburn Arena is gonna be a madhouse.
  7. Man this kid is dynamite, I don’t care if he’s considered small or not he’d have a spot on my team.
  8. This post should be pinned and posted in all the forums as the benchmark for common sense.
  9. Yep, just being born really tall doesn’t cut it. I’m fine either way, but there is no doubt in my mind we could find a stronger player to fill his spot.
  10. Would not have been my first choice but an excellent hire nonetheless IMO. Another fine job by Greene and company. Nothing is guaranteed even with a rock star hire, I’m good with it.
  11. If he were my son and his injury was/is as serious as we are led to believe, I’d want him closer to home I’ll tell ya that. It’s not like he grew up wanting to go here and there is no direct link to AU other than wanting to play for Bruce. There was an unexpected variable thrown in to the mix and things changed. I think it’s as simple as that. Heck I’d be heading closer to home too. This isn’t your normal transfer situation. Hopefully folks will use their common sense and see this for what it is. Good luck to the kid, I’ll be pulling hard for him to make a full recovery.
  12. What other schools were bidding for his services? That’s another way to look at it. Maybe we are just smarter than everyone else though.
  13. What a let down from the names being thrown out. Feel free to spin this one however you want.
  14. Well the star gazers aren’t gonna like this class at all.
  15. Gonna end up being the beatdown most predicted it to be. We aren’t in their league.
  16. It’s so cool being relevant enough to be a part of these high profile tournaments. Bruce is the frickin man. It really is remarkable what he’s done here.
  17. Excellent point on the formations Chad used against UK that we haven’t seen since. I was pretty stoked seeing new alignments and motions we’ve not used before and we seemed to have success with them as well. We were more creative and clearly were not running the same ole crap.
  18. Man HBC not punting was absolutely awesome. I remember his post game where he just flat lined it to the reporters about it and pulled no punches. Miss that dude on the sidelines and his one liners.
  19. 72 nailed this one in respect to Bostic and his legacy. I think it is simply an odd timing situation with him. It was weird with the end of Coach Dyes tenure and the tv blackout season. Pre-internet, pre-social media, all that stuff. Bostic isn’t mentioned as much as others but it isn’t and should not be a reflection on his ability or greatness.
  20. When we flip this guy, I do hope some of you on the ledge decide to come on back and enjoy yourselves.
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