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Posts posted by NoALtiger

  1. He definitely falls in the “looks like Tarzan plays like Jane” category. Dude just never produced like he could or should have. Enjoy your extra year of college I guess while the big timers that came in your first year are gearing up for their first nfl season right now. That alone speaks volumes. Just a dumb unprovoked statement to make, and then double down on. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Hank2020 said:

    I say congrats to him. I actually quit college to get married. Hope his life choice was as good as mine.

    But why quit college to get married? Seems like that’s something that many folks do simultaneously, even working a full time job. Just curious as that sounds like an odd reason to quit school. 

  3. I wouldn’t pay for any current players autograph period. What a waste of $$. As far as a player earning money based on skills (or lack thereof) and/or stats, that really has nothing to do with it. It’s NIL, not performance, and those two don’t items don’t have to go hand in hand. Lot of ways to be a successful marketer of oneself other than actual results. Hard to wrap your brain around I know. The times definitely are changing. 

  4. 20 hours ago, tigerman1186 said:

    They made their decision, too much is made by where they were drafted and should they had gone or not...I'm sure if you were in their shoes, you would have gone to the pros...wish them the best...

    Ha opinions and discussion of things is literally the reason a message board exists and in the end I think of course everyone wishes them the best. 

  5. Gonna be hard to learn much from Trae when you on the GLeague squad as much as it’s looking right now for him. I mean it’s great that he got to have his NBA draft moment (even though it was 2nd rd), but it’s not like he’s guaranteed to play even a minute of NBA ball. Plenty of guys get drafted that for whatever reason literally have a zero nba career. I dunno, I’m happy for him if he’s happy, but I definitely have a feeling of what might have been had he stayed. With the ncaa deal and getting injured making him miss so many games and now this, I’m sure this wasn’t how he envisioned things. 

  6. 8 hours ago, homersapien said:

    Our country is literally starting to unravel.

    Meh, people been saying that literally my whole life. It’s a cliche at this point. Another one I enjoy is the “biggest election of all time” or something along those line. Every election can’t be the most important of all time. Guarantee you folks 50 years from now will be saying the country is starting to unravel. :) 

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  7. On 7/23/2021 at 5:29 PM, AUght2win said:

    It doesn't fully prevent you from getting covid but it absolutely, dramatically lowers your chances of getting it. I assume that's what your doctor meant. 

    I still don’t understand why only the unvaccinated would get tested. Why not test any and all? More the merrier if you will. 

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  8. 8 hours ago, Mikey said:

    As I read it, only the un-vaccinated will be tested.

    why would that be though? My cousin has been fully vaccinated for months and just test positive for it this week. Getting the vaccine does not prevent you from getting the virus, it only lessons the symptoms is literally what the doc told him a couple days ago. If that’s true, why would everyone not be tested? Defeats the purpose IMO. 

  9. It’s not about the on the field stuff, it’s about $$$. If the SEC (and thus the member schools) can make big money off an expansion like this, the PTB will consider it. Do you really think the fat cats are concerned about the actual wins and losses from play? Some of you guys are putting too much stock in what an expansion will do for making a schedule tougher and not enough thought on what drives college athletics.  Always about the cash flow. 

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  10. Ok I think we go all in and do it right. Let Steven Pearl coach it, proper practice/game planning, AU resources, bring the right pieces in and roll. I love seeing these former players and wanna jump onboard but this one and done stuff gotta stop. This is such a cool idea, i’m really digging the whole concept. 

  11. Prolly would be a good idea to actually practice a bit longer than they’ve done. Pretty clear the guys basically show up and play. I get it, it’s not like they can invest too much time and energy in to this thing as real world obligations now apply to them, but if they want the continued support of the AU fanbase the guys that run this squad should get a better grip on things. Other teams apparently do practice and prepare more for this deal. Really awesome to see these names again though. I think I heard them say Josh Dollard is 34 now. Wow!

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