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Posts posted by NoALtiger

  1. As others have said, it’s game one and it’s Akron, but this felt good and felt different than other guaranteed W games we’ve had in the recent past. This was dominate and the team looked well prepared. I dunno, it was just better than I was expecting on all levels. I think Harsin’s choices of Coordinators could prove to be one of the best moves an AU head coach has made in many years.  

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  2. It’s just so odd how things are perceived by this writer. For example, Tight Ends are “losers” because one player (Shenker) has excelled and it’s not a committee approach? Why is that bad and Shenker not a “winner”? Are other position groups losers because a player stands out and dominates? Lol. Also, Kobe Hudson is lackadaisical in warm up drills (one man’s opinion and not fact) and is a loser, what’s that even mean?Warm up drills?? Wow. Man I can’t wait for the season to start and be done with the annual offseason crap. 

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  3. 5 hours ago, CleCoTiger said:

    I hope I don't regret chiming in here but what the heck...

    It's without a doubt that Bo Nix was SEC Freshman of the Year. That's the way the vote went, so that's what he was. Now as to why? I don't think the votes were all from AU homers, no. I do think that a couple of things went into it that helped him win, even if his stats weren't FOTY stellar...and they weren't.

    First, he's Pat Nix's son. That legacy helps perception.

    Second, though he really didn't play well, that first game against Oregon where Malzahn stuck with him -- I said during the game on this forum that Malzahn was helping him to "grow up" by making him play through adversity -- and he was able to pull it out in the end also helped perception. Lose that game rather than make a winning throw in the end and maybe things as far as FOTY are different.

    Third was the Iron Bowl. Again, Nix didn't play all that well, but he was the winning QB on the winning team against Bama.

    Those three things all helped him with the voters and helped win that FOTY honor.

    All that said, Nix hasn't yet become the QB that I believe most of us thought and hoped he would be. At this point I have my doubts he will ever come close to those expectations. In fact, I find myself hoping that if he struggles again, the new staff sits him down and gives Finley or even DD a shot. Now for Nix fans, here's the bright side of what I think...

    I wanted Stan White to sit and someone else to play QB before 1993. After 1998 I never wanted to see Ben Leard on the field again. After 2008 I never wanted to see Chris Todd on the field again. So my track record is when I give up on a QB, they come back and show that I have no damn idea what I'm talking about. Given that, Nix will probably come out and rewrite the record books this season with Harsin and Bobo running things.

    War Eagle!

    I didn’t realize we even had any AU homers out there, other than us of course.  All I ever hear from many on here are bias against us, not for us. It can’t be homerism for us when one of our guys win AND homerism against us when one of our guys don’t win something I guess is another way to put it. Anyways, excellent take all around. 

  4. On 8/21/2021 at 11:31 AM, johnnyAU said:

    He was never given a real chance in games at Auburn. Neither was Malik Willis, and he's killing it right now. He was voted as a top 5 returning QB by a group of 33 ESPN voters. 


    So he committed to the guy that didn’t give him a chance? Mmkay. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, DAG said:

    And that is what we are doing but at the same time, you also need to advocate for the healthcare workers putting it on the line, dealing with people who seemingly aren't appreciative at all. We've been advocating and actually doing the work.

    Ha I’m married to a nurse, there’s no one I advocate more than healthcare pros. Like I said before, I agree with you on almost everything with the exception of treating vax patients over unvaccinated. Surely there’s a way to avoid letting people die in parking lots simply because they are too numbskulled to do something themselves that’s all.  

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  6. 1 minute ago, DAG said:

    You say this but at the same breathe you say we should save people from themselves. You ever dealt with a chaptered patient? We are trying to help people save themselves by giving them the information needed and advocating for vaccination. Do you want us to start chaptering people to get vaccinated?

    If we as a society have the ability to save people from themselves then yes, I am an advocate of that. That’s all I am saying. I personally do not work in the medical field nor am I making life and death decisions for folks, but my wife works at a fairly large hospital and as such I am not totally ignorant of the situation to say the least. The long hours she has to work and incredible stress she is under is not lost on me. When she says it’s time to let the unvaccinated die at in the parking lot I’ll believe it, until then I’ll continue to advocate everyone get vaccinated while believing we should help those who don’t. 

  7. 48 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Yep. I am of the belief, that if you choose not to get vaccinated, I think you should waive the rights to get an ICU bed. That might seem heartless, but the ramifications are elective surgeries and other people who actually do need ICU beds are now being held on the med surge to prioritize COVID patients. 

    I generally agree with you but can not on this. I still feel we should try and save as many as possible, even if that means saving them from themselves. Being ignorant on a subject shouldn’t equal a death sentence. I understand the ramifications you speak of and have some insight to the frustrations many the medical field have, but if we get to this point there’s no going back. 

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  8. 16 hours ago, wcware said:

    It’s been a mess for awhile. I used to enjoy coming here now it’s just disappointing. It’s the same 5-10 people arguing about everything. It is ruined for the moment. I have been guilty of it myself lately  

    There is definitely a handful of folks on either “side” that loves to see their words in print and up the ole post count. Lot of the same names pop up posting the same redundant party line message. Mob mentality can be quick on both sides as well. I personally like to fall in the middle so I’m always on the winning side. Kinda like a weird ‘80s high school click movie or something. :) 

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  9. So he didn’t want to stick it out at AU when he’s not the starter and he pulls the same thing again UK. Why would he possibly go to another school unless he absolutely knows he will start? If he’s dead set on being a QB he might ought to drop down a level and just out talent his competition. I just see why I’d go to my third school and rinse and repeat what I’ve already done. 

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  10. 17 hours ago, gravejd said:

    I seem to recall reading an article on this guy back when he committed. It was one hell of a pick because it came in the championship game. Also i think it was an abbreviated JUCO season due to COVID so thats why stats look sparse. And finally the article suggested that he basically shut down 1 side of the field and in that championship game dominated the #1 JUCO WR. 

    All that is off memory and none was fact checked so beware :)

    Yes I know this, I would have put that in yellow font like we used to do on AE but I can’t figure out how to do it. I also found it ironic that the 8 games were played in Spring ‘21 but he’s the ‘20 POTY. Facepalm and downvote that too ya knuckleheads. :) #yellowfrickinfontforthesarcasticallyinclined

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