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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. My goodness catch the ball Shivers. Throw it to Hudson, he’s all we got.
  2. Excellent form by Eku. I’m really enjoying watching him play. Excellent pick up.
  3. Walk on Bennett making our D look like pee wee’s. They can’t tackle him even when they get a chance.
  4. Are they? It’s pretty known they aren’t very good, don’t really see many folks talking them up.
  5. Ha our pass D is sooooo bad. Bennett will have as many yards as he wants.
  6. He lowered the crown of his helmet, it has nothing to do with how low he went. You cannot lower the crown of the helmet it’s as simple as that.
  7. Kinda knew that INT was gonna bite us. We have very little room for error.
  8. Crown of the helmet, it’s a no brainer. Folks can cry all the want but that’s legit.
  9. Wow that’s a mismatch on that massive TE. Goodness.
  10. We’ve got O linemen trailing the play just running along because they’ve been beat so bad there’s no one to block. Ugh.
  11. Gotta consider that a win all in all. Now come on O!
  12. It still amazes me what Bruce has done here. If there ever was a guy that deserves the “rockstar” coach moniker, it’s him. He totally changed everything. AU and Final Four were not words that usually accompanied each other. He’s already done enough to get a sidewalk plaque over by Toomers IMO.
  13. I’m torn on this really. I think we need to go with Bo as I feel he’s our best option at the moment, but I do have a lot of interest in seeing what TJ can do as he has a different skill set overall. I’m glad I’m not the guy deciding because I would be a failure lol. I guess I would see what’s up and how Bo is rolling and if a change needs to be made I’d come in with TJ and give him the reins entirely. I don’t love the pre-planned series thing as I do think it can take away from momentum.
  14. Yeah he really stepped up a couple times actually, some key plays. It’s not just his talent either, he’s got experience and a high football IQ in general. Our rb group really is special for sure, glad to see us taking advantage of it and devising ways to help mask the OL play.
  15. The Navy color games never look good on tv. It just doesn’t pop like the orange ones.
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