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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Our D is laughable. I don’t know it it’s coaching or personnel, but this is embarrassing.
  2. Hunter with a great cut. Excellent individual effort there. Really good pickup for us for sure.
  3. I actually like the smaller out of conferences games because it’s much easier to take the kiddos around and see everything without the crush of the big game crowds. Nothing compares to the big games of course, it’s apples and oranges really.
  4. Thing is we’ve already got one of, if not the toughest schedule in the country year in year out. It’s easy to say schedule better opponents but it’s not very practical. We need those cupcakes for a reason, if it means we don’t sell out every game then so be it. Like others have said, it’s not just us it’s sports in general really. Times and technology have changed, is what it is.
  5. I said it last night jokingly, but it really seems we are intent on getting Shed his first college td. Really forcing playing time where it’s almost odd now. It’s almost laughable that we clearly aren’t putting the most talented group we can in the lineup. They can’t all be in the doghouse for goodness sake. On another note, someone actually said our secondary has sucked for decades? Decades??
  6. I’m familiar with out of phase from a defensive perspective, which essentially means getting beat on a route in laymen terms. Having to play catch-up basically. I guess it’s the same for offense, Kobe got stopped and was out of phase and essentially a non factor in the route. I’ll defer to @bigbird and others for a more detailed meaning.
  7. Exactly, it’s a no brainer really. I mean, it wasn’t even a high percentage pass anyways. There would have to be better options other than that call if you did want to pass. I realize the game shouldn’t have to come down to one play so I’m trying to keep things in perspective, it’s just really weird and disappointing to lose a winnable game. We’ve got harder ones to come.
  8. So to clarify, you think the 4th down call was great? The call that’s been universally panned by most everyone right?
  9. Right now we are still in the lovey dovey honeymoon phase with Harsin. Some of the decisions he made last night will get a pass today, but won’t be tolerated later in his tenure. Imagine former AU coaches making the call with 5 options on a 4th and 2 from the goal line that is anything other than feeding your future nfl rb who was already having a really good night. They’d be skewered today. Love Cole’s take on the QB and Wr’s too. Spot on.
  10. He can scramble for an answer all day long, defer, veiled answers, duck and dodge the question, whateve- but there’s no excuse for our superstar rb not getting the ball from 2 yards out with the game on the line. At a minimum Harsin/Bobo unnecessarily complicated things with this “5 options” on the play garbage. In what universe did we need 5 options in that scenario? I’d rather him just say we should have the obvious call and didn’t then to listen to this avoidance and misdirection tactic. It was a bad call period, and calling a timeout to run that mess makes it stink even more.
  11. I don’t know why there would be any options except what the coaches want to run in that particular instance. Why in the world would you leave it up to Bo to make that decision, give it to Tank and let’s roll. Maybe the coaches got too smart for their own good I dunno. Not exactly Montana or Brady back there ciphering through options.
  12. The wideout pass attempt debacle by Hudson to open the 2nd half was a killer. Fortunately (or unfortunately) that was one upped by the atrocious 4th down fade attempt. Bobo and Harsin are both to blame for that mess, and coming out of a timeout to boot. That’s what we came up with out of the TO??? Pass coverage was a hot mess as well.
  13. Our game planning seems to revolve around getting Shed Jackson his first college td too sometimes it seems. Really forcing some stuff for no reason.
  14. We don’t have the horses like we want for sure but we were a couple bad coaching decisions away from having enough for a W tonight.
  15. It would have almost assuredly been approved by Hardin during the timeout discussion.
  16. I’m very disappointed Harsin allowed that call to happen, especially coming out of a timeout. No excuse.
  17. Worst play call I’ve seen in a long time. I’m shocked.
  18. He’s not played perfect, but he’s far from the biggest issue tonight.
  19. Some of y’all giving up a little early. These threads are always so entertaining.
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