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Posts posted by NoALtiger

  1. It still amazes me what Bruce has done here. If there ever was a guy that deserves the “rockstar” coach moniker, it’s him. He totally changed everything. AU and Final Four were not words that usually accompanied each other. He’s already done enough to get a sidewalk plaque over by Toomers IMO. 

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  2. I’m torn on this really. I think we need to go with Bo as I feel he’s our best option at the moment, but I do have a lot of interest in seeing what TJ can do as he has a different skill set overall. I’m glad I’m not the guy deciding because I would be a failure lol. I guess I would see what’s up and how Bo is rolling and if a change needs to be made I’d come in with TJ and give him the reins entirely. I don’t love the pre-planned series thing as I do think it can take away from momentum. 

  3. Yeah he really stepped up a couple times actually, some key plays. It’s not just his talent either, he’s got experience and a high football IQ in general. Our rb group really is special for sure, glad to see us taking advantage of it and devising ways to help mask the OL play. 

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  4. I’m not really seeing anyone insist we run the ball all the time or anything. Big difference in wanting more balance and insisting we go a run based 3 and out offense. Some of you are really jumping to conclusions fast. 

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  5. That is a pretty big step out even for an out of touch weirdo. I can’t believe any former coach would come right out and say that stuff even if it were true, much less as baseless as this is. Pretty impressive car wreck of a podcast, kinda entertaining all in all. I’ll give him one point, O-line does suck. Congrats Tony, pats on the back all around. :) 

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Brad_ATX said:

    So let me give you two recent examples of guys who didn't play at earlier schools based on "performance":

    Joe Burrow & Justin Fields

    Sometimes coaches on a staff miss in their evaluations or simply make the wrong decision.

    I was referring to the fact that TJ was the already the starter and then lost the job and was then beat out by another player and had to transfer. Burrow and Fields were never starters and left to go elsewhere. Obviously when they got their chance they never looked back. Maybe this is a true rebirth for TJ and whatever performance issues he had has been corrected going forward. I’d be super stoked if so. 

  7. I’m super stoked that TJ came in and delivered for sure, happy for him and for us. Having said that, I can’t help but feel there’s a reason he’s not starting AGAINST us next week for LSU and that reason isn’t good. Although he was a freshman last year he still had lots of issues and he felt the need to transfer. So yeah the “so did Cam” thing could be said but Cam’s transfer was not performance based. I think all the love TJ is getting will turn to something else once he gets enough reps and his weaknesses come back up. I’m not defending the change at all, I would absolutely start TJ next week and go from there, I just don’t think he’s been sitting on the bench waiting to come in and be Cam 2.0. I agree with others and would love to see what we’ve got with DD. I think he’s the future if we handle it smart.  

  8. 30 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

    And I’m sure some folks really insisted that Harsin start Bo when he came in. Future sons of AU past stars need to prove they deserve the position not just because they have the name. I realize we like the “Family” monicker but let’s don’t over for it. 🤔

    Has this been an ongoing problem for us in the past I’m not aware of? We’ve had many many AU stars of the past and it’s not like this one isolated instance represents anything like you are alluding to. 

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