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Posts posted by NoALtiger

  1. 2 hours ago, jw 4 au said:

    This has been discussed on this forum going back the the early Tubberville years. As I recall, the conclusion has always been that the SEC needs to revamp the main office in Birmingham. Graduates and former players should not be allowed to hold high level positions. SEC is wealthy, we should have professional refs and not “weekenders”.  Certainly no graduates or former SEC athletes should be reffing a game in the SEC; they can go to a different conference and we can hire others to call games here. They should be graded and grades made public. They should have a significant amount of review and training during the week, not just go back to their regular jobs for 5 days. It would surprise you how many SEC officials or office personnel are bama grads.  

    A lot of that is what I recall the discussion being in the past. And then you had the same responses from some, we should just get some more AU folks in there.  That’s not the answer. We (the SEC) just need to spend more money and do it right. A lot of other conferences have some or most of these recommendations in place. 

    I do think it would be cool to have grades made available. 

  2. Penn State had to punt on 3rd down against us in a call that the SEC later publicly admitted was a mistake. Folks here woulda lost their minds. Calls are made or not made every game, hell, every play. Like others have said, we win some we lose some. It happens.   

  3. 2 hours ago, tsande07 said:

    No, fans don't complain when bad calls go their way. That has nothing to do with whether they are objectively bad calls or not, however.

    I guess I don't understand your point. Do you not want well officiated games? 

    We are complaining because of the call, if we were on defense and the exact same play happens we aren’t complaining. That’s why I made the comment about fandom. The point has nothing to do with well officiated games. 

  4. I don’t think it’s possible to magically get the drops under control in one week but we do still need to throw past the los and get downfield more. I’d like to see the TE’s even more. I’d be fed up with the others guys if I were Bo/Harsin/Bobo 

  5. Well unfortunately the league isn’t sitting on pins and needles waiting on word from AU on how we’d like our schedule set up. Forget about the other teams and the intricate logistics that come with scheduling, let’s just base it on AU particular whims and wants. :) 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Auhud08 said:

    We are one playmaker wr from being dangerous this year. Yall can say thats sunshine pumping but its the truth. If we had one wr the entire offense would open up. Defense wouldnt be as tired and we take that game into the 4th quarter. In one offseason, Harsin has taken this team to a level where they compete against the best teams in the nation. 

    We definitely could use a stud WR but unless he can be a lock down corner or safety we still making QB’s look like Heisman winners. 

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  7. 7 minutes ago, Auburn Tiger said:

    Thoughts on an 9-3 or 8-4 first season for Harsin?

    I think 9-3 would be impressive all things considered. Unlikely, but impressive. 8-4 would still be pretty good all in all I think. Matter fact, a 8-4 season while giving Bama a competitive game would be a nice jumpstart to next year quite frankly. 

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