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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Well yes, just not the meaningful angle I was wanting. Winner takes all IB’s are hard to beat.
  2. I was hoping for a meaningful IB at least not gonna lie.
  3. Awful drive after awful drive. D has played good enough to win, offense has been horrendous.
  4. We didn’t even show up today. What a huge letdown.
  5. Does Shed Jackson even want the ball?? Turn around and find it man.
  6. Got confusion and guys not lining up right. Bo is ripping them and deservedly so.
  7. And there’s our first bend but not break reference of the day.
  8. It’s amazing the talent level Bruce has us in on.
  9. I always love reading the reactions when the first one comes out. Proof this works exactly how they want it to. Without a true playoff (expanded), it is and will always be like this.
  10. I absolutely love that Harsin called this out. Very refreshing to hear the man in charge verbalize what everyone else sees. And I’m not even just referring to any of our former coaches, refreshing to hear compared to most Head Coaches in general. Dude doesn’t play games or hide from stuff for sure.
  11. ^^ Potential post of the month candidate^^
  12. I loved it, it’s weird because most of the D’s don’t see it. Who woulda thought the I would be “exotic”? Ha!!
  13. Need a kill shot drive now and let’s be done with it.
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