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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Ha it’s just our luck in general. That’s exactly my point, this doesn’t happen to anyone else.
  2. Who loses their starting QB and PK in the same frickin game?? JABA.
  3. I want to see him let it rip. We’ve got nothing to lose at this point and no choice even if we did. Lace it up and do what you do.
  4. So I’d definitely let TJ be the guy but I’d find a way to get DD some playing time. There’s no reason at all from him not to play, even a little. He can still redshirt so there’s no downside I can see. The season is what it is at this point. Good luck to both Bo and TJ. We need to get behind all these guys.
  5. The “look at the scoreboard” smack talk taunt is always fun…until it isn’t. Another fun nugget in an incredibly epic meltdown I guess.
  6. I see she’s not playing for Athens and hear she will be a December enroll. Thanks for the info.
  7. WR coach gets let go because there’s ramifications. Let’s see if that really holds true.
  8. That was a disgrace, I cannot believe we led by that much and choked it away. Mason should have to answer for this, first year and all or not. This was historically bad.
  9. So are we venting just this game or can we vent in general? I just got a bill for a dress to a sorority function my Wife and daughter shopped for. Throw in this disgrace of a loss and I’m ready to spew.
  10. No there will be the same folks that pile on him injured or not.
  11. He’s a good kicker but I’ve always thought he was a tick overrated. Not just this year either.
  12. No I was just making a comment in general. First game out and Bruce is trying things and figuring out what we got. All good.
  13. Well I thought that was outstanding last night. Some of the “issues” folks are pointing out can and will be corrected, it’s the first real game for Gods sake. Bruce was also clearly working through different rotations and looking for the right balance because he knew he could and this was a great opportunity. We have a quality and deep bench and it’s going to take a little time to get it dialed in. Very exciting possibilities with this crew.
  14. I didn’t want to miss any games so I went ahead and got the ESPN+ deal. These guys are worth it.
  15. Whether we like him or not doesn’t matter, there’s nothing he said I would disagree with.
  16. Recruit, recruit, and recruit some more.
  17. He had a really bad game no question, I didn’t see this thread going after the W’s though. Fandom is so funny.
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