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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. He’s failing so bad with his coaching staff and recruiting (so far) that it’s hard to even care about the other stuff.
  2. I don’t see how that has any relevance. Are you insinuating there is some sort of underlying reason for that? What others have done has nothing to do with this.
  3. I’m not sure what expectations are/were as they are different for everyone, but not having a soon to be 4 game losing streak to end the regular shouldn’t be too much to ask for. Also some forward momentum even in a loss would be a reasonable expectation instead of this incredible regression we’ve seen.
  4. Unless some of them sign with us it makes it the biggest recruiting bust of all time. This isn’t horseshoes and hand grenades, close doesn’t count. Harsin needs to prove he’s got what it takes and currently our recruiting won’t get it done. Getting them for a visit is a nice start but let’s see him finish.
  5. The headline of the thread is that they only ran two plays the second half, that’s what the comment referred to. You are right though, D wasn’t the main problem tonight.
  6. What everyone has agreed on was that was the biggest collapse in AU history. To think that the D didn’t play a role in giving up a 25 point lead does not take a film guy or scheme nerd to understand it. Yes the offense should have done more, but the of course the D played the biggest part, thus the collapse portion of virtually every headline. The both are bad which I said in my original point.
  7. Not many people blame being up 25 points and losing on the offense but go ahead and stick to your guns if that’s what you wanna do. I clearly see that you won’t be changing your mind on Mason which is fine. Those headlines last week about the biggest collapse in AU were mainly based on the D. Up 25 points no matter how you want to slice it.
  8. Not just Bobo, up 25 and collapsed last week followed by up 14 this week. Mason is at least equally bad.
  9. Oh great, can’t wait for more bend and definitely break D.
  10. This regression is tough to watch. I’m extremely disappointed with Harsin and I had very reasonable goals from day 1. Regression was not one of them.
  11. The fact that you based this loss on that one call is interesting. With all that’s wrong that’s the one thing you wanna comment on?
  12. Mason and the entire D staff should be ashamed. That’s embarrassingly bad.
  13. I’d love to see them sweep in and grab him. We can beat what we’ve got, simple as that.
  14. Ha they had to throw that “not yet resolved investigation” line in there. Losers.
  15. I just bit the bullet and got the espn deal. I don’t wanna miss any games and it’s just the easiest thing for me. It’s not really expensive or anything and you can cancel anytime. I’ll let it go after bball is over.
  16. This short sighted line of thinking blows my mind. It’s almost comical in a way. Hey Chizik beat Saban, maybe Bammer should hire him. Wow.
  17. With the RS rule it’s crazy to not get guys some playing time unless they are hurt or something. He should have already taken a few snaps IMO.
  18. Yeah well like i said, some folks did not like the hire from the get go because he’s an outsider and quite frankly a lot of folks simply weren’t familiar with him. I personally like it and think he’ll do fine. I could see how he might have interest in Washington if it was a possibility though. There are a lot of logistical fits with that matchup.
  19. A lot of them was saying it was a bad hire because he was (is) an outsider. That’s my point.
  20. Hiring an outsider many weren’t even familiar with was not the way to get everyone fired up if that was the goal. I like the hire and think it accomplished what we needed, everyone fired up or not.
  21. I’m not sure I’d put Okie over LSU if we are talking all time history and all. Lots of folks rank the LSU job as top 5 for a reason.
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