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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Would be tough staying at the place that just fired your Pops but stranger things have happened. Depends on how it ended and potential discussions that may have been had between the Bobo’s and Harsin. I’d love to have him onboard but if I were betting $$ this would seem an obvious no go.
  2. Somebody wanted an update and that’s what the kid did today.
  3. I wish he had 2 more yards to that total.
  4. Yeah if you are in to splash hires you may be disappointed. Seems the easy thing to do is elevate Keisau and be done with it.
  5. I detest him as much as anyone, but Bobo isn’t in the same stratosphere as Mullen. Bobo has a long history of middle of the road to flat out struggling while Mullen definitely hit a wall at UF but otherwise has always been very successful. He definitely wouldn’t be someone Harsin could work with though as we all know.
  6. No one would stay at MSU over FL.
  7. Yeah like I said I don’t know, it’s just odd. We have a 3rd string QB who’s been here a couple years and has also started at the college level. I mean, the guy has been playing football all his life and got a scholarship to play it in college and he can’t come in and run some basic plays? If a clearly hobbled TJ is still that much better then why is Loy even on the team? It’s really weird.
  8. Well of course no one would be taking exception if we won. Point is we didn’t and this played a huge role in it.
  9. Yeah he’s definitely provided some toughness much like Dunbar and others have done in the past. I would say he’s an enforcer but that would be doing a disservice to his athletic ability- he’s got skills too. It’s a real plus to have a guy that can take over when needed and provide that rough edge.
  10. It is no doubt, at least he does bring other things to the table. He has HC experience (I know, I know), can develop QB’s, and has quite the recruiting pedigree. Throw in his kid and the other OL from Auburn High and there’s plenty of reasons to keep him onboard under a reassigned position. Just a thought.
  11. I absolutely think perspective is key and we did play a good game last night. Kudos all around. Now for perspective, it was one game and we are now on a 4 game losing streak. One close game against an overrated opponent does not make up for the collapses to MSU and Carolina. I don’t mind getting all sentimental about effort and hurt qb’s, and not quitting, but there’s two sides to perspective. Yes we took a step in the right direction last night and now let’s see if we can recruit some studs and sign them next month.
  12. This would be a great compromise all around. I could really get behind this. Win-win for all IMO.
  13. We just gonna use it for extended practice time and get ready for next year anyways. Hopefully we will still sell our allotment out at least. I would consider going to Memphis or Nashville for fun I guess, why not.
  14. I don’t have an answer no, other than I fully believe Harsin and every person on the AU sideline wanted to win that game and would have made any move necessary if they thought it would make the difference. I realize the optics look bad and I’m as frustrated as anyone, but there has to be a logical reason why an injured TJ was deemed our best option.
  15. Ha what was the guy supposed to say?? What a silly question to ask any competitor.
  16. If he helps in landing some studs then yes. Until that happens he’s still gonna get hammered on here I think. We’ll see what happens very shortly.
  17. I think it’s how we finished quite honestly. We are 6-6 sure, but we are on a 4 game losing streak and the optics don’t look good on the surface to many. Even rolling out 5 loss seasons as you say we aren’t used to losing streaks like this.
  18. I keep reading about how big this recruiting weekend was (it always is duh, it’s the Iron Bowl) but we’ve got to sign these guys or it’s gonna get worse. Closing the season with a 4 game losing streak and crapping the bed on the recruiting trail will put Harsin on a super hot seat, first year on the job or not. Early signing period is right around the corner.
  19. Recruiting is gonna make or break him, simple as that.
  20. Not the entire game lol. That little 98 yard td drive played a role you might say. But kidding aside, D played lights out and our O is a dumpster fire.
  21. D played lights out tonight mostly, but a 98 yard game tying drive against us with the time running out is not a great look.
  22. Gotta get a stud in at QB. We need a big time difference maker.
  23. This will make the participation trophy crowd happy I guess. For the rest of us, not so much. We gave this away.
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