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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Ha, got my “one year in”…..from 2010. Sweet!
  2. Jabari being aggressive tonight. Love it.
  3. This is funny. Stop all the negative stuff please and get me a safe space.
  4. You aren’t even in this discussion, what are you even responding to?? Just randomly jumping in is really weird, says a lot about you. I could literally say the same thing to you there keyboard warrior.
  5. God I love keyboard warriors. You’ve demonstrated the ability to produce a gif so you’ve got that going for ya. But please by all means continue your keyboard “killing” lol.
  6. Oh my, bless your heart. Carry on though.
  7. Ha I think that’s why he used ”would” instead of “will”. He’s right though, a Soph Jabari would have been something we’ve never seen at AU I think. I’m enjoying the ride as well.
  8. Sounds like he pretty much played a perfect game then. That’s some impressive spin by the way.
  9. So there you go judging someone that clearly has had much more success in the sport than yourself but others can’t judge the current coach? That’s convenient.
  10. I feel threatened that my record of longest time of refusing to leave before graduating at AU is in peril. I used to like the kid.
  11. Glad Gus is gone but 5 losses in a row is awful. That’s pretty hard to do at AU actually.
  12. Yeah those were the good ole days for TJ I think.
  13. Yeah there are a lot of spring game hall of famers for sure.
  14. Very disappointed. An awful performance all around. Glad the season is over but worried about the future. It’s bad.
  15. Ah I thought it was empty. I knew 3rd down was. Still doesn’t make me feel any better. Ha!!
  16. Two downs and we need 2 yards and we don’t even have a RB in the backfield?? Super smart there Harsin. We are a joke.
  17. Ha they drive 95 yards on us and now our offense has to score a TD. Great.
  18. Unnecessary roughness on Simpson. QB was sliding and he took a cheap shot.
  19. Offense had the chance to step up and end it. Wow.
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