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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. KD is our hype man. Wind him up and let him go.
  2. A 360 spin throw down against the #2 team in the country and in their house? Kudos to that kid. That’s how you do it when you get a gift bad pass.
  3. Get AF out and let’s see Jabari. I don’t like this rotation.
  4. Not playing our best but still hangin in. Hopefully going on a big run here soon.
  5. ..and then the brick 3 pointer that barely hit the backboard. 🤦‍♂️
  6. Some crucial free throws AF bricked there.
  7. My goodness we are out on worst enemy so far. We look clumsy and out of sync.
  8. Not their first rodeo and is shows. They are used to being hunted.
  9. Time to jump on board my friend. We rollin.
  10. I’m going to hold my breath until I pass out and consider sending a strongly worded email. Fight the power.
  11. Lots of folks are all about Harsin getting “his guys”, so let’s just roll with it. When an appropriate time has passed we will either be winning or looking for a new HC.
  12. You know we are rolling high when someone says we didn’t look clean and crisp in a 23 point beatdown win. Bruce has to be the single greatest athletic hire in AU history. Who woulda thought Jay Jacobs name would be on that??
  13. Learn the facts before calling literally everyone out. There’s a reason most everyone is unhappy and it’s not because of what the rankings mean at this point and certainly not because we are acting like Bammers. Matter of fact it’s a pretty Bammerish thing to not know we’ve been AP #2 before.
  14. Polls don’t matter at this point but this really pisses me off. We have the #1 team in America and deserve that ranking. It is also very important from a historical perspective and an exclamation point for Bruce on the amazing job he has done here. A couple of these bozos need to answer for this.
  15. Well that could have been worse I guess. Closing the way we did really changes how we can now approach the second half. Let’s adjust and get a little breathing room.
  16. Yeah BP has the pulse on things and if he needs a TO he’ll take it. Great question though as most teams and coaches would need a TO in that situation. This is a special team and we’ve got a special coach.
  17. Really missing Kessler being a factor tonight. Dylan is trying and has his moments but is way to lumbering in the paint.
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