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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Cambridge can fly high and throw down some sweet dunks and the dude seems to have a knack in the offensive boards, but his shot is crazy bad. It’s really weird how poor of shooter he is.
  2. Look I know Kessler is open but he’s got more 3 point attempts than anyone else on the team. Yes he will make one occasionally but that’s not his game. It’s just a cluster right now.
  3. We literally can’t make layups tonight.
  4. Amazing to see how undervalued Zep had been by a lot folks. I think a lot of casual fans only knew the “stars” and didn’t consider his role as important as it is apparently.
  5. I don’t disagree with any of this, I would just add that losing games with AU’s resources is not the same as losing games with OM’s resources. Apples and oranges. In other words, I would be open to possibly seeing what Freeze could do here with what we can bring to the table versus what he had there. I would be cautiously optimistic to say the least.
  6. I’ve read a lot of great lines the past couple days but I legit just audibly laughed out loud on this one.
  7. That will probably be good for us going forward. I’ll take it.
  8. Down Zep and Jabari is a non-factor. Maybe he will get hot.
  9. We getting humbled a little. And AF barely hits iron on the 3. Wow.
  10. Bad pass for Jabari. He’s a little off today overall.
  11. We are getting a little out hustled right now and that’s something I’ve really seen much of this year. Will be interesting to see how we respond.
  12. KD scores but we don’t get back. I don’t like this lazy attitude we got going on here. Get’em Bruce and let’s make a run.
  13. Yeah not working out like that at the moment.
  14. Cambridge bricks a 3 and then fouls a 3 point shot for the 2nd time. Nice.
  15. Dumb foul by Cambridge there, shot clock at 1 and fouling on a 3.
  16. Just as an FYI and you may know this but you keep using the word “is” for Billy and he’s been dead for like 10 years or so. I had to read this a couple times to make sure I was seeing it right.
  17. What a train wreck. This is surreal at this point.
  18. No crow for anyone, we all want the same thing (or should), which is that our program is winning and stable. I seriously could care less who coaches, just win. This whole thing is a train wreck but it’s not because of comments on a website from anonymous posters and if they like a coach or not. All good.
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