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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Let the big man eat dang it lol! Good call with the TJ run.
  2. Scott seems like he’s overmatched in the secondary. He’s made a few plays but he’s had numerous busted coverages and missed tackles.
  3. I’ll tell ya one thing I like about TJ and that’s that he seems to keep his composure and stay even keeled. That’s how he makes these Houdini plays. If he would just be more consistent on the more routine ones he could take his game to the next level imo.
  4. Maybe it’s scheme then I dunno. I do know it seems like they are completing a lot of passes. Middle and slant are killing us.
  5. Just shoving it down the D’s throat. I don’t know if it’s lack of Dline push or bad secondary.
  6. Hey D heads up, they are gonna throw over the middle. Please adjust.
  7. I was searching for that. Thought there was some announcement about him not playing tonight or something.
  8. Their QB appears to be far superior to anyone we have. Embarrassing.
  9. Even the D is looking rough now. Offense has infected everyone lol.
  10. Dawson pulled up early on that throw expecting to get hit. Not a good look.
  11. LOL!! App State looking good after aTm kicker shanks the FG attempt. Wow!
  12. No one in the public eye or anyone personally involved with them should participate in forums of any kind imo. It’s a no win situation.
  13. I think it’s actually on ESPNU.
  14. Finally..if even for a couple hours lol.
  15. There’s like a 1,000 frickin tv stations and we can’t get it on even one of the oddball bozo ones lol?
  16. I’m optimistic he will. In interviews, he’s seemed very straightforward in acknowledging the need to get better at his deficiencies and he’s apparently backed those words up. I’m really happy for him actually and a great lesson to everyone in being humble, taking an honest assessment of yourself, and then doing what it takes to reach your goal. I’m pulling for him for sure.
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