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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. I’m going end of the season but at this point wouldn’t be shocked at an earlier time depending on outcomes and how we look, even in losses. As has been noted, we generally will axe a cat after the Bammer game but we’ll see.
  2. Yeah, he just doesn’t know it yet lol.
  3. Ha yeah I know, chiming in on your “need to educate yourself” line. We in agreement lol.
  4. My Spidey senses tell me this isn’t a popular op take.
  5. Malik was also not a blue chipper. Received an offer from us on signing day as a fill spot if I recall. Maybe a 3*??
  6. Why would we have a realistic chance at Stoops but not at Lane? Stoops literally has the exact same reasons you listed for Kiffin. To me we either have a shot at both or we have a shot at neither.
  7. If that were a valid reason then we won’t get anyone because that can be said for literally every successful coach out there.
  8. Plus I put the “lol” in there because it was kinda funny to me.
  9. Yet a red flag is simply just that, a red flag- a potential warning sign. He completely jumped to the “only big name coaches can do well” bit which I in fact did not say. I said it was a red flag and nothing more.
  10. I’m sorry, where did I say that in my post?
  11. Always an ebb and flow. Let the middle school drama begin.
  12. I had to Google him. Red flag #1 lol.
  13. “Bryan Harsin gets his a$$ kicked every halftime”. Helluva quote there from Jake. Brutally spot on.
  14. Must be a gal he’s chasing here. Yep, gotta be a gal involved.
  15. Thing is every one of those schools have also had coaches that didn’t pan out. It happens to everyone, we still gotta try.
  16. I think we may get 3 more wins. Man that’s really hard to type that but it’s true.
  17. Fire him now while we still have a winning record. Otherwise he becomes the answer to the potential Jeopardy question of “Only AU coach since Doug Barfield to have back to back losing seasons”.
  18. Well after a night of sleeping on it and reflection, the situation seems just as screwed up as it was when I went to bed lol. I just don’t know what to think. We are in a bad, bad spot here I do know that. Best I can can rationally come up with is to cut bait like Nebraska did, circle the wagons with the ptb, and start the process of finding the right HC. This season is shot already, determine the best we have on staff that can get us through the season and play for pride. All we got.
  19. Maybe folks will have a change of heart with Bo transferring now. I’ve seen quite a few messages about wishing Tank would have transferred, can’t blame Bo for doing what’s best for him if that’s the case. Sucks all around.
  20. This is just a total embarrassment. From the losses, to the transfers, to the coaching firings/exodus, to our abysmal recruiting…enough is enough. Not blaming the dude, but a change is needed asap. This simply isn’t gonna work out. Rip the bandaid off and let’s figure it out once and for all.
  21. Hunter gets him another td. Good for you young man.
  22. 1) I seriously don’t see Boom at the HC here. 2) Does it really matter if we are debating Boom vs keeping Harsin? A L is a L and that’s what we get with this staff.
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