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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Other than this fan site, where are you seeing or hearing all this smoke?
  2. Fun while it lasted. Crazy dude will probably be back though and the show will go on.
  3. IF we went the no previous HC route then rip the interim tag off and give me Caddy all day long. Note the “if” in the beginning lol.
  4. At least he’s consistent…I guess.
  5. Oh that would be brutal. This fanbase is busting apart at the seams as is lol.
  6. What a weird thread. Everyone need to go to bed lol.
  7. So was this the last time to see Tank in an AU uni? Think the upcoming Head Coach decision plays a role at all?
  8. Oh man some folks would come unglued. It would be glorious lol.
  9. He’s a great athlete and tough as nails no doubt. In a perfect world he wouldn’t be my QB, but I’d sure have a spot in the lineup somewhere for him.
  10. Plus he’s not even in the Eagles, how could he leave them? This place gone crazy.
  11. Bump just because I miss a good ole Kiffin thread and because of that pesky law that will absolutely rule out Kiffin staying at OM. 4 year limit my a$$ lol.
  12. Oh Sexton is the best hands down. Don’t hate the playa, hate the game lol.
  13. Oh at this point there’s even a fire Cohen thread lol. In a day full of dumb takes that’s got to take the top prize lol.
  14. Ok so Caddy and the guys “had their day” as many wanted. Now let’s get down to bidness lol.
  15. And yet grown men literally get as hysterical as a 13 year old girls dating life.
  16. Our D is pathetic. Offense is bad. Other than that it’s ok I guess. Lol.
  17. Ha defense promptly gives up another td. May they are bad.
  18. We got no O-line, zero passing game, and a bad defense. This is the expected outcome and all the warm, feel-good feelings in the world won’t magically change it. Unless we get some major luck going it’s gonna get worse.
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