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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. The support Bruce and remember the Lebo/Barbee years (a personal fav of mine) are hilarious to read. Literally everyone is supporting Bruce and the program, just with a little obvious criticism that is perfectly warranted. The whole thing about Lebo/Barbee is puzzling to me though. Really lame to go that route as a reason to shut down discussion on weaknesses of the current program. We are all well aware how much better things are now than then. Does not factor in whatsoever imo.
  2. He’s definitely not a player I would want to see processed. I want him on the team, I just wish he was known more for his play than as the rah rah hype guy. And yes, I would absolutely want to ask for more than 4 ppg from the backup Center. That doesn’t sound unreasonable at all matter a fact.
  3. I’d like to get in and get a W before we are soundly trounced in the 2nd round. We could feel better about things and hopefully start looking forward to some portal help for next year.
  4. That’s great, super proud of him. He averaged 3 points per game for the season though, thus my point about his offensive liability as a 5. He’s just not a very good offensive player going in to his Senior year. Honestly I’m concerned about everyone not named Broome and would be looking to upgrade if at all possible.
  5. We need him to be more than 6’10” pump up the crowd cheerleader guy that will occasionally throw a monster oop dunk down.
  6. What?? Is that correct? My goodness if true that is simply awful.
  7. It’s like watching a car wreck knowing what’s coming.
  8. Please hit the portal and bring some new guards in. I don’t think I can take this same crap again next year. Two years of it is already too much.
  9. Not exactly a very flattering trait for a starting pg to possess lol.
  10. Not sure what else to say except we are deserving of yet another loss. Exceptionally average. Low bball IQ. Outclassed on the boards. Another frustrating loss in a frustrating season.
  11. It’s amazing how bad Wendell is at crunch time.
  12. Could get ugly now. Have some pride for goodness sake.
  13. Welp our sloppy, frustrating to watch Tigers have showed up tonight I see. 😂
  14. Well done by Bruce and the guys! Really big game for seeding and for pride if nothing else. Stepped up and maybe get a little momentum for the tournament to make a competitive run.
  15. The program is at a point that there’s very little interest in it unfortunately. Losing for such a long period has that effect I’m afraid. Maybe recruiting can pick up and it’ll get some momentum to get folks interested again. The fan base historically will support this program when it’s competitive but it needs a jump start of some sort.
  16. Brutal loss. Letting a 17 point lead evaporate is unacceptable at any level of play. I’ve run out of positive things to say about this team at this point.
  17. I don’t guess I realized Bruce needed our support since so many folks are calling for him to be fired lol. I mean really, I post here all the time and almost every regular poster here agrees to some degree that Bruce has made a bit of a bad roster decision here but feels confident he will adjust it. There may be a poster or two caught up in the heat of another frustrating loss that may get a little bonkers but most folks are on the same page. Bruce is fine, he gets incredible support, he’s the best we’ve ever had, and he’s made a mistake that he will rectify. It’s really not that difficult. WDE.
  18. That’s what makes this season that more frustrating, we have the exact same flaws from last season and the exact same issues that doomed us when we had certain matchups. We had those deficiencies and still had the incredible talents of Jabari and Kess mind you. Take those two out of the equation without addressing said issues, and this is our reality.
  19. Bruce has put together a poor roster, most agree that’s what we have here. He shouldn’t be above some criticism for an obvious flaw. I for the life of me cannot understand some of you guys stance on that. Truly, I’m really trying here. I love Bruce and am no way suggesting we part ways at all, but to praise his good coaching job on the awful roster the same man has constructed is really weird to me. He has chosen each and every player on this team, by simply saying it’s a poor roster is inherently also saying it’s Bruce’s fault for constructing it.
  20. Well I’m out. All that’ll be coming from me at this point is negative and I don’t wanna ruin mine nor you guys weekend lol. WDE always.
  21. If we are a deserving NCAA team then it’s just barely. Really straining through O & B glasses to continue to justify the merits of this team.
  22. Lol, just getting beat down and taking it.
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