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Everything posted by NoALtiger

  1. Im out of the loop on what JGT said but if Devan is transferring as a grad transfer (as I thought he would have) how can grades be a factor?
  2. It’s really weird, we get mad at having legacies not come here but often seem to beat them up when they do. Despite the family tag line, we most definitely eat our own from time to time. I do think it’s like that everywhere though, not just us. It’s how society is nowadays but that’s a topic for a different forum lol.
  3. Man this needs to happen for the good guys.
  4. I would say there are a lot of great choices that Bruce will be able to choose from. Does this staff spot automatically have to be a former AU player? I’m sure Bruce will do his due diligence and get the best he can regardless of where the candidate graduated from.
  5. Best of luck to Wes. I personally think this is a great move for him. Back with a coach he’s previously worked for, realized his dream of coaching his son at AU and had (by our standards) massive success, and now he gets to move on and further strengthen his resume while trying to land a big time HC job. My question to anyone questioning his move is why? He’s checked off all the boxes and does anyone really think he would named AU HC anytime soon? And with Pearl Junior always on staff? Nah, he’s got to move on for a chance to reach his goals.
  6. I’d also take into consideration the second to last paragraph regarding how the data is collected. Its not all apples to apples with how schools report the expenditures via their accounting systems. All this does is give a broad baseline of things and makes for a somewhat entertaining discussion. It also states what we all know, recruiting is the most vital part of todays game and the more a school invests in it the more they generally have success. Not counting aTm of course lol.
  7. Did he happen to elaborate on why the #2 ranked overall high school player in the country would not be a take for us by chance? Without any context that would obviously be a laughable scenario for every team in college basketball.
  8. I was there as well and it’s one of my best go to AU stories lol. We did stay to the end. Lotta fun to say the least.
  9. My goodness is this falling apart. Not worked out liked we’d hoped so far with the now not so new staff to say the least.
  10. According to my sources, we’ve got a 1 in 5 chance based on overwhelming statistical data. 😉
  11. Just because he didn’t work out here doesn’t mean he won’t end up being a stud elsewhere. Kid was super highly rated and it’s no surprise he’ll have a wide range of options to go to.
  12. Can’t exhaust this “covid eligibility” crap fast enough for me. There is something up with a guy playing 6-7 years of college ball lol.
  13. I guess scholarship reduction as a form of punishment is kinda pointless then. It shouldn’t affect any program if that’s the train of thought.
  14. So I’ve not looked at any mock drafts but is this even a thing?
  15. That is a different debate for sure. In addition to the locker room culture comment you made which could be a valid point, you said we would simply be pushing him out for a player that would be the 12th or 13th best in the team and wouldn’t be playing anyway and that’s what folks are saying is incredibly flawed logic.
  16. Sorry but that doesn’t make any sense. To use that logic you would have to replace him with another player of his ability. Let’s use our common sense, the goal would be to replace our 12th or 13th best player with a stud transfer player. What if we replaced Stretch with the absolute best transfer player available? Still think that’s an even swap and we are “pushing out” and guy who is a senior anyways?
  17. Run him off? He’s a Senior and if it wasn’t for covid we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. Is it really necessary for him to take a covid year to come back as a practice team and culture guy? He’s taking up a scholarship that we could use is what it boils down to imo.
  18. ^^This is so spot on^^ and the reason I’m not going as totally bonkers as some because of our “epic” ‘24 class that’s hopefully coming. The “adults win in March” like is frickin gold. Should be printed on a poster or something lol.
  19. If the only turnover is the two freshmen and everyone else comes back, imma be very, very disappointed. In other words, I really need to see some of our seniors NOT take their covid year and head on to other adventures. Love to see one returning guard move on to other opportunities and wouldn’t lose much sleep if another did as well. If we gotta do a big rebuild, let’s get on with it and do it right.
  20. So possibly the last chance for Shenker to impress a scout and have a chance to further his football career, and he chooses Holden because he thinks that’s the best available option he’s got?? 👀 Man that is telling to me. Kid has played ball all his life and I’m sure would love for it to continue if possible- has a lot riding on this and that’s his choice eh. Interesting.
  21. There’s no way Bruce would run that lineup for realistically any time at all. A lineup like that would get run in the dirt quick and both those guys would be in foul trouble so fast your head would spin. For a sec in a certain situational setting perhaps? Absolutely could be plausible and a nice change of pace, but that would be bad news the rest of the time. Just not practical imo.
  22. If these guys are coming back in your scenario, where are the spots you are talking about filling going to come from?
  23. It’s crazy dude, never seen anything like it. Total panties in a wad, freak out overreaction. Bruce himself literally said LAST NIGHT that he was gonna get straight to recruiting and get this fixed. He gets it. Maybe they should jump him for critiquing himself?? 😂
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