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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. it is called being cautious. i got my vaxx because it is a horrible death and also i would never ever want anyone to get the virus if i can do anything about it. it is that simple. it has nothing to do with politics at all.
  2. if you continue to call people liars maybe you need to post some links backing up your claims. there is absolutely no need for it at all.
  3. you do not know that.hundreds of doctors and nurses have hammered get the vaccine and i will believe them before i will some cat on a sports sight. it is not a lie either because to be honest you are in the same boat i am. are you a doctor or nurse? have you seen it first hand in the hospitals? i trust them and i know the people that have gotten it and died and i know people who survived. so take that smart remark about me lying and shove it where the sun does not shine. you do not like me or what i say iggie is your friend.
  4. for as many people i know that died due to covid in fairness i know some that had it and never got sick or just barely got sick. what the difference is i have no idea. right now most of the folks getting it and or dying from it did not in fact get it. got a friend on the ol vent right now who badmouthed the vaccine and the last convo he had with a family member he said he wished he had gotten the vaxx. i am not sure right now we know enough about it to understand completely how it works yet. babies have gotten it and some have died. athletes have gotten it and some have died. we had at least one high school football player die from it. what hurts me in all this is some people could care less if they give it to you and you die. tell me what is so great about some of your neighbors dying because someone was careless. the same argument is made about masks. i hate masks with a passion but i wear one but my personal opinion is it is a stretch to say someone is having their freedom taken away because the gov wants you to try and help keep many safe as possible. to me a real patriot would want their fellow americans and neighbors etc to be as safe as possible.
  5. i am proud it has not gotten overly nasty so far. not sure if titan scared people or we are just behaving better.
  6. i guess the folks were assuming harsin would say something but he does not talk about that stuff. was it bull?
  7. she was the one that i caught but got away. her son was a gangbanger and we could not overcome it.but we still have big love for each other and are best friends. thanks man. she still has cancer spots on her liver and it is a worry but she is a fighter.
  8. we are an aquired taste tj, but make no mistake we have a ton of awesome folks on here.
  9. steele you are still one of my main guys and i would never dump you for wed altho he is kinda hot. anyway that is my story and i am sticking with it. but make no mistake you are the best look sob on this site! i look forward to coming over on halloween and scaring the kids for you............
  10. i have lost eleven friends so far. one more is in the hospital and was just placed on the ventilator on top of battling high blood pressure. i live in a very small town that is shrinking every single day. so to me it is alarming. for the record i understand some of it. a lot of folks will not take the vax because of an article out there claiming 450 000 americans have died from the shot. they say it contains aborted fetuses. it makes metal stick to your skin. they are sticking the mark of the beast in the shot and on and on and on. yes i do not understand that kind of crap.
  11. i will talk to you anytime you want wed. i have nothing against you i just wanted to make sure you understood what i was really saying. we are good on my end. you bring a lot of insight on here and i consider you a good guy.
  12. i think most of us are happy with coach. whatever happens we will have little to nothing to do with changing anything. too often now when people disagree it gets blown out of proportion and people lose their minds. i have not seen this level of anger in this country since nam and the media is killing us by deviding us.
  13. i admit i get gun shy but i have no problems with you wed. everyone is entitles to their opinion. i am loved by few and hated by many because i have very little filter.
  14. thank you! i am in a great mood right now. going to see the halloween kills movie with a bunch of friends in a little while. my ex is still fighting for her life but is somewhat better so..........great mood actually! i still am in love with my second if that makes any sense.
  15. i will let your posts on this thread speak for me.
  16. you need to state yourself clearer. i am not trying to get the thread closed. i am taking part in the discussion until it gets nasty. and you addressed your statement to me instead of generally speaking to everyone.
  17. you need to quit thinking what you think i think. i know a ton of people that had covid and survived as well as died. a lot of my talking points has come from them. i cannot tell you the last time i turned on the tv and watched any news. it has been a long time.
  18. wtf are you talking about? that was a joke. take YOUR anger else where. and for the record i am not angry either. why would you even think that? hell i watched you spew pages of anger dude so maybe you need to back off. you want to know something about me ask and quit assuming. it makes you look like a big dummy.
  19. no and i just stated so. i completely missed it. what is your point? i imagine it will not be good.
  20. we need golf to come in here and settle this. he is the aufam gandalf.............
  21. how many of you anti vaxxers believe that phoney article about 450 000 americans have died from covid? just curious. there is a lot of misinformation out there folks believe that is just not true.
  22. why bring politics in into this thread? you will get it locked.
  23. lol i said that because i am like in the top five of most hated people on here. but that is funny. that was said a lot on the soprano's which i am watching for the third time.
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