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Everything posted by aubiefifty

  1. i am hoping that is the case. but i am willing to give harsin a chance. but if we snatch the head coaching job from him without giving him a fair chance we will be a laughing stock.
  2. some schools will not wine and dine you and let you visit if you are commited to another school. some will as well so this is what i am thinking.
  3. folks supposedly in the know....well some......say they have commits that have been done privately and we will be pleased when signing day comes. i hope this is true.
  4. it was not funny. sorry if that hurts your feelings. people mistreat dogs and cats around here doing horrible things and think it is funny. i stand by what i said. and i did not threaten you unless you call having you arrested a threat. people shoot animals with bows thinking it is funny. we got a dude in b'ham that likes to skin animals he catches. why not admit it was a bad joke in poor taste and move on? and you enjoy your day. honestly and without no shouting either.
  5. maybe not but i do not find jokes about abusing dogs funny at all. but i have seen some horror shows concerning animals and i try to help the rescuers when my funds allow it. it is a very personal thing to me.
  6. i have three rescue dogs. one you cannot pick up because she will pee and poop all over you. i have no idea what they did to her but i think she was thrown down so i get fired up when i read something about mistreating dogs. it is against the law.
  7. lets get this straight for once. jesus. it is not that you are wrong it is that you belittled posters if they disagreed with you and trying to make them look stupid. you argued every freaking day. then when someone calls you on your bull you call people rats and make comments like go run to the mods when the mods already knew. you are part of the reason titan came down on folks for being jerks. then when people call you on something you cry and look for your posse to back you up. you have gotten better only because you had to. but the fact is you bring or did bring most of the crap on yourself. so turn ME in and maybe you will get lucky and not get to see my pretty face everyday or maybe never again. but for gods sake quit crying like you are being abused.
  8. so you enjoy hurting dogs and making fun of fat people as lazy. you are pretty special this morning. i do not care if a dog destroyed your chair by eating it be glad i was not there if you really cut it's tail off.
  9. i just do the best i can............
  10. seven wins in the sec with a suspect line is pretty good. so lets get this one today! i will not be satisfied but i would be somewhat happy.
  11. that is what i thought but i was not clear on it so i kept my mouth shut. but hey he has one super wanna be buddy on here so he will be ok.
  12. ok? the person on reddit never said one way or the other and 247 does put out free articles often for the record.
  13. did you post that? i have no problem giving anyone props. other wise i do not understand your post.
  14. well i had just read where he had been run off once so i went into defense mode. if i read it wrong i apologize. but if YOU were wrong would you do the same for me? just curious. also why would bowden try to get a fan site shutdown? that is some of the craziest stuff i have ever heard. and no i am not accusing you of anything i would just love to know what happened.
  15. well he was dating my older sister who is 70 and she is a very charmimg lady plus she can whoop my behind and she told me they needed their privacy.....
  16. i play eeeeelder scrolls online and they have great clubs for them as well. and a lot of cities have their own pages as well. i oxford al has one but i do believe it is dead.
  17. pap did it as a favor to me. i told him the fam was kinda down and we needed some good news so he told me to tell you guys you mean more than a couple of mil so he is coming back just for us.
  18. i just realized maybe it was a pay site article but i have no clue and i got it from reddit. they post all auburn stuff. local happenings. new restaurants. traffic. and there are several auburn clubs and it is free.
  19. owen pappoe will be back next year.there is supposed to be an article on 247 but i cannot find it. when it comes out i will post it in this thread.
  20. a wolf is your higher class dog ya see......................lol
  21. it might surprise you but i was on the eagle forum before the forums merged. i just never posted i just popped in on occasion to see what was going on. hell i have already forget what you are addressing me about but i will say a lot of people left this site because of attacks and arguments. why do you think titan came in and stated on the board thread he had enough and was gonna start coming down on folks not following the rules. another guy other than 23 said folks ran him off. he says he was taking a break. i just wanted him to know he was welcome and to hang around. is that such a bad thing?
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